deleted threads

3  2015-12-19 by Dennyislife

Mods or something else?! Explain? It's been made public by her.


I deleted them

I'm not sure what I saw. I started reading then hit back button by accident now it's gone.... forever

She was claming anthony was hitting her and had broken her hand which sure did look fucked up. He was screaming at her to leave and they were arguing about money. In the second one he's shouting looking for his gun and she's helping him look for it. Then the cops turn up. Turns out she called the cops on anthony but they thought ant had unplugged/thrown the phone before the call was made. They brush the cops off by saying it was some sort of prank ( the cops also seemed to be asking if she was ants daughter when they arrived) the cops leave and she's back to helping him look for his gun. She then pretends to shout to the cops that anthony has lost his gun and things seem relatively jovial between the pair. A strange situation. Might all be a work but it didn't feel like it at all.

She was high as fuck

Ah she's taken them down. But we saw them.



Hmmm.... that was quick

It's a quanspiracy