Did you hear the "cop caller" own Tit?

4  2015-12-17 by FootThingOnHisFoot


Tit was happy that the police turned their backs on the mayor but couldn't explain why, then changed the subject when he started to heat up.


I really fuckin hate Kenny. He's a retard.

it's impossible for him to construct any sort of argument whatsoever. his arguments consist of "have you ever had to call the cops sir" and "well just live your life then"

like what the fuck? they are talking about police literally murdering or not murdering people and that's the best he's got. the man is not smart

Not even just murdering a guy. If one asshole cop murders someone then you pin down that asshole cop. When that cop murders somebody and then they actively try to cover it up and destroy evidence like they did in Chicago you aren't talking about a shitty cop anymore.. you are talking about an entire department acting corruptly and you have to ask "how often does this shit happen and if this shit isn't caught on camera and brought to public attention how long would this shit go on?" You can't just shrug it off and say "well cops are doing the right thing 99% of the time" or "when you need the cops you wouldn't be saying that." They are public servants. Them doing their job correctly isn't something we need to praise. That's supposed to be the fuckin default.

My nigga

Oooh.. are you black? I'd like to be able to update my resume to "2 black friends."

Kenny is such fucking garbage.

I hate how Kenny always does this wannabe lawyer talk with people. He gets asked a question that goes against his ideal, so he does the whole tough guy lawyer routine. Of course people like Opie and Jim, who are barely men, eat that shit up.

Kenny is basically everything Jimmy hates about Jessie Ventura. Do you think he realizes that?

Just sucking kenny's dick is all. Ant does the same shit.

Pussy faggots.

When the guy asked for an example of anti-cop rhetoric and Opie just said he couldn't give one and then tried to make a joke was so uncomfortable. What a broken man.

How can you not give an example of anti-cop rhetoric? Have they been totally oblivious to Ferguson and Baltimore and Minneapolis? , Oink oink bang bang, pigs in a blanket fry em up like bacon, people calling to kill white cops on Twitter, people considering BLM a terrorist organization, etc.

The caller was asking about anti-cop rhetoric from DeBlasio because Opie claimed he had been saying anti-cop things.

It's because for decades we've been taught to call the cops heroes all the time. DeBlasio said something about having a talk with his black son, like all good black parents do, about behaving extra good and nonthreatening with police because black people get profiled and stopped more by police. Well that got the cops all irritated because they are only to be revered as heroes! Thin skinned is what they are.

ME: just go to the video and leave your thoughts and comments.

we're goin lite today ..lite.

goddamn, that show sounds like the reception room of a funeral hall.
