I found Anthony. Hope he get out soon.

95  2015-12-19 by fyisah


We joke but mearly the accusation of domestic abuse (which that video certainly was) can get his ccw pulled and all his guns taken away for the forceable future. He'd be fucked if the coppers see that video or if Dani actually called the cops in the future as when they arrive they aren't allowed discretion

I wanna feel bad for him if he did/does get framed for something like that but how many times is he going to get shitfaced with crazy bitches and expect that something like that won't happen? He's Mr. Safety First and "keep your head on a swivel" when it comes to walking down the street if there might be a black person lurking in the shadows but he willfully opens his home up to these psychos who are only interested in his house and money with utter disregard for the possibility that they might fuck him over. He doesn't need to worry about defending the Alamo from a black gang home invasion. He needs to worry about the lunatics he opens his doors for.

True. At 72, he should know better by now.

When Dani called the cops and they showed up, they said it was a prank. Isn't that filing a false police report?

I can't imagine calling my local cops with a domestic violence dispute and when they show up telling them it was a prank, then they just chuckle and go on their way.

That's definitely illegal. There could be a real emergency going on while the police are responding to that "prank" not to mention those police are on the clock getting paid by tax payer money. Ant sure wouldn't appreciate that shit if somebody else was the one making the "prank" call to the police. A 60 year old man and his gf are "pranking" the police?

I read somewhere they told the cops it was a prank.. I just can't imagine that scenario. But then again I'm not a millionaire radiohost living in Long Island.

There is no way it'd go down like that. The police would immediately realize "Ok, they were in a fight and this guy threatened the girl to say it was a prank when we got here" and they would separate Ant and Dani and get both of their stories and if they maintained the "prank" story they would both be going to jail. More likely Dani would end up admitting "We were arguing and he hurt me" or whatever she was claiming happened and then Ol' Anthony would be hauled away. I can't imagine any scenario where the cops were called for a domestic violence and nothing comes of it... especially if they tried saying it was a prank. But, then again, Ant is rich and in a nice neighborhood so I guess anything is possible.

He has a cop butler/man-servant and several others on speed-dial. Any of us would instantly be arrested for domestic violence. The cops always take the woman aside and sweet talk her into telling them the truth. So he either didn't actually hit her, or he did really good job convincing her to stick to bullshit "prank" story.

The original Black Ant. We're ripping him off hoohoo.

ok, wtf was this real or what, i was convinced that this was them fuckin around, was he really arrested?

Yes. The Ant & Jim Show is now cancelled.