Fun Thread: What kind of car does Tits drive?

5  2015-12-17 by Leofan7

Just curious if anyone knows or would like to speculate. PECKAHS.


Gregg Shellby Mustang

Definitely a Hummer, right brothamaaan!!!

He doesn't drive, he climbs onto his manservant Kenny's back and smacks his ass. I was gonna say he dangles something in front of his face to give him extra motivation but couldn't think of anything. Help me out here.

a peckah comes to mind

FUCK! I was just about to say that. Vurry good.

Something with four flat tires. All of his conversations quickly deflate and end up going nowhere.

Here's a recent video of him driving on the Northern State.

For me, I would think he drives a late-90s BMW that he thinks is fancy but is a crumbling rustbucket with Stangelcum in the backseat.

Upvoted for the Stanglecum

A soccer mom minivan.

He used to have a brown WK Jeep Grand Cherokee. I saw it in the old video where he went fishing with Bob Kelly.

He said he recently got a new car tho.

He HAD to have the ugliest Grand Cherokee ever built. Ugh.