Guys. Seriously. Let's pray for The Whale and The Worm as they finish their first chemotherapy treatment.

9  2015-12-19 by talkingapeinspace


look how thin Bobby is there!

I remember about a year or two ago, I was watching a shitty Opie video with Bobby in studio, and he was extremely thin. Not even six months later he had ballooned back up and then some. I wish I remembered the video name, cuz it was shocking to see him that thin.

Bobby looks like he is in a constant state of eating now.

They look like they're in a cult, what the fuck is with this picture?

It's from when they did a skit on Amy Schumer's show where they played creepy massage therapists.

Bobby looks like a bald Steven Sagal.

Y'know what dooood, ya got your aikido dood, ya flip em over, boom, ya get outta there.

Great acting.

I'm guessing this was taken during the Brazil sex-tourism trip that Jim and Bobby took with Patrice. A salient example of Jimmy's dumbness. Mid-2000s Jimmy would go to Brazil to fuck whores, but he wouldn't go perform in Europe because of a completely unfounded trepidation that random people might give him shit for the Bush administration's foreign policy.

This is an old picture before the worm became ill