Everyone. Justin Stangle wants you to compliment him on his weight loss

24  2015-12-18 by Dennyislife


Everyone say the meanest shit possible since he was so rude to Denny

I never understood the mentality of religious extremists until I heard him besmirching the good name of our lord and savior, Dennis Falcone. And now I want to crash a helicopter right into the side of that slob.


Still looks like a fat lesbian.


No shit. He should be thanking us, that ungrateful fat fuck.

Having weight move from your chins to your ass really isn't losing weight, is it?

As a very fat guy myself I don't encourage him. It's certainly good to lose weight.

However, behaving like a rational person and eating reasonably isn't something to applaud.

Besides that, he and the other Salami brother made fun of our Piss Lord. I hope he gets da sugar diabetus.

I think we need to focus some of the hate on this kid toucher:



2015-11-20 17:14 UTC

I woke with these on under my boxers. Did she just drive home with no underwear?

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2015-12-18 14:40 UTC

@Justin_Stangel Good job, I beat ya tho, 70 lbs.

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He transformed from a weight loss success story before picture to a weight loss success story before picture. Still got about 200 pounds to drop before he is anywhere near healthy.

I thought Justin was the fatter one. So who's the one with the wig?

He shouldn't skip leg day.

I don't listen to the show so I don't hate him as much as the rest of you guys (although from the little I have heard of him I didn't like) so I will just use this to point out what a worthless, lazy piece of shite Roland is. See this Roland? If you lost 45lbs you could be a svelte 490lbs.

TL;DR Roland eats da poo poo

At Roland's size he could lose 45lbs by skipping lunch for a week.

he looks like marion

Not to be that guy who pines for some non-existent halcyon days of yore, but...

Imagine your fucking grandfather coming back from slaying the Nazi menace and posting his weight loss all over social media and seeking approval for not eating himself to death? We're doomed.

Isn't that just a picture of (his slightly less obese) brother on the right?

If it looks like shit, smells like shit, tastes like shit...

nostril shape rating: 2/10 needs work

Well, you know.

Let's just leave it at that.

I can't wait until him and his saggy flesh leaves to go ruin Harry Connick Jr.'s crummy daytime show.

Great job! I hope he's on the Auschwitz diet!

He's still the fat one. I hope he lost it due to stress or HIV.

Going by his before & after shots, it looks like he didn't lose weight as much as he had his head circumcised.

His relatives also lost lots of weight, I wish he'd go to the same camp in Germany they did.


How is it possible that the instagram comments are all positive? Are we that lazy, or is it possible to delete comments on instagram?

edit: His account is private and you can delete comments. I guess that explains it.

He's morphing into Harold Ramis. Unfortunately not in the most important ways.

Anytime a twitter link is posted i only check it for the baldopie comment. Hes fucking relentless, i love it

I love the pic that BaldOpie posted of Frankenstein's Monster

he blocked me cause i asked how many times a day he needed to feed his chins. im a fat fuck myself.

Good for J-Steng. I'm proud of him. Progress is progress. Have you dirtheads lost weight?

I did, and I didn't beg for acceptance from the most hateful audience in America.

Still don't understand how this fat femmy fuck with hair like Bill Clinton's mom (RIP) was a listener before he got a job there. Nobody who looks as goofy as he does should like himself as much as he does.

I never understood the mentality of religious extremists until I heard him besmirching the good name of our lord and savior, Dennis Falcone. And now I want to crash a helicopter right into the side of that slob.
