Ant mutters 'shit' while exiting the courthouse.gif

27  2015-12-20 by mdmayy_bb


That would be my reaction too when I walked out of the courthouse after spending the night in jail and seeing a bunch of news cameras in my face.

Remember a little while ago when Anthony talked about taking a self assessment and realizing you're the problem?


A guy with this many problems in his private life is probably at fault for alot of the stuff between him and Opie. Sure Opie is to blame for alot of the shit that happened, but you're delusional if you don't think Anthony is also at fault.

Ant is a fucking creep.

He's a creep and he hasn't owned up to anything between him and Opie. He's fucking delusional. And the fans fucking ate it up. I think it's all very funny. Anthony has a chaotic personal life. Opie might be an intolerant asshole to work with, but his private life seems rather normal. He's a goof that wants a viral video. He's like any other lame dad now. Anthony however comes across as a person with serious psychological issues.

His facial expression after he says shit, says it all. The guy needs help.

Shelly is a boring Dad but he has a decent family, something that forces him to live normally. Ant on the other hand is out of control. He's an aging alcoholic, drug abusing, racist pederast who is likely going to lose everything.

Yeah, but Opie hurt himself with his argument with Jimmy a few weeks ago.

Opie is to blame for alot of things, but Anthony acts like he did nothing and that's the signs of a delusional asshole. Opie didn't look good the other day, but he looks alot better than Anthony right now.

it's pretty obvious, Opie actually seems to have his life under control where as Cumia is a ticking time bomb

It just makes me laugh knowing how many nig nogs are in Hempstead, he really has no idea that hes one of them. The white community won't take him back anymore

He's in a Jewish neighborhood so all he has to do is kill our Lord and he'll be back to normal

He's lucky he got out Anthony in gen pop in country jail would be his worst nightmare

Here is a rehosted version:

He's got a bit of a John Gotti walk there.

he realizes his attempt at starting TACS is going down the drain, simultaneously he realizes his guns will go bye bye.


Gotta give it to Joe. Hes a good brother

He was there on unrelated charges.

Guilty by association dvv dvv

This sub is amazing.

Actually made me lol, good job, sir.


He has to be there or the money stops.

Damn, good find!