I enjoyed Quentin Tarantino shutting down Opie's incisive analysis of police "bad apples".

53  2015-12-18 by iheartdna

The second they started talking about the cops I started cringing. Here it comes, here it comes. Why does he torture us so? Sure enough, not too long before you hear the puffing up of his chest as he prepares to drop his incredibly profound opinion that he embraced as his own lo these many months. No, not that "all politicians are assholes, that's my take on it" but instead, it's our second favorite "MY THING IS (because it's no one else's!) 99.9999% of cops (god forbid he not throw in enough cop-sucking-up decimal places) are doin' the right thing!"

pleased with himself as usual

Tarantino: "Well, actually, I don't buy that "bad-apple" scenario."

dumbass: "Oh..."

I swear you could hear his distressed mind realize that he somehow managed to get disagreement on the most idiotic, innocuous people-pleasing viewpoint of all time.


Opie believes he's genuinely talented and reasonably intelligent even though he's in his 50's and has the haircut of a little boy.

Opie believes he's genuinely talented and reasonably intelligent

ME: Thanks freshmozz.

don't forget duh muzzlims. 99.999999999999999% of dem are good peepul

He wuz a gud boy he dindu nuffins

It's not even Opie's thought. It's from being in the car when kenny drives him around.

You know, GH, there's a few bad apples and it makes us all look crooked.

-Crooked cop who almost shot a guy who cut him off and beat people up.

Kenny would tell stories about "tuning people up" with phone books in "the good old days". Kenny is one of the bad apples he's talking about. I've heard other stories from cops from when they were coming up and it's not one or two bad apples. Maybe I'm a bad control, because 100% of cops I've known have been slimy, corrupt, scumbag mother fuckers.

I think you're right. Kenny is a scumbag bad cop, but I know a lot of cops too and they're not great people.

He was probably too wiley to tell you guys any really incriminating stories about his crooked cop days, wasn't he?

If you look at Kenny's skull, his brain case is actually too small for his head. He's not smart enough to conceal any of his shitty stories.

So your talking about Keith the Cop

Even worse was the essentially SJW arguments that fans had. Like "Tarantino has 1 issue I disagree with so let's demonize him & call him an asshole or piece of shit". It's the same tactics.

On jimmy's Instagram someone wrote "he calls cops racist yet makes a movie where the n-word was said 110 times". I bet this fanboy defended things O/A/J have said a million times. But cuz another guy has an issue he doesn't agree with then it's ok to take his work out-of-context & boil it down to "naughty words" he has said? It's everything any fan of the show would be against. Tarantino's script was about slave times & was an anti-slavery, pro-black movie. He used that word to make that point. It's not hypocritical at all. Plus, when Django came out, everyone on the show praised him for using real language & not softening it for the movie

I could get behind the notion of SJW if it did in fact mean one who makes a single minded argument aimed solely at derailing a conversation until his point is conceded to and not the current iteration of 'anyone more liberal than I am.' Cus Ted Cruz is an SJW motherfucker to the T's.

I think people online are just flat out cunts. However liberal people (SJWs) are the ones who are going to be up the ass of comedians doing non-PC jokes. So comedians deal with them so that's why they are singled out to people like us who like comedians on radio/podcasts. But ultimately, Salon & Brietbart are the exact same people but different sides of the argument.

Not that I disagree but the guy is probably talking about when Tarantino says "dead nigger parking" a bunch of times in pulp fiction.

No. He said he "wrote a script" & Django is the 1 that specifically used it 110 times


"Storage", not parking.

You right

I wish Anthony could have been their to actually convey a fucking original thought.

It puts him in a tough spot, because he'd usually suck up to Tarantino, but he can't really do a 180 on this like he would on most things. What'd he say after "oh"? Change of subject?

Tarantino just kept talking and explaining his point. Which actually showed thought and consideration. I know it's hard to imagine, but Opie was then flummoxed.

I would link to video but my kids are taking a final right now.

What I take from this is you are a teacher sitting in front of a silent class and posting on the O&A subreddit.

The hate is everywhere. Hatred of Tits has now infiltrated academia.

Your point being

He might not have a point but I think we all agree that you should be teaching your students to hate Opie.

the test is on their knowledge of "The Hater Agenda"

  1. Ant and Jim are having a hilarious conversation. You're Opie. You're about to

a. Contribute something hilarious and relevant

b. slurp / sniff

c. Riff something amazing

d. Interrupt the flow with some caller

e. Both b and d

I hope so.

Haha for some reason this made me think of Opie. He's like a teacher who doesn't know anything on his own so if you say something that isn't the teacher's manual he goes from being a know it all to a dunce.


"But Kenny said..."

Like the ol' Rogan "you know what, in my opinion some people are cool, and some people are assholes. That's how the world works."

"Regular Joe" Rogan

Got my container of caveman coffee

Is that the one with the butter in it?

[Every other episode nowadays] - haaa-haaaaack.. Jamie! cooough cough.. That fuckin yak butter is clogging my throat again.

I have little desire to put butter in my coffee anymore.

Wait what? You don't put yak butter in coffee like you do sugar or milk. To the best of my knowledge you don't put it in coffee at all, you put it in a Tibetan style of tea, but there it's part of what you brew. It isn't an optional extra.

Is that silly goose adding yak butter to coffee like it's milk?

Some people are just silly bitches.


I thought it was a brilliant analysis. That Opie sure knows his shit, right gang?

99.9999% = Jewish Numbers?!

But...Patton Oswalt said he was brilliant...

patton has been saying kids stink for many years, then he got a batch of kids and now they are the best thing evr

I'll bet it's not as good as 99% unless we're strictly limiting ourselves to 'good cop has never been involved in a death.'


I dont think Opie understands decimals and percentages. Good cop bad cop, good muslim bad muslim, it's not a clear cut angle you can take where you're judging people's actions, thoughts, background, plugging it into a formula, and coming up with a 99.99% result

He also shut down Jims attempts at indulging himself in foot fetish talk. He just can't fucking help himself. Mark Norman the only one to even attempt humour during the interview.

Link it you asshole

Quentin Tarantino is an idiot.

Hahahahaha. Try harder


Tarantino can eat a dick


It was Jimmy that turned the conversation towards the cops. It was a really awkward transition too. He's not as good an interviewer as The Opester.

Opie believes he's genuinely talented and reasonably intelligent

ME: Thanks freshmozz.