The press give absolutely zero shits about Anthony's situation.

9  2015-12-20 by ContentBotHZ54K

Can you imagine if this was Howard?

Ant really is a zilch.


It's better to be a zilch in this situation.

Obama is set to make an Oval Office address about this situation at Noon.

I don't think any of us thought for one second Ant was within orbit of Howard's fame.

Newsday has the story. It's only a matter of time before the rest of the media gets wind of it.

I think they want more information before writing their articles. However.. Yes. He is not as news worthy as he once was.

It will get on Gawker, especially since they can post the video with it, however, it won't be a huge story because there's no corporation like Sirius XM to tie it to.

CBS New York iust picked up the story.


Feel like a prick now eh?

TMZ released there thing almost seconds after I said this. So yeah, I was wrong.

It benefits him right now. I'm sure TMZ or Gawker or one of the other liberal SJW rags will love to learn of Anthony's alleged misdeeds.

He is something of a celebrity even outside of our little bubble.

I don't think he is, though. And I say that as an O and A fan, but before I ever heard of O and A, I had no idea who Cumia was. He's better known in the Twitter outrage world, though. General public? If I went to everybody I knew, I don't think I'd find a single person who would recognize him. Just being 100% honest. I think the whole world should know his comedy genius.

And good for him. Let this shit blow over.

I don't think he is, though. And I say that as an O and A fan, but before I ever heard of O and A, I had no idea who Cumia was. He's better known in the Twitter outrage world, though. General public? If I went to everybody I knew, I don't think I'd find a single person who would recognize him. Just being 100% honest. I think the whole world should know his comedy genius.

And good for him. Let this shit blow over.