TV Coverage "As local as local gets"

31  2015-12-20 by Dennyislife


Anthony's face when he declined to comment made me laugh out loud. He looks so exhausted but still gave a polite nod.

When Anthony first walks out of the building and sees what I assume are a bunch of cameras/newspeople, you can actually see him mouthing what looks like "Shit". And yes, I am shamefully treating the Cumia courthouse exit like the fucking Zapruder film. I need a hobby.

I noticed it too, it's not hard to should still be ashamed though.

And yes, I am shamefully treating the Cumia courthouse exit like the fucking Zapruder film.

On a side note, it's too bad that Ant isn't reaching for the top of Joe's skull.

Haha his lawyer sounds like Kenny.

Stay away means guns gone instantly. The biggest thing they look for when issuing CCL's are restraining orders.

Whole collection gone or just the permit?

"The whole smash" as they say...

Time to open up crazy ant's discount gun emporium

If I was a newsperson and in the LIA I would most definitely be hanging around the compound today to get footage of the arsenal being hauled away. I'm betting it's probably already happened if not happening now.

Really? 😢

What is an order of protection, and what does it do for me?

An order of protection is a legal document that protects you from an abuser. You can ask for an order of protection if you have been abused or are afraid of being abused. It can require your abuser to do any of these things:

Stay away from you and any other household members (such as children) who the court decides needs protection Stay away from (or leave) your home, workplace, or child’s school or any other place required by the court Pay for your lawyer or for damages caused to you Allow you to collect your things, with police protection, from their place Stop calling or writing to you Go to a Batterers Intervention Program or drug/alcohol counseling Give up any guns

i thought this was a family show, why is there a colored on my screen?

Lol at Ant´s head shake. I predict someone will take the time and make a GIF out of it. Please do it soon.

Haha, the "ahh shit" as soon as he walks out of the courthouse....

That anchor is the whitest black woman I've ever seen.


Damn. Anthony looks embarrassed as fuck.

On the bright side, it seems like he has a damn good lawyer. The way his attorney immediately responded "No, he doesn't." for Ant when the reporter asked him if he had a comment is a very good sign. He knows what he's doing.

Or, he could be just one of Joe's buddies. He may be the "Kramer: Attorney at Law" in this situation.

It's his cousin Vinny.

Hopefully the "posi-trac" proves anthony is innocent too

On the bright side, it seems like he has a damn good lawyer.

That's quite a stretch. It doesn't take a good lawyer to tell a client not to speak to the press. That's pretty basic shit. Also, the lawyer saying, "things are not what they seem to be" is an incredibly dumb thing to say because it comes across as, "yeah, I know it looks like my client beat choked a woman...but, uh, he didn't."

Probably learned that lesson for good during the divorce

Joe earning his allowance I see.



Ooof he looks like he's about to cry or hasn't slept for two days

Probably just DT's.

Was he wearing that same jacket the last time he left a courthouse?

Quietest I have ever seen Ant

I really want to fuck Alisha.

The knicker?

Me too.


God damn that dumb cunt dani got that fake flinch maneuver to work and now the news is running with it. That dumb fucking face she makes when she looks off camera is so hateable

Ant sounded like he was across the room when she fake flinched, too.

Yeah and the spin that the video is the aftermath of the assault is starting to get legs.

What dilweeds.

"As local as local gets"

The TV equivalent of "The only station that REALLY rocks!"

This entire mess is the result of one man's unquenched desire for getting young pussy at any cost.

That bitch has got one hell of a big nose.