Poor Jimmy. Ant story makes Time. The only site that pays him to write.

23  2015-12-20 by Dennyislife


You just know when Ant gets back on air it's gonna be "Fuck this fuck that I got mine I don't give a fuck what people think fuck em" while everyone else is his circle tries to figure out what to do with their careers.

I hate Opie but he had one decent point when Ant got fired, he left his entire team in a tough spot where they had to figure out what the fuck to do next, while Anthony goes home and gets drunk.

I hate Opie but he had one decent point when Ant got fired, he left his entire team in a tough spot where they had to figure out what the fuck to do next, while Anthony goes home and gets drunk.

As opposed to what? What SHOULD he have done? He was summarily fired, his agent couldn't fix it, he was banned from the building, and I think there's a substantial body of evidence indicating that Opie wasn't too broken up about the whole thing and didn't really care to fight for him. What avenues are left to the guy?

True, he didn't have many options left after his fuck up, but as Ron said on an episode of TACS, Sirius had been talking to Ant about his racial talk and hungover lateness for a while. Should he be able to say whatever he wants in his free time? Of course, but in reality, it's only going to fuck him over. Losing a multi million dollar job over fucking social media is pathetic. Getting into fights with girls 30 years younger than you is pathetic.

He's a 54 year old man, he should know better than to go on twitter and say stupid shit that's never going to go away. He should know better than to get into drunken fights with some insane cunt that could ruin him. He has no one to blame but himself.

That's kind of a distinct point than the one you were making initially. The guy's made some poor decisions, for sure.

He pays Time for that space. They're like advertorials.

Her identity and her relationship with Cumia were not released.

Identity: Rodent-faced daughter of comedy club owner

Relationship: Cumdumpster

Holy fuck Dani is 26?? I thought she was like 19.

She was 19.