Kenny still can't understand why people are mad that cops get away with murder. Protect and Serve. Right club soda.

9  2015-12-18 by QuantumTabby


Cops are an insular group. They usually hang out with only other cops and confirmed pro-cop people. Since they get it from all directions they tend to back the bad cops because they also see good cops get nailed so give the benefit of the doubt. That's the good cops. The bad cops think using heavy-handedness and facsist shit is nessesary and should hidden from the pencil pushers

Pick your battles. The cop fucked up...looks like he didn't mean to fire, but I'd like to think it's karma. Drunko put innocent civilians in danger, and he's responsible for his wife's death. Aggravated vehicular homicide...goodbye scumbag.

The guy didn't die, it said he might be paralyzed. Yeah, the guy's a POS, but that doesn't excuse the cop for shooting a man exiting a wreck. Cops don't have the right to play the role of judge, jury and executioner.

only Judge Dredd has that right

By "goodbye", I meant for his prison vacation. The cop f'ed up; I don't believe he intended to pull the trigger...big f-up on his part and he should be severely disciplined for it, but this all occurred after a high-speed chase. Everything that transpired lays directly on this felion's shoulders.

Him getting shot by an inept cop is on the cops fat shoulders. It really is great to be a cop though, you can potentially murder somone, claim it was an accident, get off scot-free and have the public defend you regardless of video evidence. One of the first things that's taught when handling a firearm is trigger discipline, this fat fuck doesn't even have the discipline to control his weight.

morally, if you are killed or injured during wrongdoing by a cop or someone else trying to stop you, the blame is all on you and we can pretty much mock you for your stupidity and even be glad for it.

legally, the cop is entirely responsible for that and should be punished.

You are a retard. If you are doing something wrong that does not mean that morally you should be killed.

Hopefully a cop kills one of your family members. Then I wonder how you will feel.

You piece of shit.

Your reading comprehension appears to be a little low and perhaps you don't know what morally means. It also appears that baby boy took something a little too personally and isn't used to intellectual discussions or thinking out abstract concepts.

Yes if you perform wrong action you deserve the punishment that comes with it. There are different kinds though. Like that one pedophile karate instructor that the father shot that has been mentioned on the show before. He deserved it morally, legally he did not. The father deserved to be punished legally, morally he did not.

The world is a big complicated place for people like you though, I understand.

The fact that you pull out that one incident that was brought up on the opie and anthony show. That is in no way related to cops killing citizens, shows what a retard you are.

Again, hopefully one of your family members is killed by police. Then you can remember back to this argument. And then when you are sad about it everyone can just call you baby boy.

You're dumb as shit.

I can pull out a thousand examples but I went with the one a mouth breather like you would understand.

Hmm, I wonder who understands morality better. The person who throws out an idea about right and wrong in the context of a person's action, or the person who calls for the death of that person's family for having that idea.

And let me get this straight: you think that someone behaving in such a way that threatens the lives of others never deserves to die (legally you're correct but I don't think so morally), but you have no problem saying innocent people that have no connection to this discussion do. Well, you get points for consistency.

You misunderatand me. I am saying hopefully a member of your family makes a similar mistake and ends up dead at the hands of police for it. I and sure you will still think that morally they deserved to die.

Yeah if they do something stupid they deserve it, we agree. Sad though it may be, putting others at risk may lead to your own death.

Just like ant deserves it. I support ant but he set up a situation that resulted in the bullshit he's going through now, guilty or not. All that happened lays on his shoulders because of the choice he made in a stupid ugly woman. He deserves it, morally. Legally shall be determined.

If you look at the cops muzzle, it looks like he fired twice. The other big problem was that he didn't call in shots fired or alert the cops and paramedics on the scene that he shot the guy. It wasn't until someone else noticed the bullet wound and bullet holes that he said "oh yeah, I shot him."

That's either purposeful or accidental negligence. Either way that guy can't be in the line of police work anymore.

Why do you set the bar so low for someone who has so much power and lethality on their shoulders everyday at work?

kenny was fucking IA, cops HATE IA cops.

He was IA and he backs cops to the unreasonable degree he does? He must not be smart and just goes with groupthink.

The fact that the biggest cop apologist there is, was responsible for investigating them, says all you need to know about cops. I'm sure he was super impartial.


I thought for years he was just trolling and acting like a big dumb clown.

Now I would absolutely stomp and snuff out any wife or offspring of his I happen to come across. For the betterment of the human race.

I want to give those little fucks the old Billy Batts shined shoe clop clop treatment.

You are a retard. If you are doing something wrong that does not mean that morally you should be killed.

Hopefully a cop kills one of your family members. Then I wonder how you will feel.

You piece of shit.