Do you think Kurt Russell still goes by the name "Snake"?

2  2015-12-17 by NotRye

Is that a good question?


Larry King: How important are the interviewing skills?

Snake Plissken? I thought he was dead.

I honestly haven't seen the movies.

Well if you had you'd probably be telling me how good and funny my reference is.

Damn. Sorry.


That's a good question, G.H.

Is that a good question?

That's a good question.

I'm surprised that Opie didn't ask Kurt Russell is Goldie Hawn takes Big doodies.

That would've been a better question.

ME: huh huh! Where the poo comes out.

ME: How big was the trouble in Little China? Do you still drive that Peterbilt? I thought you were dead. Are you dead? Is The Duke still A-#1?