Could someone please breakdown the difference between Stern & Gregg for a non-Stren listener?

1  2015-12-17 by smokinswindler

I know Stern is obviously superior, but it seems that a lot of his fans seems to hate him as much as we hate Gregg. What are the things his fans hate about him? Is there such a thing as Howie-shells or is he actually a competent radio host? What are the things that Gregg does that makes him a Stern wannabe?


Stern has gotten completely safe with his humor and image which is annoying, but at least he is still able to do a show and interview without sounding like a complete moron.

Most of the time when Stern does an interview the PR person has to have them dragged out because he's still going after an hour. Opie had to ask Travis and Chris D if they had any questions for two Hollywood legends after asking 2 moronic questions.

The difference is about 89 million.

*89 Million a year FTFY

It's probably over half a billion total at this point.

The difference is that at some point Howard was actually funny. He could do impressions, riff and have a generally funny take on current events.

Howard's fans hate him because in the last few years he has sanitized his show. He goes so far as to change Wackpacker's names and edit old shows to make himself look more PC. He also started sucking up to all the celebrities he made a career out of bashing. He told Kathy Lee that he was always so mean to her because he secretly wanted to be her. He was the one guy who could say or do anything and now he's just another PC celebrity.

Howie-shells are a thing. This Marci Turk woman is apparently the one who is responsible for sanitizing his image and he has gone so far as to dump mentions of her on the air. He also hates mentions of him his first wife, Artie, fired staff members, his alleged wig/fake teeth, etc.

If you want to see an over sanitized version of a once great radio personality watch Stern. If you like slowing down to see gruesome car wrecks then watch Opie.

Stern is the OG of doing less radio and cleaning up his show to make it for PC to get more high profile celebrities now.

Opie, being the wannabe that he is of Stern, now is doing the same thing Stern has been doing the past couple years.

Opie is obsessed with Stern, and EVERYBODY knows it.

Stern > Opie


One has talent and A-list celebs, the other it's a hack with an A-cup

Greggy has a full B-cup at least


They're very similar, except Stern is the far superior interviewer and more successful which makes his narcissism far more tolerable.