The perfect ending to the O&A legacy would have been if Ant drunkenly resisted arrest last night & was shot and killed by police.

186  2015-12-19 by smokinswindler

I love Ant but that would have been the most hilarious and poetic shit ever.


It'd be yet another instance of a cop shooting a black man.

No Justice...No Peace.

No justice, no chrismus

"Because the Moors ..."

TACS or BET. I can't tell the difference any more.


Hilariously less than blacks though, lets be honest.


Yeah and it'd be even better if he wasn't wearing his gun at the time and the cops just panicked and then they tried to cover it up and the conservative media covered it as a case of the police using their best discretion because Anthony is known for having guns and it was a good self-defense killing and if you don't want the police involved in your life you shouldn't be committing crimes, etc.

Go on...

Well obviously the death of his brother would enrage Joe. He'd gather all of the Sons of Anarchy and there'd be an old fashioned police vs. biker gang shootout.

With their eyes closed behind their sunglasses.

Don't forgot about Joe's connections with the Feds.

Things are probably gonna get pretty fucking messy.

Im hoping that Ant kills Bobo with a bowling pin like the end of There will be blood

I would never. EVER. Want to drink Bobo's milkshake.

What do you think of all the rumors or talk that Bobo is an act, or he was way smarter on the first few appearances they had with him? Any validity to it? For example this uploader even puts it right in the video description. Is that all just coincidence / people making up self fulfilling prophecies, or were Bobo's shortcomings played up for the radio?

I said it somewhere else, if you think Bobo is an act, wait for baseball season and take him to a game. Hell, just meet up with him for beers. All your questions will be answered. Fast.

As someone who has gotten stuck with that fucking retard before, I can second this.

Ah thanks I missed that one, haha

is fez an act?

Yeah no Ive met Bobo twice. It's not an act. In fact he's far worse in person. I was bummed out at how slow he was

I've met Bobo on the subway. He's not retarded. He is not an idiot. He just has no idea how to read social cues and just keeps talking and talking. The thing they say about him just plowing through everything is true.

He's a very friendly guy, though.

EDIT: He did start loudly talking about how he doesn't need any fucking dick pills. lol

I... drink... your... precum! I DRINK IT UP!


... I'm finished.


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"I love ant but I want to see him assassinated in his bed like Fred Hampton."

Leaked final scene of Twilight of O&A script:

-Anthony hurls a plate of spaghetti at the cop -The cop ducks while opening fire on Anthony. The spaghetti hits the wall -Anthony's bullet-riddled tummy begins to hurt as he lies watching the spaghetti slide down the wall. -A single tear rolls down his cheek -His father's voice calls down from the heavens, telling him to stop being such a pissy-eyed faggot.

Why is my dick hard?

All that spaghetti talk

I love Anthony and am a loyal subscriber, but that would be fucking funny.

With his last breath, he references some old TV show nobody remembers...

You bring up a good point. If we have an active subscription, and Ant gets murdered, do we get a refund?

As much as Ant is a racist, gun toting, acne ridden sack of shit I still wouldn't want to see him dead. Opie on the other hand...

I hate to admit how right you are! True Fargo ending where he is shot because he was mistaken for a "Canadian".

Especially if the cops were black.

Wait what? Was Anthony really arrested for allegedly breaking her hand that she seemed to be moving quite well in the video?

Yup last I heard Kieth was bailing him out, but they're waiting on a magistrate.

Heard from who

Your mother's cunt.

black ppl

Another victory for the NYPD over ISIS.

only if opster was there with kenny and as Ant was bleeding yelling into his face HOW DOES IT FEEL NOW? HOW DOES IT FEEL NOW? if that was in glorious HD half the truckers in this country would /themselves in rage

hell no. i watch the tacs network daily.

I think you mean the Gavin McGuiness network.

Gavin McGuiness

This name is also much better suited to Anthony's logo.

every show is awesome...cant wait for esd.

Patience, darlin'. It could still happen.

A Perfect ending to the O&A Legacy that doesn't include Erock executing everyone isn't a real ending at all.

As much as I like Anthony. I would have laughed if that happened.

replace 'Ant' with 'Opie' (and leave out the drunk & arrest part if you want) and you just described my Xmas wish.

except I just resubscribed.

The cops came to periscope arrest him and anthony was bitching about losing his gun, maybe this really did happen.

Here's how it goes down:

Ant dies in a slow-motion police shoot out while he calls them all niggers. It begins to rain heavily. Jimmy runs to him and holds his hand during his passing. The camera fades out slowly upwards as Moby's "God Moving Over the Face of the Waters" starts to play. The screen then cuts over to Opie in the radio room by himself, sweating, and his inner voice reciting Patrick Bateman's ending monologue from American Psycho.

Wait...what happened?

If this is a troll I'm cancelling my sub and getting a new Sirius account.

This made me chuckle


All those... moments...


In time.



On... walls.

Time, to behave.

dove flies away

I would be sad, but I would have chuckled at the irony.

Go on...

Well obviously the death of his brother would enrage Joe. He'd gather all of the Sons of Anarchy and there'd be an old fashioned police vs. biker gang shootout.