Always liked Denny, and hated the way Opie made fun of him because there were no jokes in his "insults", but now i fucking LOVE Denny.

60  2015-12-17 by OwlDrip

And fuck you Oqie, you've shit on him for several years and he never took it personal, he gets one jab in and you get defensive, i wish Pete Davidson was in because i'm 100% sure he would have laughed which would have sent Oqie into a tailspin.


Calling Denny "piss god"? That's funny.

Calling Denny an autistic and treating him like shit for no reason? Opie on a power trip.

Yes, but it was always Jimmy and Anthony who would do the piss jokes, and since it was Jim and Ant, they were usually funny, repeating "hurr durr Denny spectrum" like Tits did wasn't even half-funny the first time.

My point exactly.


I always thought it was Sam that called him the piss god.. Could suck his own dick etc.. Opie wasn't clever enough to come up with that stuff on his own, he just repeated it.

Yes i think it was Sam who came up with the piss stuff, but it always ended up with Jim and Ant making the jokes.

Austic faggot Opie calling the kettle black.


The kettles name is Sherrod?

Lord Falcone, go to TACS and make a music playlist for Christmas. I normally don't give two shits about Christmas music, but I'd like to see you at a studio you're wanted and appreciated.

Just like he picked on Fez, when someone stands up for themselves he cowers.

Ant covered that on GreggShells II- Opie only picks on folks who can't or won't fight back.

"Fezes from around the globe" "is he a Fez" "He sounds like a Fez" shut the fuck up you idiot nobody cares about your dumb bit!

I'd rather have chip yelling "wassat" at me for 24 hours than listen to 1hour of OqieRaqio.

Because he has the comic chops of the real life version of Jim and Ant's Yenta character.

Not even. The yenta knows what her own opinion is. When you break it down, that's step one. Our good buddy's not figgured that out yet.

Jim and Ants Yentas are funny though, Opie cant even compare to the characters, one thing that i think Ant and Jim missed would be to do an entire show as characters and say that Ant and Jim were vacationing or sumtn, the Chip and AntYenta show or sumtn.


Denny always let stuff roll off. Even being nice to the caller. He's just a good guy, and his Jocktober was far more interesting than Opie's bullshit.

People complained about his jocktober but I really liked it.

It was last on my list. I wanted more.

Opie's a malicious, grudge holding, mean-spirited human being. This isn't some "Let's be mean to Denny on-air for the laugh" bit. I bet he's a dismissive piece of shit to him off the air too. The fact that Gregg is a complete scumbag off-mic is what makes all of this razzing completely justified. It also makes the fact that his wife is most likely cheating on him all the sweeter. Hey bitch-tits, I dare you to go through your wife's phone. I guarantee you'll find some text conversations with other men to go deep....real shitty....exchtremely shitty things.......

Denny was having none of the Opster's lame prolonged "Jewish numbers" bit.