Cameras outside ants house

70  2015-12-21 by Dennyislife


God his neighbors must absolutely hate him. They live in a neighborhood like this to get away from Long Island trash. They've put up with his parties over the years, and now this. They've got news crews outside their million dollar homes because some corsican pimp can't stop hitting his hoes.

Living next to Anthony would be a nightmare.

Welllll, the house next door to me was sold to Cumias

I wonder if they have some type of neighborhood association. I'm sure the board will be discussing this, and looking for a loophole to get him out.

They don't even have a gate. The double wide crowd here really talks up his house.

I have an association and don't have a gate. They pushed a family out, because it was a single mom raising delinquents that liked to vandalize shit. You don't have to live in an amazing area to have a HOA, they are pretty fucking common. I doubt my middle class neighborhood would put up with cops/loud parties/annoying drones.

I live in a pretty lower middle class suburb full of you know whats and we even have one

Plenty of multi million dollar houses on long Island don't have gates. He doesn't have a 10 million dollar house. I think it's worth like 4.

Ant would go completely Mein Kampf.

The neighbor in this video says he is a nice guy and they've had no problems.

Did you listen to the video at all?

"We've lived next to him for 8 years and haven't had a single problem."

They also sound exactly as jewish as he said they were.



Based on what she sounded like he wasn't lying when he said his neighbors were Jews.

Court documents. First page is more or less unreadable. Seems like an argument about one of his past girlfriends.


looks like the first page says he pushed her against the wall and wrapped his hands around her neck.


If you're really interested, make a FOIA request to the nassau county court. That's how the TV station got them. It's unlikely there's anything new in there, though.

that's fuckin awesome. That's every news report that O&A used to goof on.

Dani's side of the story reads like a script for a bad movie. I don't believe her for a second.

I wish Bobo had been there to field questions.

look Anthony did nothing alwright

You're lying bobo

I'm nawht loying alwright I stand with ant

Who woulda thought Puerto Rican Jews ??!

Sabado Jewgante

oh man this really is bad. Since no one knows or gives a fuck about Ant everyone outside the show is taking this at complete face value.

I genuinely feel bad for the guy. I'm not even an Ant super-fan but "Racist shock-jock beats on young helpless woman"... that's like PC public enemy number 1

He's basically guilty in everyone's eyes just based on what she said. If he is found innocent no media coverage will be given to that.

Not a good look for the North Shore gentiles...

did they also say broken rib? how did she periscope if he broke her phone?


Jesus Christ. Take his guns away and then post his address online for everyone to see. After this outburst he's going to sell the Compound and never return like Michael Jackson with Neverland.

Wanna play Black or White?

It doesn't add up... She's on the phone filming even though he supposedly took her phone and smashed it. He's asking her to leave and she's acting crazy.

So did you actually watch the Periscope or follow any of the other details regarding this story? He smashed her phone after the video was taken. The assault and shit took place after the cops had already initially arrived at his place. I mean, I'm still on the side that this is complete bullshit and Ant is innocent but for fuck sake man, read and look into the details before commenting, there's so much more other than this video that's been posted...

Can anyone screen grab the court documents and share them with us hens?

Fox 5 was there too lol.

He really does have a lovely house... for now.

He got released with no bail tho. I don't see all the charges sticking.


Nice of them to not blur out his address...


This looks really bad for Ant at face value without any context. I didn't think his rep could be further tarnished, but shit. Now he's That guy.


lol I'm enjoying the shit out of this. One can only hope it gets worse.


Jay Moor?

There's no way he is strong enough to carry her inside and there's no way she has a broken hand. There's also no denying that he is a drunk, violent disgrace from that video where he smacks Bobo around. Euthanize them both.

She's 85 pounds soaking wet, what the fuck are you on about, "no way he is strong enough?"

His diet consists of only alcoholic calories and he's already got his ass kicked once by a girl.

Sabado Jewgante