Who has the other periscope videos, i know theres more?

10  2015-12-20 by superjoint88


Hey Dan I think you made a mistake, that's not the video he was asking for!

Oh fuck you right in the ass.

I will buy a christmas gift subscrition to The Anthony Cumia Network to whoever provides the second video.

Or just the 6 bucks since that's probably more appealing.

Didn't get it but saw it. Actually saw that one first so didn't quite get why the police turned up halfway into it. Was wonderful. I'm sorry for those who didn't see it.

There was a third which was a few hours later her filming her hand and it did look fucked up with Anthony standing near her leaning on something calming drinking wine.

Nah nah nah... there was video of the police showing up.


Hey Dan I think you made a mistake, that's not the video he was asking for!

Oh fuck you right in the ass.