All I want for Christmas is for Opie to be angrily responding to the latest shit storm while his kids open presents from bam

24  2015-12-19 by [deleted]

The question is, how can this be accomplished? I thought about trying to start a rumor over break that Opie has cancer, but I can already hear literally everyone saying "who?"

So, the answer seems to be controversy. Cake stomp is played out, and we can't get any traction with Sandy Kane because she's a ghoul, so shall we make something up perhaps?


I got a crazy idea. Maybe we rile the sjw crowd to defend Opie from us. What we do is say trans radio host under attack by reddit bigots, then Opie has to take to Twitter to tell everyone he's not a tranny.

That's pretty brilliant actually, and humiliating for Tits.


You shoulda used a throwaway. Also, shit like that is gonna get this sub banned.

He did it all on his own with no encouragement . He'll probably get shadowbanned by an admin though.

You're probably right, but it brings attention that we don't need. We're trying to destroy a man, we don't need outsiders mucking up the works.

Who was iit

I don't remember the username, harold something or another maybe?

what did that person do?

Posted in some transgender subreddit that Opie was trans and was quickly called out by the people there.

then Opie has to take to Twitter to tell everyone he's not a tranny

Nobody is going to believe him when he has those voluptuous breasts.

And in doing that, he's too stupid to not accidentally say something offensive about trannies... Then it has a new life of its own

If we say he's transitioning that might be more believable than saying he's already transitioned. Say he's already taken the first steps towards getting breast implants.

I imagine Bam's children excitedly running to the tree, tearing through the wrapping, and finding only mason jars full of a viscous white fluid. With eyes that emanate hunger they look to their mother and she says "Gregg wasn't able to drink every drop last night, so we saved some for you to play with."


Sounds like every literotica story I ever read

The audio of mocking Jewish people. Those "people" don't do Christmas and will be working on the day of the Lord's birth. They also have a bit of an influence on media so it would be a shame if Shelly's Jewish boss would catch wind that he's an anti-semite.

Upvoted for proper use of quotation marks.

Is there any way to actually send toys to Opie under Bam's name? That would actually be pretty funny.


I listened to some audio the other day where Opie pretty much didn't even differentiate between pedophiles and gays, they were talking about the boy scouts and he said the people molesting the kids were gay. To be fair, he does correct himself, but it's later in the audio. I'm too lazy to find the link right now.

And in doing that, he's too stupid to not accidentally say something offensive about trannies... Then it has a new life of its own