Video of Anthony Leaving Criminal Court

14  2015-12-20 by taj_g


Nigga done got a swagger that suggests confidence yo

He Diddywalked out of there!

He a good boy, he dindu nuffin

LOL. Giant press event.

Radio Shock Jock Anthony Cumia, Ex Co-host of The Opie and Anthony Show, is walking out of Criminal Court in Hempstead this afternoon after he was arrested and charged with an alleged domestic incident involving his 26 year old girlfriend. Prosecutors say the 54 year old strangled her, stomped on her hand and fractured her rib during a fight in his Roslyn Heights home. Cumia is out on bail and is being ordered to stay away from the victim. His lawyer told me "Things aren't often what they seem".

Vagueness worthy of a certain tubby Producer.

How the hell could he fracture a rib with out using a weapon?

She's an anorexic drug-addict, allegedly, I highly doubt she get's her daily recommended amount of calcium

Sounds plausible

Huh? You don't think a grown man can fracture a 26-year-old 105-pound chick's rib with his fist? Or even just falling on her the wrong way? I've heard of guys breaking their chicks' ribs during rough sex.

I broke someones rib kicking them :(



Both dogs had it coming.

I like how they said, "Fuck it," and parked in a manner that blocked the lane.

...obviously, this makes Ant an arrogant monster. Right?


Both dogs had it coming.