Anthony is in the custody of the Nassau County Police Department. He was arrested for domestic violence.

203  2015-12-20 by ILoveYouJohnnyCakes

I don't know if it's against TOS to post their phone number, but I called and spoke to an officer in Detention.


Haha Christ. THE BLACKS.

Sorry, Ant. Between your freebasing, stealing of car parts, no high school diploma, buying jet skis with credit you don't have, a gun obsession, marrying alcoholics, and domestic violence charges, you should just move into the hood, buy a 40 and call it a day.

Because I don't know any black people with your history of ghetto behavior. The man is everything he hates.

Sicilians are just niggers


Surely you mean the Moops?



Don't forget his gun obsession.

If Ant ends up losing his guns because of this... we're in for some SHIT. He's gonna go full MRA after this and switch from blacks to bitches.

He needs to listen to the Black Philip show.


Well the marrying thing was a fluke, as with most nigs it didn't last long. Fucking white-trash chicks, that checks out.

Guys it's actually real:

I called using their Facebook phone number- all you have to do to verify this is to call that number, and hear that the same woman will answer the phone as on this recording of my call. Then you can hang up without saying a word.

He's going to court first thing in the morning.

I had to keep my voice very low so as to not wake up my mother.

Edit: Weird, it looks like both new york and the state I live in are one-party notification states so it was legal to record that.

"Mooooom, i have to call the police to find out if my favorite shock jock was arrested for beating his girlfriend"


"I said I'll get your medicine tomorrow!"

I knew I shouldn't have recorded that part of the conversation or left it in the Vocaroo file.

For those deaf subs amongst us I've transcribed your call:

[ phone ringing ]


" Nassau County Police Department "


" tsss....yeah I'm lookin for stadduss on my mudda or sumpthin "


" ok I'll patch you through to Detention "


" fawk "

[ phone ringing ]

" Detention desk, Officer Lamar. "


" tsss...yeah where's my mudda or sumpthin "

Officer Lamar:

" what's his name? "


" Anthony Cumia or sumpthin "

Officer Lamar:

" what's his relationship to you? "


" whassat? "

Officer Lamar:

" how do you know him? "


" he's my mudda or sumpthin "

Officer Lamar:

" ok yeah he is "


" she's a saint on ert "

Officer Lamar:

" I don't know, he's gonna be going to court first thing in the morning. "


" Pekka "

[ phone call ends ]

[ caller is then heard speaking to himself ]

" dat don't make no sense "

Thank you, friend, it's good to be inclusive towards our friends in the hard-of-hearing community.


What a fucking moron, right when his show starts actually getting good he goes and fucks himself over, again.

He needs to quit drinking and start reading more Thoreau.

Or just get rid of the 20 year old whores

ant needs to switch to prostitutes instead of white trash.

That's hard to do when you ARE white trash

Ants not white.



Got any recs besides Walden you name dropping faggot?

Walking is really great.

Nope, I just got into him through my obsession with Tolstoy- but I can recommend Tolstoy out my ass. As far as non-fiction goes, My Confession, What Then Must We Do, The Kingdom Of God Is Within You, On Anarchy and his essays in War & Peace.

Actually I'm more into Chesterton these days.

Yeah, stupid shit... but i don't see how this could really fuck him over. Maybe he loses his guns, but 2A talk is one of the most boring parts of his show. More famous people have done more fucked up things. And he's not going to get convicted of A&B. Maybe criminal mischief or disturbing the peace, but ultimately this will not be a major problem.

He could be sued and lose sponsors.

Shit.. where else would I go to get discounts on Hoodie-Footies? It would be an outrage.

It means the network would lose a lot of revenue and possible future sponsors as well. Think if she sued him for a ton of money also, that would hurt the network as well. This is a really big fuck up if everything is true. If he is convicted and sued and Dani wins the case that could potentially be the end of the network.

That depends on how shady his business practices are, and whether the cumia network is a separate LLC, which I'm sure it is. My father owns a successful business that he's basically the only the employee of, he has no money of his own, it all belongs to the "company". So I know when people have gone after him for money in the past (my mother for child support) he was able to claim he was broke, and on paper HE, personally was. That may not apply here at all, so he better take a trip to the Bahamas when he gets out and set up a bank account.

Sued by who for what?

They license out the studio to known groups like the Nerdist.

This affiliation, especially because of the video, might be bad for business.

My main concern is how bad this can turn out. All I want and what has been speculated, is Jim coming onto the show in October. I hope this doesn't fuck with his decision.


If her hand is broken...I'm guessing that implies more serious charges.

Yes, if somehow the hand actually was broken (it's not) it could result in an aggravted charge. But a charge means having to prove guilt. A bipolar schizoid like Dani isn't really a reliable witness for prosecution. Other evidence would be necessary to obtain a conviction.

I know late here, but just catching up on the news.

Ant is going to be facing serious charges. Assault in the Second Degree if her hand is broken.

He is going to need his own security footage to dispute an alarming looking periscope.

its his own fucking network. he cant get fired. stfu. i blame the cunt dani.

He didn't fuck himself over. Stupid bitch started an argument and she lied about being hit. Not his fault.

Well, to be honest, we don't really know that she lied. Maybe Ant did slap her around now and then. Who knows?

She is absolutely full of shit

He slapped her? No marks on her face, only on her hand. Who attacks somebody's hand?

And during the periscope she said 'stop hitting me' whilst he was standing 10 feet away from her. She's making this shit up dude.

Dude, I'm really sorry to hear about your uncle. I hope Christmas isn't spoiled.

I panicked when he said that and immediately after saying "uncle" I was afraid he'd go "He's not your Uncle, kid, your accent is a dead giveaway."

I don't think then guy really cares too much; it's 3:00 am there. He's just asking because he needs to check a box on a log or some shit; it's procedure.

I imagine he's gonna get suspicious if dozens of people from this subreddit all start calling all claiming to be this guy's nephew. Then again, he's a guinea so it's not all that suspicious. They breed like rabbits.

Would be funny if a bunch of people with Britbong accents started calling incessantly saying that they were Ant's nephews.

Well sure, they may get suspicious and even stop answering our inquiries. I don't think anyone's going to jail. (Except Ant.). And we really only need to be in "super undercover spy mode" for like a day -- once his arraignment happens on Monday I'm sure some armpit of the "press" will pick up on the story.


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He didn't ask me how I knew him, so I think he knows what's going on to some degree at this point.

I dunno, man. You sound pretty Tunisian to me.

About as much as Alec Guinness in Lawrence Of Arabia, anyway.

this is worse than that time bobos thanksgiving was ruined

If you're referring to when he hit Bobo and sprayed him with cleaning fluid, that was the one incident I remembered that made me he think might have actually hit Dani.

The $10,000 fugitive actually desu

smh bruh i deserve to low key catch these hands for that mistake tbh cuh my other posts still fire tho

I know you were joking and all with that post but I hope you somehow end up engulfed in flames today.

me too


Dude, imagine his Twitter feed when he gets out of court. This is going to be fucking awesome.

I hope he keeps his mouth shut. Anthony is one of those smart idiots that thinks he can talk himself out of charges. If he utters the words "Your honor, I'll be representing myself." he's screwed.

"Does this court respect Maritime Law your honour? I, Anthony Cumia am not a person or corporation. I am an entity allowed to travel these lands un-molested. May I have my sniper rifle in court your honour?"


After his nightmare divorce? Nigga please

Anthony cross examining witnesses using nothing but 30 year old movie quotes might be worth it.

God damnit, Anthony

its no big deal. its not like he can get fired.


I hate how much my brother looks like him.

The way you spoke really made me think you were about to RAMMMOOOONE the guy.

Nothing worse than realizing you missed a good possibility for giggles. He'll get em next time Anthony gets arrested for shooting at the neighbor kids or driving 185 miles per hour down the LIE drunk at 3 in the afternoon.

I like the pompous English accent.

You can clearly hear him munching on a crumpet too.

Juxtaposed (proper use?) by the asshole Long Island cop accent "Who's dis person to you?"

Holy fuck post this as a thread

Thank you for your service.

Firstly, thank you for your service, secondly how old are you if you still live with your mother?

I'm 26 tbh fam.

Listen boy, you ride that free train as long as you can, it aint fun out here without mammas free food and unconditional love. Just try to keep her happy by helping out, nobody is going to love you like she does. Not that girl you like but turned out to be a succubus sent from lucifer himself years later, took all your shit and left you broken. Stay as long as you can.

Unfortunately, I can only upvote this once.

I think this rocky experience is bringing us all a little closer together.

Oh fuck, kill yourself.

It's the pot calling the kettle a nigger

Hearing this theme song is one of the few things that warms my cold dead heart.

Holy shit.

They hold court on Sundays?

It was Sunday in Nassau County when we called, so "tomorrow" is Monday.

That does check out, especially why he has been quiet.

The way the sergeant said it sounded like he meant Sunday morning so maybe they do hold a bail hearing on Sundays. The phone line on the Facebook page said 24 hours a day so they must work 7 days a week, right?

Court is almost never held on Sundays maybe they have arraignments, but that seems wrong. I'd expect a disheveled Tony on Monday.

Like I always say, beat a girl on a weekday.


Not normal court, but they do arraignments even on weekends, and at all hours. Judges often do them by video conference to the jail. Some municipalities have laws that you MUST be arraigned within 24 hours of arrest.


Why don't you call them and see for yourself?

ok. which precinct is it? the page has like 5. give me the number and i'll call.

Go to Nassau county Facebook page

It's the one listed on the left side of their facebook page.

Live, From the Compound


I believe you fam. I'm too scared of ncic

Thank you for your service

So they just give away information like that... I feel like this should be protected somehow.

It's public information , meant for victims mainly

I would think that it's public information so the government couldn't just fucking kidnap people. The public has a right to know who is locked in a cage and why.

It's because it's bullshit.


I don't think it was very legal to lie to them and say he is your uncle.

On second thought... what happens if this person told Anthony "Your nephew called..." lol.

My goodness this sounded like a Jerky Boys call.


"Tomorrow" is Monday. It's Sunday in Nassau County.

you live in a state but you have a british/indian accent? It'd be hilarious if Ant was in jail for this but was that really your call?

Yes that was my call. It's not indian- it's just regular english.

So youre really British? I thought steven knight was the only one. And did it cost you money to call an American jail from England?

I live in the states.

do ya?

For fucks sake, have you never heard someone with a foreign accent in this country?

just think it's kinda weird the one guy who would find the jail ant's being housed at, call it and post this to be a british who posts all the time and never mentions it. I dont know, the whole thing is just kinda weird

He wasn't the "one guy" who "found the jail", the OP posted the jail Ant is apparently housed at. The caller being British has nothing to do with anything whatsoever and I'm not sure why you think it should've come up by now. You're being dumb and other countries make fun of us for this sort of behavior.

Just chill out. Obviously Im gonna be skeptical about something like this until I know for sure. You'd be dumb not to. But he gave me the number, and I verified it myself, and its absolutely true, which is great, but it would be dumb to just blindly believe it right away.

yes tbh fam

and that was really you calling the police department ant is being held in? and he is definitely awaiting trial tomorrow morning? and I or anyone else is not going to find out otherwise because the police 100% told you he is in custody?

why don't you call and find out for yourself? you're not going to get in trouble for calling and asking.

what's the number? I think it would be hilarious if this was true, I dont see why people would think it was so wrong to not initially take with a grain of salt. but tell me the number, I'd love to prove myself wrong

+1 516-573-8800

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I was doubtful and I just called, anyone else doubtful, I got the same thing. I said I was a friend of his and he is in custody and they said he was going to court first thing in the morning. I'm sorry for doubting you dude, hahahaahhahahah

"Say that again, because I needed to hear that before! I needed you before when I was crying on reddit!" sniff

Holy shit, Steven Kaniggggghits. Is he still alive?

Merry Christmas Opie!

In prison, dinner was always a big thing. We had a pasta course and then we had a meat or fish. Anthony did the prep work. He was doing a year for domestic violence, and he had this wonderful system for doing the garlic. He used a razor, and he used to slice it so thin that he used to liquefy in the pan with just a little oil. It was a very good system.

But Vinnie always put too many onions in the sauce.

I didn't put too much onions in the sauce, Ant, I only put 3 little ones.

Tree onions? How many cans a' tomatoes you got in there?

Medium rare? aristocrat!

God bless you all. I thank the good lord everyday for the joy you cynical pricks bring me on a daily basis. Keep doing the good lord's work!

Can confirm. Called. Asked if their refrigerator was running. Indeed it was. They had sent someone to go and catch it when I had hung up the phone.

I wish I could tell you that Anthony fought the good fight, and the Sisters let him be. I wish I could tell you that, but prison is no fairy-tale world. He never said who did it, but we all knew.

We all know he'll be more concerned about the brothers.

He is going to find a friendly Patrice like friend, then the aryan brotherhood will rape him in the shower

Anthony should render the legal services of famed Long Island attorney, Domonic Barbara.

I think he's disbarred.




I wonder if Opie will sell a mugshot t-shirt?

Good retaliation for the sloth shirts, lets be honest. Also, I'd wear a convict cumia shirt daily

That would be brilliant.

I might actually swing over to team Opie in that case. it would be beautiful

Tweet him

Very unimpressed by Keith's inability to get this squashed.

Keith is a blithering incompetent in more than one career field.


We knew he was incompetent at his day job since the Jill Nicoleaky shit, it's hardly surprising at this point.

the periscope video might have made the difference there. The police know that video will get around and they'd get called out for not having suspicion.

This is true for general criminal court cases that are pre scheduled, but ARRAIGNMENTS typically happen everyday, even on weekends, and at all hours. Judges often do them by video conference to the jail. My source? Years of working for a county to include the detention center. I also tried to find this info on the net but only came up with a nassau lawyer talking about working arraignment cases on the weekends.

They just started doing it in NYC.

Source, I went

To play devil's advocate. Since this technically happened Friday Night why wouldn't he be arraigned on Saturday? Why would it be Sunday? I mean there are a bunch of things that dont exactly fit with this scenario but who knows....

Devil's Advocate?


Look. But dont touch!

Touch, but don't taste


My thoughts is they brought him in Friday night (technically saturday morning). But since a court date is usually the next day (which would be Sunday), he's had to wait in jail until Monday. Hence the 16 hours of twitter silence.

A friend of mine had to go through something similar and spend the weekend in jail.

Good points. Note, I'm not arguing that Cumia is in jail and this audio is authentic, I'm only disputing the opinion that it's invalid based solely on the idea that he couldn't appear in front of a judge the following morning due to it being a weekend.

But I gotta say, it sounds very authentic. He called the police line, got a dispatcher, she patched him through to the desk officer of the detention center and he sounded like every desk officer I've ever known, short, mildly annoyed and a bit of an attitude. Plus if someone were to fake that it would be almost too savvy for them to include the transfer ( you'd think they'd stage the call so they'd be going right to the detention center), the term desk officer, not many people know this term, and the question phrased, who is this person to you?, then talking over him to give him the info that he's going to court and get him off the phone. Desk officers don't give a flying fuck that you're upset your uncle is in jail, they don't want to hear it, they want to give you info and get you off the phone

your uncle is in jail



It was probably like 5AM on Friday night/Saturday morning when he was actually arrested.

The docket for Saturday may have already been filled.


They do arraignments on weekends.

Yeah, I know, my whole post is saying exactly this, are you stroking out or something?

I wasn't disagreeing with you. My bad, maybe it was someone else who is a fucktard. I upvoted your post.

she was a stewardess.

Your mamma was a retard.

He can kiss his guns goodbye.

oh wow, I didn't even think of that.

is that in writing somewhere?

In the least, he's going to have a very difficult time renewing his carry permit. He'll be lucky to keep his guns.

In a few weeks he'll have a hired security force around the mansion just in case any race wars break out.



Leaked Periscope of me right now!

Nice lookin' cock.

Gotta watch that Marisa Tomei

Wow that shit was prophetic. I think the guy who drew it posts here occasionally but I forget his name.

Saw it coming

This is going to make for some absolutely stellar fucking radio. Perhaps the additional subscriptions will cover all the legal fees and everyone wins.

Even if he can continue broadcasting, it's not going to be stellar radio. He's going to be toxic after this win or lose. Good luck getting guests. Kinda sucks too because I really don't see LOS signing again. Just as the network was almost getting a foothold in legitimacy.

a racist and a woman beater lol

You can be anything in this world as long as you never apologize.


I really don't see LOS signing again

Good. Never liked it anyway.

Yeah, bro, it's all about our heroes Gavin and Ant, those guys are just speaking the truth, bro. Hold on lemme go vomit.

Who gives a shit if you don't like it

He's probably not going to be able to talk about it. She's probably going to file a civil suit.

The epilogue to the Opie & Anthony Show continues to delight and thrill. One musters on as a boring morning zoo broadcaster whose core audience hates his guts and forced him to cry on air, the other is an obscure right wing podcaster behind bars for domestic violence. What a glorious trainwreck this has been. Poor Jimmy.

The year or so since the show ended has been far more entertaining than the last couple years of the actual show.

Yup. On one hand, we have a crying Zoo-wannabe too insecure in his twenty-plus years as a DJ to do a decent show, a guy who has been in two major altercations with women around a major holiday, and poor Jimmy who is probably realizing that he best unhitch his wagon now and get the fuck out of Dodge.

It's almost on the scale of Lady Di's internship, only spread out over years.

Fuck Opie

That lactating asshole is probably saying "I told you so" to Mrs. Margera.

It's his fault anyway, big titted faggot he is.

This is all his fault.

WOw you guys are unbelievable. SOOOOOO fuckin Obsessed. Anthony and Opie really created the worst fan base ever.

Right now, Opie is fucking Dani in Ant's jacuzzi.

Fuck opie in the mouth with a rock.

Does this mean we all have to testify, now?

Do you understand how fucking bad that would be for Ants case?!

They'd throw away the key.

Tss or recycle it because it's made of metal or sumpthin tss

I uhh... good one, Chip.

Say goodbye to all those guns. In most states of you are arrested for domestic, guns are seized, and LTC is suspended. Usually dont get that back

Including a false accusation?

You know full well this isn't a false accusation. To quote your hero, "stahp".

Of course it's fake.

Excellent argument. You've convinced me.

You were convinced by that video?

It's December, not Aprhal Falls.

if anyone is doubting this, it's absolutely real. /u/boboorbani6 gave me the number and I called it and they put me through to the correctional facility and they asked me who I was to him and I said a friend, and the officer(who sounded black, random fyi) answered "yes" within a millisecond, which prompted me to ask if other people have called about him recently, and he answered "yes" immediately again. and then he told me he was gonna be in court first thing in the morning. this is 100% real.

should have said you were his boyfriend.

And that he used to slap you around a bit. Just to see what happens

Your loying


I just called. Like BoboOrban6, I got my answer immediately, and was told he was going to court this morning. I asked if it he meant this morning or Monday morning, and he said this morning.

EDIT: Semi-proof

Stop calling you fucking weirdos, christ.


that phone number comes up as internal medicine doctor John F. Berry Mineola, ny

Weird. It's the number from the NCPD Facebook and I got the same lady from BoboOrban6's call, who directed me to the same half-asleep corrections officer. Call it and see.

Why are we all up so late?

Because I can't sleep with a titanium hard-on

I wonder if the DT's have set in yet?

Wont see him no moar

Poor ESD just as things started to look good for him. :/

ESD has the professional comeuppance of a drug mule.

Gavin Mcinnes is going to have an awesome show on Monday. He's already trashed Dani on prior episodes, discussed Anthony's proclivities openly. He won't hold back.

I thought Gavin was pre recording shows, won't that mean he won't be live on Monday? I'm not sure.

Surely these events, if true, justify a live show, even if it's an exception.

what is actually expected to happen now? i know nothing about the legal process

Anthony will be executed at dawn by firing squad. Joe will be charged for the bullets. However, since Ant's accounts will be frozen, Joe won't be able to pay and will be sent to a debtors prison.

Good point. Not sure how many he was pre-recording. It was at least one.

If only he had told her to leave it alone.

This ain't your show


I love this sub.

You know Opie has been tugging his dick hard to this Ant situation.

I think all of us are.

This is the best christmas ever !

Before he realizes its a tit and he starts crying?

I wonder if they put him in some special cell by himself for his pseudo-fame or with general population. Saturday night, should be pretty lively.

I heard they put him Em City.


*edit - Sam could get a laugh out of me without fail by yelling "McManus!" like Kenny. That and "Happy Birthday, Kenny" as Adibeci.

Adebisi and Schillinger are going to take turns pounding him in the ass in the game room.

And Luke Perry is STILL behind that wall.

Ant was last seen tattooing one of the new prags on the ass with a ballpoint pen and a lighter.

Coincidentally enough, it shared Schillinger's artistic content.

Do you think he'll start writing poems to Shirley Bellinger?

If anything Keller will profess his love to him. He and Sister Pete have the same haircut anyway.

Wow. That's fucking great. He's only got a couple of years on her, so that makes sense.

"It's SCHILLINGER. My fucking name is pronounced SCHILLINGER!"

He'd be in holding. Holding isn't that bad.

Well hopefully he had time to swallow a handful of xanax before going in.

"Now take me to jail"

If he did get arrested, they certainly confiscated all of his guns. Tragic.

Or they will once he sees the magistrate and hears the conditions of his release - "surrender all firearms" .. I'm sure that'll echo nicely in his head for a few minutes.

Not unless he's convicted. There's no allegation a firearm was used in the "crime" so he won't have to surrender them.

A friend of mine had to give up a .22 once even though it was locked in a gun safe when he got arrested

Not trying to start a fight but what was he arrested for? Again, if there's an allegation a firearm was used or threatened to be used then it's automatic in en why to seize the guns. Otherwise it's discretionary and any decent Jew lawyer will prevent it.

Not the same guy. Though mine did also. Arrested for alleged "sexual harrassment and/or stalking"


Friend had his gun seized after arrest as well.

Domestic violence

Jesus fucking Christ, do I have to put this in capslock? WAS THERE AN ALLEGATION A FIREARM WAS USED OR THREATENED TO BE USED? Certainly not from the video. Now, all kinds of things could have happened after the video but there's no allegation of that so far.

There doesn't have to be an allegation you dunce. I was implying that; giving you the benefit of the doubt that you'd understand.

Ok, well in that case you are wrong as shit.

Ok I didn't see it happen and I'm making things up to win internet arguments.

There doesn't need to be in NY sir. DV incidents are special. Especially if any physical force was involved(which in this case they believe there was.)

No, that's false. Again, it's discretionary with the Judge. It's not required.


What will Joe Derosa's female friends think?

What will Joe Derosa think?

Somebody quick, get a hold of Joe Derosa we need him to make some sense of all this...

I tweeted him, no response yes.

How will Joe ever be able to watch Lord of the Rings again?

See, 'cause Gollum.

I really thought this sub would slow down now that O&J is off til 2016 but i was wrong.

You do realize if you're lying, Ant could sue you for libel right?

Don't be ridiculous, superfan. Call them yourself. Or are you not allowed to call long distance from Mom's phone?

No superfan and not trying to be a dick. Just saying, an allegation like that would hurt his livelihood and would be considered done with malice as opposed to us just shitting on him or the show. Someone just posted a recording of a call to detention and doesn't sound good. Unreal.

Yes, anonymous reddit posts are serious business you fucking quay.

You're right! No public figure has ever gone after a bullshit comment. Keep moving, fuck face.

Well that certainly wasn't an anonymous message board poster, you dunce. Way to prove my point!

Yeah, I understand. It must suck for him in there surrounded by all THOSE people, and with a bad hangover.




But will he? Of all the shit that's been said here and that's what gets someone.

Also, Ant doesn't strike me as the litigious type. Especially against his remaining fans.

Somebody check in with one of the groupies like Fred from Brooklyn or Big A to see if this is real.

Bobo is tweeting his support of Ant but as usual worrying about how it will affect Bobo.

Haha. Fucking Bobo.


2015-12-20 04:39 UTC

@TheTrichomeMan6 @NYRKelsMads @akaPRock if anthony goes to jail and loses the show i would be upset opie would not take me back

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Yes, der are some rumors I can't get into FH Rileys Ant is in prison.

Thankfully, Ant got rid of his crazy Doc Brown hair prior to a possible mugshot.

Ant's mugshot absolutely has to go into the sub's header image.

It makes me happy that they spelled Gregg Hughes incorrectly.

Strangulation? Wow, booze finally got him.

It covers all ATTEMPTS to hinder BREATHING or CIRCULATION. If he PUT her in a HEADLOCK and caused injury or UNCONSCIOUSNESS, he is GUILTY of FELONY STRANGULATION.


Anthony is going to see that the struggle is real, experience the school-to-prison pipepline first hand, and emerge a true hero of liberalism. Maybe he'll even get his GED while he is in there.

Edit: he will also have time to read books and get swole as fuck. Whole new Anthony come Monday.

He's going to convert to Islam in county jail.

From One Percenter to Five Percenter: The Anthony Cumia Saga

Opine is probably just waking up checking his bank account and going "nice" and drifting off to sleep

u could tell that cunt dani wasnt gonna golightly.


Tsss. More like goheavily or sumpthin.

Do you guys think he actually laid a hand on her or is she making it all up? Either way it doesn't look good for him.

My feelings are that they had a fight, she started going nuts and either tried to go after him or tried breaking his stuff and he grabbed her roughly to get her to stop. My reasoning is that she kept complaining about her hand more than anything. Who the fuck attacks somebody's hand? Unless they were using their hands to do something violent and the person grabbed them in self defense or to make them quit.

But since she apparently had marks on her, and she's a young woman and he's a guy, and he was probably a bit intoxicated, the cops would likely see him as the aggressor. So unless there was some proof that she started it and he was in defense mode, he's the one who's going to wind up arrested.

She comes across as a dumb, crazy cunt, but he's 54 years old and should have developed enough sense through his years of life experience to know what would happen if he continued to date these dumb, crazy cunts. So even though I don't believe he beat her up, he bears some responsibility for the mess he's in.

In the footage you see her pretending to be hit. That's fucked up. She is fucked in the head.

What footage?

The periscope she broadcast two nights ago. The one that started all this shit.

IIRC Ant has security cameras all over his house, so he should be able to back up his claims of innocence, if he is in fact innocent.

Isn't that the first thing you would show the cops if you were innocent? "Officers she's full of shit, let me show you the video".

He's said that he's goon armed girls before, like a grab a bitch by the arm "knock it off" shaking her around.

i could see it playing out like you said. either way he's fucked.

I think she's 99% full of shit, but I do sort of agree with some people that there's something odd about Ant responding to her saying that he broke her hand by denying that it's broken, rather than denying that he broke it or even touched her at all.

But either he did nothing or he did something very minor (maybe accidentally hurt her in some drunken stupidity) and she went nuts and started periscoping because she wants something from her relationship with him like Bobby said. The supposed on-camera hit is blatant bullshit and makes it clear she's blowing everything way out of proportion.

"You shouldn't have lied and treated me like shit."

This suggests to me that she went for his phone when another girl texted him and he may have grabbed her hand a little too hard in his inebriated state.

Wait, she was Periscoping on his phone?

Damn right he has every right to grab it out of her hand and lunge at her.

Nah I was saying that's how her hand got "broken."

Ah, good point. Bottom line is though it's his property.

She's obviously faking it.

Most likely. She told Anthony to stop hitting her during the periscope even though he was standing ten feet away from her.

Won't matter though. All cops are white knights and they're going to believe the sweet innocent girl over the creepy older man.

She said "Don't hit me." Very different from "Stop hitting me."

You are right. Nice analysis, let's start a law firm.

Cops won't believe him, thats why he's in jail. But it'll come out in the arraignment.

I really wish the good old O&A army had the juice to fuck Dani over but sadly those days are long gone.

Well no, NY is one of those states that pretty much always takes the guy to jail. If she told the 911 operator that she was abused and they have slightest thought that happened when they arrive, even if she changed her story to the cops and said "I don't want him arrested". They have to arrest the guy, because they know most guys sweet talk their chicks after beating them and before the cops show up. Then as soon as the cops leave it's back to the old smack-a-roo, and now the guy is really pissed. So states with those laws suck, but it kind of makes sense


Since when have cops been 'white knights' for anyone other than themselves? Also, holy shit, you morons will use any chance you get to interject a term you learned from the show.

NY has mandatory arrest laws for DV cases. Even if they are bullshit someone's going.

So how is that the cops being white knights? They're following the law.

I meant to reply to him sir. Sorry. I am tired

Now I feel bad because I got angry at you. We cool bro.

Love you shnookems

I didn't learn the term 'White Knight' from O&A. That term has been around forever and didn't originate from the show. And yes, police are white knights. If your girl ever starts hitting you with a frying pan and you call the police, guess who's getting arrested? That's right, you.

Police will always side with women when it comes to any domestic dispute, even when the woman is at fault. It's just the way it works.

they fight (argue) like cat and dog, I'm totally down for believing they had at least a minor physical scuffle, likely instigated by her.

Maybe he was just bangin her hard and that's where the bruises came from

I would say more likely than not he did. His alcoholism and love of crazy pussy was leading him to something like this for years.

Clearly fake. She's fucking human garbage, perhaps worse than Ant. Lying is in a bitch's nature.

I wonder if Brother Joe's chain bowling shirt would be considered a weapon if he tries to visit Ant?

Don't forget that BroJo was charged with domestic violence in the past.

You can take the guinea out of the wop but never the wop out the guinea as they say.

Yep. Was just thinking that.

It's interesting. Obviously she wasn't fearing for her safety by staying at the house and demanding Anthony pay for her "broken" hand.

It really doesn't matter if it's true or false now, this will be a huge hit to Anthony, his network and will reiterate the stereotype people have given him. I nor anyone here else should feel sorry for him because this is the path he's decided on... "cat shit" crazy younger women, it's surprising it's taken this long for an incident of this nature to surface.

will reiterate the stereotype people have given him

considering Anthony's history when talking about race, this is fucking hilarious.

Nah. Even the freaks that comment at TMZ think she's a lying nutbag.

"OMG he hit me check out these bruises but you can't see my titties tonight boys, tee-hee."

Right but some people don't care, they hear something and will believe that story even if it's proven false.

There's your hero, people!

I hope Ant is just doing a Morton Downey Jr. stunt for more subscribers.

Suddenly i cannot wait for the family Cumia show

We heard you!


Posting to say "I love you johnny cakes" is my favorite sopranos line.

Its a very difficult sitchuasian....

Did she get arrested too???

Thoughts and prayers.

They got honey nut cheerios?

I wonder if he has already joined a white power gang in prison? He probably joined it the second he got in there.

he was an honorary member. it comes with a lifetime sub to ni66ermania

Yup it's official.

Wow, the meltdown has reached fruition. We all warned him, I'm sure his friends warned him. Dani's crazy ass was not worth it. So Anthony, how does it feel to be officially a nigger? I wonder if he'll rant about domestic violence in certain communities anymore?

His friends are fucking morons as well. Joe Cumia is a close associate of his, it doesn't get any dumber than that.

oh god this is delicious. what a fucking roller coaster. I've only been a heavy listener for three years but i can't believe how much shit has gone down. kinda like dani gojumpoffabridge did when ant gave her that hay maker saturday at 11am!

Oh yeah, what was his name?

Special agent Ted Lark

Hmmm I spoke to P.O. Kel Varnsen

Google Nassau County Police Department, click their Facebook page, and the main phone number is right there. Call it and ask for Detention.

I'm fridend

Ur adorable


So how does one guy get the charge (domestic V) but another doesn't because the guy who should know doesn't know?

This is almost brilliant in how nonsensical it is. Unfortunately, I'm going to assume you're just drunk enough to make Dick van Dyke references and assume non-brilliance.

Unbelievably difficult to understand. What he's asking is how OP knows "He was arrested for domestic violence.", and yet when BoboOrban6 asked, the person he was talking to said they didn't know the charges.

I never thought I would need a translator to understand my native tongue. I almost had a stroke trying to read his "sentence."

I'm not sure myself what I was going for lol. I think I was trying to be clever.

Good to see you're alright. I thought you needed medical attention.

My fake Twitter just retweeted by 3 women who all have over 5000 followers that all have domestic violence hashtags in their bio. It's all over for ant

This guy was clearly paid off to help with the bit, well played Ant

Maybe we'll stop allowing these psycho bitches into your home now. Jesus fuck.

What if this is a felony, and he is no longer allowed to own guns.

Given his lack of any previous record, I'm sure he and a well laid lawyer will work it down to a minimal charge that won't affect him owning guns. Not sure about him still being able to conceal carry though.

What if? You're asking this as if it will have a profound effect on the world.


Cumia, 54, was charged Saturday morning with strangulation, criminal mischief, unlawful imprisonment and assault and was scheduled to be arraigned Sunday in First District Court in Hempstead.

According to a preliminary police report, on which Cumia’s occupation is listed as “entertainer,” the incident occurred at 11 a.m. at his home at ...

Incident and Arrest Incident

Date:December 19, 2015 01:00 CJTN:67451497J


Date & Time:December 19, 2015 11:00
Arrest #:R0016378 



Ya. Based on that there would've been another incident after the periscope videos. Strangulation and imprisonment are serious charges too. Buddy is in trouble. Probably have marks on neck if they got strangulation charges. Interesting that there is no dv charge as of now. Even given their previous relationship status if it was Dani, I'm 99% sure they would've slapped on a dv, maybe it's still coming.

He was charged with a NEW law in that strangulation charge. THat felony charge you do not need physical proof of strangulation to have it charge and stick. It's a law pushed and passed by feminists to protect them against DV. He is FUCKED.

I'm starting a donation fund to feed Beavis.

Do you think Opie is happy that Ant got arrested, or mad because Ant is going viral?

fuck that cunt dani...what a fucking cunt.

blame her 2 pops


Apparently her twitter is now protected and her name is "walking fuckup".

amazing how much power a womans voice have isn't it? And Ant seems to have learned from his past mistake. A radio silent is sometimes better than just spouting shit on twitter. Hope he'll get out soon and Dani will get what's coming to her.

Yes, it is truly amazing the power a woman's voice have. He's such a smart guy for not tweeting right now, you're so right. They let you play with your phone in jail right? can only hope

I hope you die soon

You and me mate, you and me.....

You're the worst kind of person

And what did i do to qualify for such a high title?

You were born

Free the Cumia 1



He hit bobo on camera. Now bobo isn't fully a person but then neither is Dani

You realize that every person who says how happy a drunk they are is a complete and utter rageaholic right?

Tss yeah wat are they addicted to rageahol or somethin

Tss Lamar used to drink MAD Dog get it you fukkin cocksukkah?

He says, "I'm not hitting you," and he sounds far away.

Thats like when Ant's beloved cops shout "he has a gun" from offscreen.

Paywall. But was able to read that he was charged with strangulation. Serious charge.

The post is near the top of the sub. Someone copy pasted the whole article in the top comment.

Cliff Hutchinson is on the case

I wonder why he hasn't bailed himself out yet. Hasn't it been like over 24 hours? He might have to stay in there until Monday if the judge isn't in this weekend. Oof.

Yeah, weekends are shitty times to get arrested

The Gavin McInnes Network launches Monday!




Those are scam sites that just crawl online public records and try and sell it to you. Nothing will show up until Nassau PD publish it, and some PDs are slow to do it. But when they do, it'll be great. Mugshots, weight, blood alcohol everything.


The VINE system is legit to notify victims when an inmate leaves.


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I didn't believe this at first. But I just called the department of corrections. And it's true. Ant is in jail right now.

Everyone needs to tweet the New York Times ect

No, I like this being ours (for now)

Fuck. This is horrible.

Gawd luv im...


So does this make the I run a radio show from my basement reality show more likely or less likely?

Holy piss! Even with all available evidence if you told me a week ago this is how it was all going to go down, I wouldn't have believed it. Undone by social media. Amazing.

Undone AGAIN. Every holiday has a 50% chance that Ant will do something incredibly stupid.

What a fucking mess. Hope the allegations are false.

James Robson has his back while he's a guest of the government.

fuck danny golightly!

Perhaps Anthony was in a weekend long drunken furor over Finn in Star Wars. She said, "I dunno, I thought he was pretty good."

"You could see how a white girl could fall for him."

To be honest that clip of "Dani Snapped" where Anthony was just standing there with a beer yelling and then began to follow Dani, made me fuckin cringe

he next appearance according to ecourts in nassau is 1/4/16


Couldn't Anthony's lawyers get the charges dramatically reduced if Dani completely changed her story/said it was her fault/etc? Theoretically, she could take responsibility for everything up to and including the bruise and the apparent marks on her neck, as she could always claim she liked to be roughed up during sex.

She seemed very intoxicated in that video, imo. Maybe she doesn't remember things so well. Maybe she admits to being hysterical and vindictive in the heat of the moment.

If she did a 180 on her story, what could Anthony's lawyers get the charges down to? Disturbing the peace? Jaywalking?

if she admits that she lied about the whole thing, then the charges would be dropped down to nothing. And I think that he may be able to sue her for defamation of character, among other things.


Call them yourself. The phone number is on their Facebook page. Ask for Detention and ask if Anthony Cumia is in custody and why he was arrested.

If he was arrested won't it be in tomorrow's paper?

It'll probably be on all the blogs that hate him, at least. I wonder if Fox News Channel will put a stop to his Red Eye appearances. I'm sure possibly losing his gun permits is probably his biggest worry.

Currently there aren't any stories about it.

So either they don't know yet, or Anthony is irrelevant.

No blogs hate him, he is a non entity

I don't think he can lose his gun permits unless he gets convicted... not sure how the Soviet Socialist Republic of New York State works though.

Shit, bro, you really showed thos libtards, lets go jerk each other off to Ann Coulter

Go away kuck metzger

I'm not even really sure how thats contextually related.


"Cuck"? Good one! Where do you get your hilarious jokes from? Do they just come to you out of thin air? Wow! Amazing!

As its a DV case they can order him to surrender them, especially because she'll likely have s stay away order against him.

Irony thy name is...

Gonna need the proof, brothaman.

I didn't record the phone call. Call them yourself.

Why is everyone so shocked? did you not see the video, yes it seems pretty clear she is being crazy but they are still going to arrest him

Suddenly i cannot wait for the family Cumia show


So as of right now Nassau county Police district 3 south has no information 10th judicial says all courts operate mon -fri 9am-5pm webcrims website gotten through nycourts does not have anthony cumia on record as of yet. Doesn't mean anything, could still be " processing " or his pseudo celebrity status and lawyers suppressed it.

Thanks Columbo

ur welcome kojack

Ain't no "c" in Kojak Columbo.

He's going to see a magistrate or commissioner and have a bail hearing most likely. These are usually done by computer these days.

Yup, usually a video teleconference in my experience (as an employee, not a criminal (knock on wood)). I've heard of judges doing it in middle of the night if the charges are serious enough

Quests we got ourselves a situation


Repeating a lie multiple times doesn't make it true.





So the label of this thread is Ant got arrested for domestic violence yet the "officer" that spoke to whoever made the (fake) phone call said he didnt know the charges....Another slip up.

That's the bit.

Nassau County Jail is massive (Source: lockup). No officer is going to know the charges of an idividual inmate. They literally cycle through tens of thousands of inmates per month.

It's on a computer dipshit. If they know he's there they know the charges.

No officer would know that? Oh you mean the officer that knew the inmates name without searching the system when asked if he was arrested and then asked "who he is to you".......Your logic makes no sense.

He wouldn't need to look it up again if they've already received multiple phone calls asking about him.

Why would that make no sense? Officer is aware that there's an individual with a degree of celebrity in the jail =/= officer knows precisely why the individual is in jail. Officer knows arraignments for Friday/Saturday night bookees is first thing in the morning =/= officer knows what this particular inmate is being arraigned for.

If the officer knows he is there then the officer knows why! I cant deal with this nonsense. I dont even truly believe Ant was arrested. Furthermore its not illegal for the officer to tell you the charges he was arrested for so the fact he said " I dont know" is a GIGANTIC RED FLAG for me. Then again this is the government and perhaps they are just fucking god awful retards working a job and Anthony actually is locked up. Stranger things have happened......

He's locked up dude. He would have tweeted by now if he wasnt.

Perhaps or perhaps he is in on the joke. I dont truly care either way but if I had to guess I'd say he's not in jail.

Living a life with no ability to use logical thought must be a hwll of a ride. I pity you.

Bazinga!!! You got me there!!!


Bazinga? What the fuck.

I dont really care either, but be realistic. There's no joke here. It's gone way past that. If this was a joke, he would have delivered the punchline by now, but he hasn't. He's locked up, and I suspect Dani is as well.

It's really interesting how quickly people want to jump on this thread and accept it. You getting downvoted is beyond me. This is obviously fake.

Leave it alone.


I really can't understand how everyone believes this shit. With a county population of 1.5 million, this call last 1 minute? Even if it's edited, this is still incredibly suspect.

Where's the correlation between county population and the length of the phone call

Was the call made at 30,000 feet? I didn't think so. Conspiracy. The HARP system...


Shut up. You're not funny.

Suck my cock u fagget


I downvoted you out of spite

Yes it's all a liberal SJW conspiracy.

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Nothing worse than realizing you missed a good possibility for giggles. He'll get em next time Anthony gets arrested for shooting at the neighbor kids or driving 185 miles per hour down the LIE drunk at 3 in the afternoon.

I don't think he can lose his gun permits unless he gets convicted... not sure how the Soviet Socialist Republic of New York State works though.

Currently there aren't any stories about it.

So either they don't know yet, or Anthony is irrelevant.

I hope he keeps his mouth shut. Anthony is one of those smart idiots that thinks he can talk himself out of charges. If he utters the words "Your honor, I'll be representing myself." he's screwed.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA....I was doubtful and I just called, anyone else doubtful, I got the same thing. I said I was a friend of his and he is in custody and they said he was going to court first thing in the morning. I'm sorry for doubting you dude, hahahaahhahahah

The $10,000 fugitive actually desu

No blogs hate him, he is a non entity

He slapped her? No marks on her face, only on her hand. Who attacks somebody's hand?

And during the periscope she said 'stop hitting me' whilst he was standing 10 feet away from her. She's making this shit up dude.

Shit.. where else would I go to get discounts on Hoodie-Footies? It would be an outrage.


She is absolutely full of shit

your uncle is in jail



You were born

I never thought I would need a translator to understand my native tongue. I almost had a stroke trying to read his "sentence."

Tsss. More like goheavily or sumpthin.

There doesn't have to be an allegation you dunce. I was implying that; giving you the benefit of the doubt that you'd understand.

Gawd luv im...

Sued by who for what?