Anthony Cumia as Jack Torrance in "The Shining"

117  2015-12-19 by mdmayy_bb


The Seinfeld music made me snot in laughing. Well done.

I very much enjoyed this sir, bravo.


Gold, Jerry

Well, that was fast!

Well played, Sir.

You're definitely a good egg.

The Seinfeld music was synced up perfectly. Fucking hilarious.

He's seen The Shining so many times he's internalized it.

Lmao the editing is so haphazard, but I fucking love it.



This is probably the greatest thing ever posted to this sub (besides BaldOpie stuff).

Christ on a cracker, that's the hardest I've laughed at this sub in quite a while. Vurry good, vurry good.

What's funny is how hilarious Ant will think this is when he sees it.

Brilliant... thank you for your service

That was super.

Quivering..... laughing.......

funny how she's in HIS house calling HIM crazy yet circling inward deeper into HIS house instead of towards the door and LEAVING. this cunt didnt get assaulted, nor was she in fear of the "crazy man" because if she was shed simply just leave...ive dealt with cunts like this. i feel bad for anthony.

Shuuuuut uup

make me faghawk

I bow down to you, sir. Well done.

I'd sooner fuck Shining era Shelly Duvall than Dani, not that I wouldn't fuck Dani too though.

That was horrifying but the Seinfeld was hilarious! Good job!

I love this sub

Replace Seinfeld with Curb and it is so perfect it's almost like you staged it with Ant.