Anthony Cumia of ‘Opie and Anthony’ fame arrested in Roslyn Heights home

13  2015-12-20 by BillBittinger


Cumia, who was raised in Elwood and attended John Glenn High School but did not graduate.....



They post a picture of Danni in her graduation cap and gown, and that picture of Anthony with the fucked up tooth, or one of him holding a giant gun. Jezebel/Gawker will totally do that

They can just use this video

dem gaka cunts lov wen dem wite man steep in dem blak man shoe.

I think Gawker Media fired everybody with even a mild interest in reporting on "shock jockery". It's surprising that there's not a single "think-piece" on any of their affiliate sites yet.

God, he must be a treat for his neighbors.

This shit happened at 11am? Ah Jesus, Anthony.

Strangulation? Imprisonment? Jesus, Ant.

Nice of them to put his address in the article

that's what I was thinking. what fucking twats. if this is like 90% of all DV calls, most of those charges are the crack whores word which is more than likely very exaggerated. stupid cunt

11AM? So clearly they were called again I would assume...

Unlawful imprisonment? He was begging her to leave.

Late at night he was telling her to leave, before changing his mind and asking her to sing karaoke. This arrest happened at 11am according to the report here. That's like a full 8 hours from when that periscope was posted. Who knows what happened in the interim. We'll see if Ant's home security cameras help him or end up putting the nail in his coffin.

So they got in fight, cops show up 3am and leave, go sleep it off. 10 am or so they get called back for whatever reason? Cops really don't like getting called back to a house, somebody is usually getting locked up

Yeah it doesn't mention the cops having to come to the house twice or anything so I dunno exactly how this all went down but the arrest being at 11am sure does seem like the cops were there twice. And the charges are strangulation and in the original periscope Dani never mentioned being choked so that seems like a new allegation.

I hope they exonerate him. Good lord.

I hope they exonerate him if he actually didn't do anything wrong. If she is lying and just trying to fuck him over then hopefully the footage can be used to get her arrested. If he did actually physically assault her though then fuck him.

Yeah agreed. I mean I hope he is innocent because if not, oh dear. I know first hand that crazy women are toxic to be around, they're great at pushing buttons and creating drama but if he legitimately beat up a 60lb woman he is an absolute piece of shit.

He's been asking for this. I commented about it last night but when it comes to his self defense when he is going out on the street he is Mr. "keep your head on a swivel" and "don't let yourself be a victim." He's spending all his time worrying about black crime and possibly being the victim of black violence and meanwhile he invites these psychos into his house who are only around him for his money and cool shit he has. He gets shitfaced with these girls and then anything can happen. Even if this story is 100% made up and Ant ends up clearing his name his name has already been dragged thru the mud and you won't see retraction reports in the papers. When you seek out crazy young girls and you are an elderly rich man you are asking for trouble.

Strangulation... Jeeze ant ... I mean Christ on a bike.

I've had some dappy girls that have thought about doing that to, to shut her yapping. But only thought about it.

It is really really really hard to self strangle yourself to leave marks. Before you all start saying it's fake.

Not exactly sure how this works but don't they always charge the defendant with as many crimes that could possibly apply? I feel like you always see 100 different things at first and then even if they're guilt, they're only convicted of like one or two.

Yes, that's exactly right. A decent attorney will have little difficulty getting the felonies dropped before any hearings, as long as Ant agrees to plead to probably one of the misdemeanor charges. This is just assuming there's no corroborating evidence of strangulation. She does allegedly have a fractured rib though, that's not going to be easy to explain away.

Edit to add: Fred from Brooklyn isn't entirely retarded in his assertion that the fact that he was released on his own recogniscence is a good sign; it means the prosecutor doesn't have the evidence necessary at this point to have him detained for an extended period of time or to hold bail money, and it also means that he has a competent attorney.



Was the street he lives on named after Dani?

29 horse shoe lane, finally we know ants adress

why have his address in there? He should sue those cunts

Come on, Anthony approves doxxing.

For what? It's public information. A simple Google search reveals it.

lol libtard

Me? You're an idiot.

He should sue those cunts

For what?