Ant Did NOT Break Danny's Hand

89  2015-12-19 by DannyFromTheShow

He broke his heart. TISSSSSSSSSSS!

But seriously folks, with all this fighting maybe Ant should just sweetly ask Op if he wants to do some karaoke. Maybe if he says "Pweezy Pweez Pweez" first.

This is what the greatest radio show of all time has become. It's like watching Private Parts in reverse.

"You ever see a show come apart like that?"


She spilled his coffee...

by the way, maybe i was whacked out on too little sleep, but anybody else playing fallout 4 think there was a reference to that in the vault regional hq building?


Look at this fucking NERD over here.

People like you really make me feel bad that I basically just ran through the main story. I didn't find any other vaults, I just didn't have weeks to pour into the game.

You pretty much have to with a Bethesda game. Though as I get older I find I don't have the patience for it that I used to


Hold my knee dude hold my knee

I broke my fuckin' hand dude!

It's like watching Private Parts in reverse.

Nicely done, sir.

Like 'Parts Private' or something!

I didn't know we were playing 'Wordsback'

'In reverse' ...faggot

He does make a good point.

The Worm has to be really starting to think twice about telling Opie he is leaving in October... TACS may not be a viable last resort...

when LOS is your "flagship"'s clearly bigtime.



Mr Bennington was right. It's gonna end with Anthony alone in his basement with a bloody bowling pin.

No Show For Old Man

There Will be Blood reference actually

Dude, I know, I always mix those two movies up, I was kinda surprised it got upvoted considering I totally fumbled the reference.

They both sound like they should have switched names though right?

Some of these girls with daddy issues are half-wild, and some are just outlaws.

Shows drunk Ant interacting with another crazy leech. He's just a silly guy.

Didn't she write an absolutely SCATHING blog post about him?

So she's blaming ant for her deciding on her own to stop listening to hipster music because he didn't like it. Apparently ant has mind control powers. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY YOU DUMB BINT. IT'S NOT HIS FAULT YOU WORSHIPPED HIM


That was that Stetten girl.

shes such an ugly cunt. ant drunk dialed and now he's paying for it.

Post a pic of your current wife or girlfriend. This sub has amazingly high standards when it comes to taste in women.

We're not millionaires.


Not until you show us your cock.

It really does bug me in its utter predictability. It's classic Internet posturing: "If I say this girl is uglier than she is, it will sound like I have super high standards, and people will think I only settle for the hottest of the hot."

Dani isn't beautiful by any stretch, but all of the "ughhh what an ugly whore" stuff is pretty dishonest.

She's sexy as fuck. It's about how a girl moves and acts, not the symmetry of her face in a still pic. There are lots of women who can take a beautiful picture but have zero sexuality when you're around them.

Is liking deathly stick thin chicks a New York thing? Because I think it's a New York thing.

I think he meant personality wise.

He is WEALTHIER than the AVERAGE person so he can get a better looking BEST GIRL than some shlub on REDDIT!! You could LAND a girl like this one, and YOU are not a LOOKER, no offense intended!!!

My deep V will disagree.


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She also blamed him for poisoning her mind when she got fired from xoJane. She is a cunt right? She HAS to be.

god for a SPACTACULAR! they seem about as alive as ant's trophy wife on breaking bad when she od'd cause walter tipped her on her side.

What the fuck is this shit?

What an adorable gal, Anthonys a dummy

Goddamn it, Danny, you're my favorite OnA character now. I can't wait for the action figures. The rare Troyquan alternate paint scheme, only available at, comes with a skateboard and a subscription to AARP monthly, right?

Swooped in like the Jim Norton of Reddit to eat up all the sloppy seconds and cement his place in history as the only likable cast member. Danny played the long game and won.

Cunning. Efficient. Jewish.

What sloppy seconds, didn't I start this whole mess inadvertently?

Don't hate on skateboarding but also don't call Troy a skater.

I love skating. Troy is too old to be... yknow, that guy.

Fuck that I'll be 35 next week and I hit the park all the time. With a real skateboard.

I have friends in their 40's that still skate

Danny, the skateboard/ing is irrelevant. My point is that Troy is a douche. I also hate you now too, look what you did, you little jerk!

What's a skateboard? Like a segway that you have to use your feet to move?

That's, like, a baby's toy!

can you do a bigspin? are you a no comply-wally hipster?

I can barely land moving ollies. But I don't longboard to the bodega and tell everyone I'm a skateboarder.


..for me you can just use an old WWE King kong bundy inaction figure.

Or 4 powdered donuts stacked on top of each other

"That's how Tits laughs"

You don't write TISS, theres no "I" in it you dumb fuck. TSS NO I? HOW'S TSS GONNA SEE WITH NO I?

I know. Because when I say it, I'm mocking you. One time I had to play poker at Ant's house and this one fucking guy wouldn't stop saying "wassat" every time somebody said "chip". We were playing fucking poker. Now somebody ask me again why I stopped hanging out.




Can you comment at all on how the staff viewed Opie's wife, the paycheck and whther or not Erik hated Opie and was a generally good dude?


Leave the fucking guys wife alone already.

i second this motion. shes the eva braun of radio. leave her alone.

Tss, what's she need a loan for a new car or sumpthin'!

"Strap Etavirp" the true story of a wildly successful radio show that loses its syndication deal and #1 market. One host becomes the new wacky morning man on WCCC while the other is much too old to be trying to pick up college girls.

Am I wrong?

I'm shocked you haven't had a bigger career in entertainment.

Did you have to write that on paper so you could reverse it?


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Is this something you could see/have seen Ant doing/do, or is this out of character?

Nobody said he broke your hand dude, you said yourself you don't hang out there.

We're trying to figure out what happened to Dani's hand.


In high school I was voted "Boy most likely to replace spellcheck"

Haven't these guys realized that you can't have your wife/GF tangled up with your wacky radio persona? It never ends well.

It's more so everyones obsession with social media. Social media killed the show first and then further decimated the hosts beyond repair. Internet killed the radio stars.

Any actual inside information regarding whats going on?

CNN just let me in for a popsicle, I'll see what I can find.

in for a popsicle, I'll see what I can find.

WELL! Mr smart mouth, i just thought you might know a nigger that knows a nigger... sheeeit

I wouldn't worry, I'm sure his pocket cops will remedy all. Sha-sha-SHA!

Danny can correct me on this, but I don't think he's currently part of Ant's inner circle.

EDIT: Why the downvotes? Haven't they both said as much?

Does Paltalk count as social media?

Absolutely. Who knows how much humor was lost to that epic distraction.

The PROBLEM was that BOTH "OPIE" and ANTHONY thought that they were SCORCH when neither was even a HOWARD STERN!!

OPIE thought he DESERVED to be treated like a RADIO PERSONALITY who, ON the SIDE, is also an A-LIST ACTOR, WWF SUPERSTAR, and HOST of the MOST WATCHED LATE SHOW SHOW in HISTORY. SORRY, Opie, no one cares about your MEAN-SPIRITED HUMORLESS videos or LAME tweets!!

Weird NEWS!

I can TELL you're UPSET by the WAY you're accenting CERTAIN WORDS.

Don't engage.

Fuck yo caps lock, nigga

They're just not that close anymore


This is what the greatest radio show of all time has become.

What are you talking about? The greatest radio show of all time ceased to exist in July, 2014.

I was thinking more 2009.

I'd say 2011. Patrice's death sealed the deal.

Look I love the guy as much as anyone but let's not pretend that Patrice was the glue holding the show together.

The reason this retarded opinion exists is because Patrice's appearances on the show were a lot of people's first exposure to O&A, and so they somehow see him as an integral part of the fabric of the show. Mostly people who only became aware of Patrice after he died tbh.

I'm old school.

Big Ass Member 10547. (Hoo-ahhh) It's crazy to me to that some people have never heard any pre 2006 bits. There's so much goodness in there.

Edit - Check out WNEW Ron & Fez. Joe Poo. NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Wait! I'm the one who says things.

A lot of people here don't understand how good the show was during the WNEW/early XM days. The classic clips are rarely shared here.

I've been listening since 1999. The show was much different (and better) in the pre-PC world.

Yeah, there was some pretty awful shit happening then. But most of it was good.

Fair enough. 2011 was when I started to really criticize the show more than I had before, and I think Patrice's death really brought the flaws the show had to the forefront for me at least.

I find the audio quality on the older clips grating. I'd listen to a lot more classic shit if it weren't for that.

Charlton heston traffic? Stalker patti freak song?

Haha I love Kenny Allen. Only heard 2 or 3 of his clips on youtube though. Later I learned he was voiced by Ron's son. Mind blown

KENNY ALLEN! Couldn't think of the name. Loved the old school, late night R&F. RonAndFez DOT COM!

I'd go with 2002 but I'm also still bitter about WNEW switching formats.

Haha I'm an old schooler - "THIS IS NOT WHAT I'M USED TO!"

I never had satellite so until like 4 years ago I hadn't heard any of the new stuff. I got into the show and they got fired 2 weeks later.

Oh wow, you missed a ton. You NEED to check out Spaz' Week In Review & The NRA Theme Restaurant. Those stick out in my mind at the moment.

*Edit - Also Don West Sells Stuff, and the time Ant was running around being himself & Reagan at the same time.

9 Hours of Spaz - NRA Restaurant - &

Don West Sells Body Parts - More Don West -

Nice. Stuff to do! I'll check these out.

It died with Patrice


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dani is a desperate cunt.



I just realized he isn't on social media because he's in jail, it's because he actually learned his lesson from last time.

danny rules

Oh you.

All of this is a bit where everyone is just playing an extreme version of their radio characters. Opinions gentlemen?


My entire vernacular is movie references. You thought you were only getting one?

What movie is this from? If i were a rich man

My lord I look terrible in that pic.

3 extra words at the end there.

Aha. Right. I look pretty good these days, pally.


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bah god I hope that jacket is as fake as the book...

Did you get the word vernacular from a Dane Cook Special? Because I did. I learn like a robot that accidentally has consciousness. Johnny numberrrrrrrsss 5

No, I just use vocabulary good.

Yeah it's fawkin easy to catch a cabulary when I'm not with my black friends. double gums cock suckah



Danny, the correct phrasing, once again in that comment would be "No, I just use vocabulary well." Your use of the incorrect vocabulary in that sentence makes it unintentionally ironic, thus then unintentionally somewhat humorous to me, to be perfectly honest. However, it is still incorrect, this is another reminder to please correct it. Thanks in advance!

How wrecked are you right now Chicago boy?

Hey, how did you know I live in Chicago? Have you been? Although I'm not actually from here, I just went to school here. I'm originally from... HEYYYYYYYY, WAAAAIT a second, are you trying to trick me into revealing more about myself!?

Also, I'm not wrecked, I'm not even driving.

Danny, the proper phrasing is "use vocabulary WELL." Please correct your post. Thanks in advance.

No shit ya fuckin' rube.

*edit - love how this bothered you so much you had to reply twice because you didn't get my attention the first time.

Happy now?

Danny, it's spelled "you," not "ya." Also I don't know what the word rube means but I assume it's some type of root vegetable.

You're fast to correct your mistake.

I'm faster.

Typos are ok, as long as you correct your mistakes afterwards. Speaking of correcting mistakes, you can go ahead and chance the phrasing of your original post to "use vocabulary WELL" as previously discussed. Thanks.

How did you know I played violin? Do you play as well?

I did some research on you after you were playing ball with my harasser. You start buddying up with that mother fucker and you're the newest name on my Arya Stark list.

LPT: You shouldn't post where you're going to be at specific times. ;)

I did some research on you after you were playing ball with my harasser.

It's not true, I was helping him and encouraging him for a few years and participating in it but not playing ball with him, I would never do that.

You start buddying up with that mother fucker and you're the newest name on my Arya Stark list.

Can I be cut from the list on the show version of your life after the actor playing me dies between seasons?

LPT: You shouldn't post where you're going to be at specific times. ;)

But then how would I promote my work? The public demands it.

By the way, are you a better violin player than a guitar hero player?

Wtf is this conversation? Are you fucking autistic or some shit?

Yes, I do consider myself very artistic. What can I say, I guess music is a passion of mine. I don't do what I do just for myself, but really for the audiences.

Yes, I am happy, although I would appreciate you please remove any downvotes you gave to my posts regarding this issue, and subsequently replace them with upvotes, given that I corrected you on this. Thanks again in advance, and you're welcome.

Any time, chief.

Edit: Actually, I just noticed you didn't correct your error yet, please go ahead and do so. Thanks once again in advance, little buddy.

Remember that time you leaked my OKC page like you were "getting" me? That was fun times.

It wasn't me leaking that, but I did post it in comments so that it would be saved for posterity. What can I say, I'm a populist. Not in the Buzz Windrip sense, but more in the Willie Stark sense.

What a waste of a post. You could as well have written "lol I'm Danny sounds the same as Dani so let's shoehorn in some attention for ME. I have Ant's phone number and was on-air and although no one else gives a shit about that I'm a celebrity here right?"

Fuck you for making me laugh.

This is basically what every single one of his posts read like to me. If even a lowly retard like Bobo showed up here this zilch would be yesterday's news and he knows it.

by the way, maybe i was whacked out on too little sleep, but anybody else playing fallout 4 think there was a reference to that in the vault regional hq building?

Oh wow, you missed a ton. You NEED to check out Spaz' Week In Review & The NRA Theme Restaurant. Those stick out in my mind at the moment.

*Edit - Also Don West Sells Stuff, and the time Ant was running around being himself & Reagan at the same time.

9 Hours of Spaz - NRA Restaurant - &

Don West Sells Body Parts - More Don West -

I didn't know we were playing 'Wordsback'