How long before Anthony tries to make himself out to be the victim in all this?

6  2015-12-20 by Opetta

You know, like he did when he was shitcanned from SXM.


If anthony cries on screen i will cut my cock off in tribute and send it via airmail overseas to his house now that i have his address.

Well for all we know, he is the victim. None of us can be sure though it doesn't look good

He did once tell that story about his brother Joe's gf faking him hitting her with a pan and calling the cops on him.

Immediately of course

"Let's sing karaoke sweetie!" Is not something you say when a girl is faking that you beat her up.

It's like this sub has had zero human interaction sometimes.

It's not something you say ever, at least not when you've had real human interaction in the past year.

You mean do a anti cop rant and talk about how they don't know what they are doing?

Well he is

He clearly is the victim in this. TACS all in with /r/theredpill

well he is the victim...