Place your bets -- What will Ant write for his first post-arrest tweet? Come close to his tweet and win Reddit Gold.

7  2015-12-20 by [deleted]

"Sleep with dogs, wake up with fleas."


Goodfellas reference

I think it will be a silly reference to star wars the force awakens, acting like he's acting like nothing had happened, for comedic effect.

Nailed it. Sorta.


He will write nothing about what happened as Keith and his lawyer have already told him how to handle this. I'll take my gold now. Thank you.

I'm all in with the contest except for the prize- fuck Reddit gold, that just helps this shitty website out by paying for their servers.

I say around 1:30 PM.

OP said "what", not "when"

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and sure to give the gift of TACS this Christmas!

I'd bet something along the lines of "Tune in to the next episode of TACS. I'll be sure to talk about what's going." Gotta get the numbers up somehow.

"Did anything exiting happen this weekend?" or cute cat pic.

Fuck. I should have guessed this.

"I did not hit 'er! I did NOT. Oh hi Marc"

Why would you give Reddit money and not the person who wins?

Is that how it works? Fuck that.

Because the winner would just use the money for a case of Natty Lite.

no no no. i wouldn't use the money for a case of Natty Lite.

Honeymooners reference.


Ill go with a Fargo reference.

He's gonna say the crazy bitch accused him of shit didn't do

Something like "my lawyers have advised me to not comment on ongoing litigation"

The same shit he always said to shut up during the divorce proceedings

Thanks the police department for their fine work

How will this effect the Cumia Network?!?

He'll lose 10 subscribers.

Seriously? You think half of them?

I think the Anthony Cumia Network probably has more than twenty subscribers.

Oh literal Patricki

"the food wasn't that bad, the showers were a bit rough though"

"Thank you for the support. We'll be back on air Tuesday at 4pm."

He is gonna read this first so nothing posted here will be said.

Black crime percentages.

Something along the lines of "that's fucked up, don't believe the things you're reading. The news gets it wrong every time."

He might tweet a pic of him with a girl smiling a la the pic with the Samoan after he was fired.


"I want reddit gold given to /r/notrye"


"well, how was YOURRRR weekend??"

I'm thinking because of the background TV, he'd pull out a Seinfeld reference. I think if he really didn't do anything, he'd be that casual about it. If he did it, he might tweet something serious.

Soooo in his first public appearance on TACS 285 the first thing out of his mouth was talking about Star Wars and comedically ignoring the elephant in the room. DO I STILL GET CREDIT?!?!?!?!

Is that how it works? Fuck that.

Because the winner would just use the money for a case of Natty Lite.

He'll lose 10 subscribers.