Did Anthony hit his girlfriend on camera? I slowed down the footage, and it looks like he actually might have...

11  2015-12-20 by mdmayy_bb


She swung at herself with her broken hand. It sounds like Ant is across the room.

His obviously distant response is also a confused, calm and slurred "I didn't hit you?" People here can really get stupid with the forensics.

And her reaction is like a robot. No one is that calm after being hit.

Here's my interpretation:

He angrily says "don't..." as in "don't fucking record this" then stops himself once he realizes she's broadcasting. He reaches for the phone to snatch it out of her hand but only grazes it. That's the thump sound you hear. Meanwhile she sees his hand coming at her and lurches away. That's why in the slowed down version you see her head move before the thump sound and why you don't see anything hit her face.

Back and to the left.

Oh, Mimi Brand Comedy Club

BUT his voice sounds like he's talking from across the room no where near her


Im willing to bet money this is exactly what happened

Is attempting to snatch the phone out of her hands enough for a DV? In Obama's America im sure it is


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Do you really think anyone would hit a person while they're livestreaming a domestic violence accusation?

Good point, he is a drunk, but pretty sharp.

Anthony is a pro at being drunk and an amateur at photography.

Guess it rubbed off on her.

I'm not even saying he didn't. Just that it wouldn't make any sense. I guess it'll come out soon, either way.

do you think someone would take pics of a black hooker, get biatch slapped, rant about it on twitter then get fired from a million dollar job?

Oh boy....

Hit me again, Ike, and put some STANK on it!

I don't see how Ant could've hit her and not knocked the phone out of her hand. I'm not calling her a liar, I'm just saying I'm confused. Before the hit, he speaks and she looks at him. He's standing to her right. Then the hit comes, from her left. After she is looking even farther to the right. She's holding the phone with her right hand at about neck level. There's no way I can think of that he could've reached out around the phone while still being to her right, hit her sharply from her left and not touched the phone in the process. The phone doesn't move until after the hit is over. When the camera turns in her hand you see her ear, shoulder, and hair as she looks even more to the side she wasn't hit from. Now that doesn't explain the bruises she mentioned or her hand so I'm not saying nothing happened to her, I just don't understand the hit.

Perspective nigga.

She almost made it look believable. Except she snapped her head back too soon while it was still in focus. Nothing is touching her face when she begins snapping it back like she just got slapped.

Also I have seen enough movies to know that when a man slaps a woman she leaves her head to the side for at least ten seconds.

Ants voice sounds in the distance and she says "don't hit me again" and looks like she's looking at someone(ant) across the room.

Dude thats her fucking hand look at the nails.


Look at her hands, she has the long skinny fingers and Anthony's aren't that thin. Also the nails while unpainted still seem sort of manicured.

Something that looks like an arm does go in front and block part of her face at :43

Looks like he tried to knock the phone out of her hand.

it was murrrrrrrderr Abigail

All I see is the phone moving direction. I also don't understand why someone would continue to periscope while being actively assaulted.

anthony continued to take pictures whilst being assaulted by that black chick. do you not understand that either?

Did he hit that black chick?

The end.

the fuck are you on about?

both these idiots were recording their own arse kicking. theres no disputing this.

Didn't see any "arse kicking".

Anthony is not a fighter or at all violent, it is obvious.

yet somehow managed to land himself in an altercation that cost him his 6 figure radio job. right. he's totally harmless.

He is most definitely self destructive with alcohol, dating young girls etc., but that doesn't have anything to do with being violent.

He fucked up by putting himself in these situations, but that's obvious.

The video doesn't show anything. Ant should continue to deny hitting her.

does it?

Maybe it doesn't, it sort of looks like a hand goes across her face/the screen, but more eyeballs to double check it helps.


Ants house is echoey. I reckon he was going for the phone like a angry toddler


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You can hear how far acroOooOOoOosSs the room (There Will Be Blood) he is after she says that. So unless he's Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four, I don't see how he could have done that.

Oh yeah, he hit her. Good thing for him she has no self esteem

The camera jostles a bit, and you can see literally nothing.

So no, your scenario is both implausible and unsupported by the evidence.


He fucking hit her (thank GOD) he's done. Bottom.. meet Ant.

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