"Piss Lord" was a Gregg Raqio bit. We need to stop using it when referring to Denny.

58  2015-12-18 by smokinswindler

Please show some respect.

EDIT: It may have been Sam or Troy who coined the phrase, but the first rule of r/opieandanthony is that it's always Opies fault. Remember that legit critique does not register on Greggs spectrum so always blame him for everything and make things up since those are the things that upset his feeble brain.


Always hated the name piss lord. And always thought this sub was faggy as fuck for jumping on it.

Agree. Have some respect for Falcone. Not some dumb bit that Opie or Sam came up with. Two hacks.

I thought it was Troy/Sam?

Pretty sure it was and Opie ran with it.

It was.

Just as bad.

Yes, Sam started it and Opie of course hitched his tits on that bandwagon.

I also did too.

I never used it. Opie was the only one who thought it was funny. It was just a lame teenage bully bit.

look at all those PraiseOhPissLordDenny accounts, i would say at least 20 fagtards think its very funny

Denny is no longer the Piss Lord, he is now the Boss Jock


as in Qreqq "Oqie" Huqhes

Double agree, bringing Denny in was a great bit. But when it delineated into the pisslord schtick it reaked of someone (see Gregg) not knowing what is funny.

Dennis "Falcon Punch" Falcone?

Who cares

I actually don't know the reference. When and why did they start calling him Piss Lord?

Sam just made it up out of the blue and started saying Denny liked to get pissed on. I want to say during a jocktober but not sure. I think Sam's idea behind it was calling him Piss Lord was a stark contrast with his clean cut company man radio personality and also to tarnish his image. Denny would get upset with the new title and vehemently have to deny the accusation.

Sam was jealous that people liked Denny.

I'm in the dark with this as well.

Fair. I will refer to him as Lord Falcone from here on.

I'm liking 'Lord Falcone'


Nah that was definitely Sam's bit. He loved annoying Denny with it.

I remember once when Sam was aggravating Denny about his voice, that "he doesn't have a voice for radio" or something of the sort. And Denny replied with "and what about yours?". That shut Sam up real quick.

If you could find a clip of that I'd be very grateful.

The production bit was during opie and anthony, pretty sure there has been no production like this in the opie raqio era, just best of snippets and the camel clutch song

Ah fuck I forgot that tune existed. ..stuck In my head again instantly..


Your right!

He should be know only as Dennis the LionHeart!

I second this motion.

Denny is the boss.

I started referring to Opie as 'Piss Lord' on twitter. 'CumzieLord' is better for Opie.

But much respect to Dennis Falcone who will soon take Opies chairs.. in fact his rightful chair that Opie the Pretender only sat in for too long.

Holy fuck! Who gives a shit!?

no u

Noted this in the past, it was a Sam invention and opie was delighted by it and clearly prodded it on. It's garbage

Sam also invented Jocktober, and Opie spurred it on. By your logic, we shouldn't say or do Jocktober either.

They don't. They're on the receiving end of it now.

I said we shouldn't do it by his logic. I know they don't do it. They don't say Piss Lord either and haven't for a long time.

I stand corrected, Sir.

I'm pretty sure it was Sam. Opie can't invent shit.

Nobody bats 1000, even Opie can be funny sometimes.

Denny is the Piss Lord. He drinks urine to cleanse our sins.


Is this your safe space?

look at all those PraiseOhPissLordDenny accounts, i would say at least 20 fagtards think its very funny