Looks like Dani is getting fired tomorrow

40  2015-12-19 by Ant_Sucks


Is it just me or does anyone else find Dani to be just a little bit annoying?

Huh. Interesting take on it, I'd have to mull it over for a while to see if I agree or disagree.

fair and balanced.

Teach the controversy

I hope, for Ant's sake, that she was born without a uterus.

I was wondering how he never knocked up a chick.

He probably wears multiple bags.

That makes it more likely a condom broke

Thanks Dr Fuckin Steve.

You're welcome, nigger.

Merry Christmas, heeb.

Look, these are scientific facts here, mister man. Wear 2, they break, and you end up the father of a little albatross. What do you do for a living, character?

I wake up, apply Rogaine, attach bra, grab my joke book, wait for my retarded man-servant to pick me up, and it's off to host the morning zoo.



I AGREE, but I think WE are in the MINORITY here!!!

if you guys saw her twat she'd be less annoying.

Anyone have the pic of the Italian? I just saw a Tunisian in the video.

He looks more Corsican to me.

Haha. More likes and retweets then an Opie post.

Well she was hit by a black man so she wasn't wrong.

dani gofuckingdie

So someone commits a crime against her and she refuses to tell authorities but she'll complaint to strangers on the internet about it. Why? That makes no sense.

Because she's a crazy woman and everyone knows crazy women do not operate with logic.

"&$;;-:" = "1,2,3,4,5,6" chars. Its either nigger or guinea, I vote for the latter.

How dare she disrespect Antonony's heritage. He's a man, he has his dignity. Fuck you, you can't take his dignity. She's a disgraziade.

You always know a tweet is real when someone screenshots it instead of linking it.

Your art of deception needs some work.

Lots of time these bitch ass Twitter people will delete the tweet

https://twitter.com/danigolightlyny/status/676738503452045313 still exists so I'd say she actually did tweet this and deleted it just like the periscopes.


2015-12-15 12:20 UTC

yeah domestic abuse should be private! gawd! https://twitter.com/chompy_jr/status/508396522065514496

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she's so gross.

Now Opie thinks she's human garbage.


9 Retweets / 11 Favorites

Its a conspiracy people, wake up!

Nobody gets sacked over the holidays.


Are you one of the people who say I'm waiting on line instead of in line like a normal person?

He's doing some Carlin bit

She called him a nigger?

She wouldn't be wrong if she did.