Denny smashes the shells audio

70  2015-12-17 by Dennyislife

30 mins ish in if time stamp doesn't work


"Fighting for my life"

Is that how he dramatically refers to having to do his job that he's not good at?

Right? You’d think you wouldn’t have to “fight for your life” to do a job you’re apparently sooo talented at…

He should have said, "I'm drowing in a sea of my own incompetence."

A few weeks ago wasn't it "fighting for our lives"?

Sometimes dictators and oppressive authoritative regimes like to tie in their fate with the fate of the people.

I can only hope that he kills everyone in the studio before plummeting to his death.

Opie is so fucking bad it's still amazing to me how your not fired for being the most unfunny cunt around, When October comes around his ass is gone.

"Fighting for my life" = No prep work, no quality content, poorly crafted 'viral' videos, and suggests co-host should quit.

I really wish he were

He calls denny autistic right after. I guess because denny allegedly doesn't understand that people don't like him. How could opie not understand he is describing himself?

Dennys original joke is better than any attempt opie has had at a joke in his entire 40 year career. And also I'm not on the spectrum I'm on the 70s channel is better.

Denny could do opies job better than him tomorrow. One of the worst things about opie is the way he thinks he's better than denny.

Denny's joke was fucking quick and hilarious. Made me laugh. And these dumb fucks all jump on Denny asking how that was funny... jesus it's so obvious that there's greggshells all over that shit hole constantly

It was goddamn great! How many years did Opie claim to love conflict and evil shit, Kenny too. The Stangels are sickening.

How many years did Opie claim to love conflict and evil shit

Oh, he does! Just not at his expense.

Boy I'd HATE for those autism awareness assholes to find him saying the A Word

They'd just try to get him help.

That, might be even funnier than him getting in trouble

Also, Tits reads this sub and knows we call him autistic. So it sank in, and now he's regurgitated it back.


Opie is the king of projection.

I hate Kenny

I guarantee you 90% of this sub could beat him up yet he's supposed to be some tough guy cop. fuck him

Cops get swelled heads way too fucking easily. "Oooh look at me! I got a C average in criminal justice at Rutgers, you better show me respect!!". Kenny should realize he was a municipal worker with a gun permit all those years and shut the fuck up already.

I guarantee you 90% of this sub could eat him up


I don't believe that, he is just a security blanket for Opie though.

"I'm sure some people chuckled."

Denny, you bet we did.

We should all tweet Denny in support.

I guess I have to go back to the beginning to find out what Opie means about "Jewish numbers"? Opie's response was "Everybody knows what I mean about Jewish numbers."

I started listening when Dennis came in. Was this bit explained earlier? What are Jewish numbers?

And fuck everybody in that studio that wasn't Denny. That "I thought maybe Jim didn't wait until October" line was gold. Opie, the Stangels, and Kenny just bullied the poor guy for that line. "You thought that was funny? Who thought that was funny?"




I think numbers are what our grandparents call "musical or theatrical productions."

Jewish numbers is what they tattooed on their arms during 40s. I am shocked that Opie finds it funny.

If Dennis had said that...

I know how great was it! Fucking epic line.

What the fuck? After Denny's slam, they get all huffy, put up a phone call to smash him, and do nothing with it. I've listened for 7 minutes and everyone sounds like a zombie. Now it's just placid talk about cops and whether they are good or bad people.

Wouldn't they normally spend 10-15 minutes shitting on Denny? Why even bring him in if you don't do that? Denny must have rattled them pretty hard. Good for him.

Yeah I noticed they had this undue confidence in numbers. Shows how ugly the show is without Jim. Jimmy better not stay come October.

Haha, damn. I don't listen to this show at all unless there's a clip pointed out, so I'm always taken aback by how Opie's show sounds post-Anthony.

Get em denny! You damn right some people enjoyed it. We speak your name.

Opie is a true piece of shit. Obviously Kenny is too but that goes without saying. Denny shoulda gonna right after Kenny, king of the loser cops.

Kenny the former cop is a little bitch boy for a 60 year old mild autistic that's raising a famous skateboarders baby.

And the stangels. Sure they seem awful. But they were the head writers at letterman, now they are making sure opie's tits stay comfortable from a couple timid barbs from Dennis fucking falcone?

Opie takes other losers who fell up in life to the extreme and makes them even bigger losers.

Try 31:28.

Hold crap, Opie gets douchier each day.

Yeah Denny, get on that "List of Top-10 Jewish Numbers". Lists make good raqio. While you're at it, Opie'll take inane callers.

OK, I actually hung in there for about 15-minutes. It's depression-inducing. Opie's affected radio-voice is just getting worse. Is Kenny a regular in-studio now? Has he become Opie's man-servant? @ about 46-iminutes, after a slew of callers, Opie says something about "Chuck", and before I can think..."Chuck? That goddamned hayseed..."...he's got that unfunny PrepBurger character on the line. I can't wait until he starts doing Carmen's Calls.

He pulled just about every play from the "Gregg without Jim" playbook. Come on, Tits. Let's see you do a show without any help. No Denny, Travis, Jewgels, E-Rock, or phone calls. Just you and th audience. Ooof, what a fucking train wreck that would be.

::Sound of Ron leaving the studio:: uhm...greggshells are an uh...uhm stand...alone fruit....

Totally nude radio! Top 10 Jim's to celebrate the creation of the jungle gym...

What elephant in the room? I thought everything was ok now?

Opie is an hour into a 3 hour show and he's "fighting for his life"

Opie is at his absolute worst in this clip.

Obviously the slam is enough to make me jerk off for an hour or two, but regardless of that. That is a good fucking joke, the type O&A were built on with comics in the room and all that he gets is text book Greggshells in response. He can't even take that from fucking Denny. Holy shit, i can't stand this cunt.

Second shot at 42:50. Between the initial shot and this one there is just horrible raqio.

Denny is the best

Initial shot was the set up jab, second shot was the knockout blow.

The man takes no shit! I love that dude.

Fat Stangel after 5 months on the job is telling Denny, a legit professional, to sit down. What a disrespectful obese pile of shit. Denny's industry knowledge is more than the Stangels and Tits combined. I hope Stangel dies.

Gregg: "Wow, did you really just make that joke..." Kenny: "That was uncalled for." Gregg: "I think so too."

Is this hidden mic audio from the freshman table in a high school cafeteria?

"That was uncalled for."

Oh fuck you, Kenny, your existence is uncalled for.

Christ alive, I tried to listen for another 30 minutes to see what the show is like now. I haven't heard the show in about 2 years.

The level of energy in everyone's voices is like two levels above comatose. I saw that picture going around of Opie's over-the-top laughing, and I just don't get it. This audio is not indicative of that energy at all. I can only really describe it as deflated and chugging along at half speed.

And Opie still brings up the number of 'likes'?? Is that really how he measures how well something is doing? How about you read what people are saying about you, Op? How about you look at the number of thumbs-downs instead of the number of thumbs-ups?

Take the hit.

I literally cannot stand these people. Opie Kenny and the Stangels (who have the annoying smug sense of self-importance for people who have only been involved with the show for like 6 months or whatever) are all fucking completely unentertaining. I tried to listen to this just to hear more Denny, but I can't. It's too painful listening to these idiots' and their completely empty opinions.

If anyone wants to be a true saint on eart: they'll list here every time Denny is involved in a conversation so we can skip Chuck from bumfuck wherever calls etc.

What the fuck is Jewish numbers, what a vague and stupid question.

I think he meant holocaust survivors.

Wow that caller just absolutely wrecked Opie and Kenny on the police issue. Just logical points shrugged off by two of the dumbest men to ever walk the earth.

Caller: "Can you give me an example of anti-police rhetoric?"

Opie: "Wellllll, uhhhhhhhhhh, I probably could but I'm more concerned about the Jewish numbers."


Opie: "We're trying to keep the show light today."

HOLY SHIT, you're so fucking right. I initially turned off the clip once that caller (Steve) started talking, but I just listened to it because of your comment.

Holy fucking hell, the guy made excellent points, asked direct questions, and got idiocy, immaturity, and arrogance in return.

And now Kenny is added to my shit list. Wow.

He's a buffoon. Typical cop, he thinks that he's above everyone else and the rules don't apply to him. That's what made him am excellent road manager for Jimmy.

Eh, I don't know enough cops to make a judgement about the "typical" one.

But for Kenny, certainly yes. He's an arrogant dolt. And I just realized this today, sadly.



It's a big deal kenny got a picture with Daniel Craig... But he's been in before and he went shooting with Anthony?

Kenny is a double O zero

ahahaha rekt

Denny is better at radio and funnier than Opie.

Tits did NOT expect that. That's what you get when you offend the Piss Lord the minute he gets in.

I hope the entire stangel family is killed in a second holocaust

If Holocaust is slang for diabetes, then your wish might soon be granted

What an awful show, I guarantee that's the funniest line anyone said all day.

Everyone is turning on Opie. One by one they're realizing that the benefits no longer outweigh the abuse.

Denny proved he is no DJ, but rather O.G.

Pour some out for a real gansta, we will never hear of him again in this time slot.

Opie will never understand that even though Denny and Scorch are really bad hacks they are more likable than he ever will be. They are happy go lucky guys who get shit on but take it all in stride like charming lovable buffoons. They are like Rudy, the retarded underdog we all root for. Opie on the other hand is like Biff Tannen. He is just a big dumb bruiser that will never be likable because he has leaned on George Mcfly(ant/jimmy) to seem like a good broadcaster all while talking shit on those who he thought he was better than. Now the rug has been pulled from underneath him and he can't take a single fucking thing said negative about him. He is a hateable oaf.

I don't think Denny is hack, he knows his place. He DJ's weddings and birthday parties, and recognises that his oldschool radio obsession, which he has a genuine talent for, makes him a novelty on 'edgy' talk radio. He repeatedly proves that he has great comedic timing, and is able to be the butt of a joke and take it well. Which is very respectable.

Scorch and Opie share a closer dynamic because they both absolutely cannot take a joke at their expense. Scorch had tantrums like Tittyboy does, didn't he "fire" someone because they said his clothes are covered in dog hair and he smells like dogs?

i dont think denny gets proper credit for how good his timing actually is and his humor in general. the guy CAN be as funny as the rest of the room but chooses not to because the Pisslord works in mysterious ways.

As far as I know scorch never had anyone fired for that. I remember Sam said someone asked if scorch wasn't around because he couldn't smell dog piss. That was after scorch was already out of Syracuse. And he has been the butt of a billion jokes on Opie and Anthony. They had a listener throw paint on him and he still talked to them.

I like what you're saying but that is a fucking bizarre analogy.

I took half of a perc 30 for my broken toes before writing that. So, yeah I was just kinda rapidly typing out fleeting thoughts

I miss the days when "elephant in the room" would be followed by sound effects and an E-Rock joke.

I know this show is all about being mean, but anyone who's mean to Denny is just trash. He seems like the sweetest guy on the planet. He's one of the few people who Opie knows he can walk on, so that's what he does. This demonstrates exactly who Opie is and why everyone hates him. He's a stupid, uncreative, mean-spirited bully. By contrast, Ant hired him to DJ parties at his house. I really hope an air conditioner falls on Opie when he's walking home.

I wish opie would stop fighting.

no you don't, it's the only reason to listen to O&J audio

Opie's gulping is fucking murderous on my blood pressure

Denny runs fuckin circles around him.

Because he's not surrounded by hilarious New York comedians he is 'fighting for his life"

Gregg gets backed into a corner, mentions elephant in the room twice and then takes a "fuck denny" call to fight back

ugh, this is so bad

Who are these callers he finds? I can't imagine there's ANYONE left who could listen to this fucking show. I carpool to work with a 62 year old guy the last 11 years, and the old man rants about how O&A used to be so good and how it is AWFUL now and "poor Jimmy" he said a few weeks ago.

That "fuck Denny" guy was such a typical stuttering retard caller too, despite the fact that he was given the rare treatment of Opie not fucking stampeding over him talking. Denny rules.

Our piss lords got the inside scoop fellas. Jims out and Opie's canned in October. It's gold Jerry! GOLD!

If Opie got fired in October for having shitty numbersss, would anyone feel bad?

I mean if Ant hadn't been fired they'd probably still be doing "fine". Now there at a company who pays 100 mil a year for Howard, why do they need Raqio?

And the best part is, if Opie had "given it all he had" to keep Ant instead of trying to be a media destination (morning zoo) everything would probably be okay.

But anyways! This is all hypothetical conjecture! Peckas!

No, nobody would feel bad if Opie got fired. I don't think anybody would feel bad if Opie was collateral damage in a drone strike.

I would get more upset if a vending machine ate my change

Holy fuck is that funny, what a trivial annoyance to compare it to. I realize that I'm contributing nothing to this discussion but that really made me laugh.

I would be way more affected if the back of my shoe folded as i put it on, forcing me to do the shuffle-fix thing.

If he got canned, he would go on for weeks and weeks september into october that he's done and gonna "retire."

Opie goes to one of his trucker callers who attempts to nail Denny:

Caller: You guys beat the shit out of this guy and he just doesn't get it

Opie: I think that's just because he's autistic.

WOW sniff

Around the 40 minute mark, one of the Stangels walks on Greggshells as well.

So many shells.

"Jewish Numberz"

Ugh Die in a kerosone fire

I love how completely insecure and exposed Opie looked when he started earnestly trashing Denny from behind Lunkhead Kenny and a bulwark of Stangel blubber. Denny maintained his dignity and any person with an ounce of comprehension would be quick to tell you who was made the fool.

Our Piss Lord.

That was one of the most revolting displays of subservience from the rest of them ive ever seen. He really is just surrounded by yes men.

"You could have texted me that down the hall, you know."

Damn....I love Denny.



Denny "the hammer" Falcone


I think numbers are what our grandparents call "musical or theatrical productions."

He pulled just about every play from the "Gregg without Jim" playbook. Come on, Tits. Let's see you do a show without any help. No Denny, Travis, Jewgels, E-Rock, or phone calls. Just you and th audience. Ooof, what a fucking train wreck that would be.

Jewish numbers is what they tattooed on their arms during 40s. I am shocked that Opie finds it funny.

Who are these callers he finds? I can't imagine there's ANYONE left who could listen to this fucking show. I carpool to work with a 62 year old guy the last 11 years, and the old man rants about how O&A used to be so good and how it is AWFUL now and "poor Jimmy" he said a few weeks ago.

That "fuck Denny" guy was such a typical stuttering retard caller too, despite the fact that he was given the rare treatment of Opie not fucking stampeding over him talking. Denny rules.

I know how great was it! Fucking epic line.