Who knows what happened last night? But he has been violent in the past while drunk.

4  2015-12-19 by clauge


Rename to exhibit D please.

Better clip: https://vid.me/e/ZffJ

All jokes aside, that is disturbing. The real Ant(h) ha quite the temper. Lil bit, lil bit.

Jesus, that "Fred From Brooklyn" should never be on camera. None of them should. Anthony really surrounds himself with hideous monsters.

Watching Bobo get beaten like this helps me understand how Ant felt when he was attacked by that black.


Gotta love how everyone gives Opie shit for being mean, or taking things to far. Yet Anthony hits a retard and no one really bats an eye.

Bobo deserved it, quit washing opies testicles wrongsideguy

Nah, Bobo didn't deserve it. Stop with the Anthony fanboy bullshit. The guys mentally incapable of making adult decisions, and still relies on his mother to take care of him. What did you expect to happen when you got the mush brain drunk? But then again when has Anthony ever thought anything through? That's exactly why he's in the predicament he's in.

Bobo is a loser, his mom shouldnt let him associate with the show in the first place. And he puked in the studio, fuck him. Anthony is a fucking lunatic thats not news to me. But your obvious opie siding just to be that guy is too obvious for me to go on with this convo.

No one is siding with Opie you fucking lunatic. Simply pointing out that had that been Opie this sub would have reacted an entirely different way. If you don't see any credence in that you really are stupid.

And yes, Bobo is a dummy he's fucking autistic you goon. Stop trying to sound edgy.

you brought up opie first lol. Im merely pointing out your dumb ass. "Look at me everyone! im the opie guy!" -You

Obviously it would be brought up differently, why are you pointing that out. Thats very very clear to me aleady.

I'm an Opie guy? Really? I'm almost certain I've said I find him dreadful at times, however unlike this sub I am not completely obsessed with him, and I don't let the stupid shit bother me.

It was merely an observation. You're the one acting like an autistic, mush brain, that is still taken care of by his mother somehow deserved to be hit, but if Opie smashes a cake... Uh oh, watch out. You're a fucking tard.

You should read that post over, and edit the second half. Opie guy.

Secondly, do you take everything you read at face value? lol

Nope. Not an Opie guy. Keep freaking out over a cake though, meanwhile Anthony is violently hitting women and autistic adults who are just trying to fit in. It's very pathetic.

What if he didnt hit her? Opie hate goes way farther then the cake stomping which by the way i thought was fucking funny and what opie said was true. Andrew was a friend of the show and they gave him hundreds of dollars for a fucking cake. See now try and define me bitch!

I wonder if he has a permit for that paper towel.

I know Bobo's a retard and not a chick, but is there really a stretch there? Am I right?

Bobo has a higher IQ than Dani Golightly.

Bobo is pretty infuriating.

Never seen this before, this is really really bad.

I remember staying up way to late watching this shit. The whole broadcast was a messy shitshow of drunks, white trash, hanger ons and retards.

gimme a break

Bobo is a piece of human dog shit. He should be beaten to death with dildos.

Why have I never seen or heard of this before?