Chip Chipperson appreciation thread

43  2015-12-19 by smokinswindler

Post your favorite chippa clips, bits & lines. Timestamp so we dont have to go through a 6 minute video for 1 line ya pieveces of gahbigee.

I'll start with a clip of Chip reminiscing about the time he diareeered on the rug


I've fought and killed so many dangerous pregnant women based on his advice. I literally couldn't appreciate him more.

Please post that clip haha

Definitely my favorite Chip clip.

I can't believe I never watched that clip before. Holy shit did I just cry. Chip at his best.

Go to break Chippah is one of my favorites.

This will always be my favorite chip clip. Odd that it starts with a shout out to the Stangels.

U betta hav ur fingur on dat buttin cuz i mite say FAAAAWWWWK!!!

"You're a stupid boring man" might be the funniest thing Sam has ever said

Sam and Chip have a contentious relationship.


surprised the best chip segment isnt in here yet:

I like random Chip characters:

almond shake Chip

Chip Waldman

There was one clip where they were discussing Iron Maiden. Chip cracked a joke about the one armed drummer and then signed off with 'clap, clap - single guns'. I had to take a knee from laughing so hard. It came out of fucking nowhere. If anyone knows where to find this short clip id be forever in your debt.

This is my favorite clip. Gold, start to finish.

"Chip, Chip, Chip to my lou'"

"When the bride cut da cake I was like 'UH OH HOPE SHE DON'T CUT DA CHEESE TOO!'"

"New keg of what? PISSCUM!?"

Anthony: Winston Churchill said 'a nation trying to tax itself into prosperity is like standing in a bucket and trying to lift it by the handle'.

Chip: Yer sittin in a bucket... fheh... what are ya... spackle or sumpthin?

There was one time chip sang a song that went I can't believe I never knew how pretty you are sitting there lookin all pretty n shit. If I had a million dollars I would give you half of it.

Anyone know what I'm talking about I don't think I've heard it in years.



anyone have the clip from a couple of weeks ago where chip unveiled chet chesterson 0069, secret agent. fucking hilarious!

what is he like a house or something

Chippah commentates a bikini contest in 1925 'look she's got a big fawkin hairy pussy'. Starts around 1:14.

fank yoo al 4 apreesheayt me i verrie hapee 2 giv yu happee

merri krissmuss