Is it possible for the charges to be dropped?

3  2015-12-20 by catsmakemesneezeHD

Like say, Dani realizes that "Oh fuck, I just burned my money bridge" and saying to the cops it was just a drunken fight and everything wasn't that bad. You see it happen a lot with alcoholic couples where the woman sticks up for the arrested husband and eventually things go back to the way they were.

I'm just wondering if that could be a scenario or if the state is taking control now and they're putting the screws to our favorite piece of shit wop.


He's done...


Once the police are involved, it's no longer up to the victim whether or not to go forward with legal proceedings. Where it gets tough for the prosecutor, though, is if there are no witnesses and the victim refuses to testify. Happens all the time, and lets the defendant off the hook.

if da charges are dropt dey might brake or sumptin tss

Either way, sadly I think its over for the Coom. There are headlines saying he assaulted a young woman and all the articles say 'you may remember Cumia as the man fired for racist tirades'. Even if you legit don't think he hit Dani and don't think he's a racist, as far as the media goes, he's a racist woman beater.

At this point only Anthony's prepper security cameras can save him.

I think those charges are too serious for her to say "nevermind", it'd stick still

If she doesn't drop the charges I'll slap her again and then cumin her