Remember that time the room was rolling with laughs and Opie pushed a button?

9  2015-12-19 by rottengymshorts

God that was great comedy.


Yeah that was good, but not as good as the time he put a stop to the jokes and screamed "HOLD ON! HOLD ON! HOLD ON! HOLD ON! We gotta get back to this!" Then returned to some news story about how housewifes prefer turnip to cauliflower.

HOLD ON HOLD ON HOLD ON! I got the game! I got the game!


Heh heh heh vurry good

No guy. Not now. You better believe this is an Anthony day on this subreddit. ;)

Do you think that bitch ever take a shower

Only in Moorish ejaculate

The best was when he went to phone call from Chuck, interrupting Jim and insert comic here

Chuck: Funny joke about fish, but those fucking niggers and spics, and ISIS, hang all muslims, burn all nigger

ME: ah ha ha ha comedy gold.

Or when everyone's riffing, telling funny jokes and Opie reads stuff from the instant feedback.

Sometimes you gotta feel the temperature of the room....

Fridays show

Fridays show


Fridays show