Jim is out. Denny in studio. Asks if Jimmy wasn't waiting until October. Greggshells everywhere.

132  2015-12-17 by Dennyislife


Danny killed him again, Eric stangel said people are waiting for the show to sound good Denny without hesitation goes When's that going to happen. Opie just took a call saying that Denny's not being funny today. I think the shells have been cracked this morning

Finally after years of being berated by that hack Denny is exacting his well deserved payback. Revenge is a dish best served covered in piss.

And 70's hits.

Sucking it's own peckah.

Having shit thrown at you by a fat titted cunt must really suck.

Ask your father.

Denny is the fucking best. He is a professional and he goes hard as fuck. God bless you Piss Lord Falcone.

Also, the best part is, didn't Opie bring Denny to the show originally just to goof on him and bully him? Denny took every punch and Opie can't take a mild thump. Denny is a radio PROFESSIONAL and Opie is a matronly hole with soggy tits.

Denny does Denny and nothing will shake him. Dennis Falcone would have been spinning the hits as the titanic went down and he wouldn't miss one post until he was submerged in water.

didn't Opie bring Denny to the show originally just to goof on him

Oprie brings Denny into the show every time just to goof on him and bully him.

If I remember the original Denny bit, I think he made small talk with Opie about hockey and Opie had some issue with that. (Because if you talk to Opie, he goofs on you, if you don't talk to Opie, he gets offended)

(Because if you talk to Opie, he goofs on you, if you don't talk to Opie, he gets offended)

I know we hate on the guy a lot here, but there's just SO MUCH there with this mopey faggot.

It's like any choice you make you're fucked.

Be nice to Opie. DON'T BE SO NICE TO MEE.

Don't be nice to Opie. WHY DON'T YOU TALK TO MEEEE


Don't get Opie a present: Why did EVERYONE but MEEEEEEE get something nice????

That's how girls think and act.

Junior High girls

Opie can't handle any banter aimed at him, so he rushes to callers in hopes they will go to bat for him. Also, fuck Kenny.

Denny is turning into Lester from season 1 of Fargo.

"The old Denny woulda let it go, but not me. Not the new Denny."

"...Is this what you really want, Denny?"

Yes or No Denny?

Link it nigga

Knicker please, it just happened 30 minutes ago!

Link it when the circumstances are propitious.

Better nigga?

Mike Tyson?

I heard that causes gynomastia.

Opie just took a call saying that Denny's not being funny today.

That's so fucking sad. Hahahaha. What a bitch Gregg Hughes is.

I really hope English isn't your first language.

What do you mean.


Stop futzin around, this nigga's got a link to work on.

Denny did that for us. He said some people will find it funny. That's us.

We speak your name Dennis falcone. We speak your name.


But Opie is all in with real moments, isn't he...?

Off-topic, but are you back to 100%?

Should have his fucking head examined, posting here when he wasn't 100%.

no, he has cancer

LOOOOOVE the uncomfortability!


Denny is doing what the Big Cat did, planting seeds of doubt into Opies head. It all started when BC was hypnotized and became Opie and basically called him a hack. Now Denny is doing the same, but in a stealthy manner. God bless that man

They say fez leads a private life but really he has been practicing Shamanism in Tampa and pricking his Opie voodoo doll for the 8 months.

Yeah, stickin' his peckah in it! nnnkkkhhhh

God bless the Big Cat.

Doing the Lord's work.

Fucking Denny

All hail The Piss Lord.

What is this "piss lord" business? I'm out of the loop on this one.

Opie tried forcing it a while back.


Denny is capable of drinking his own piss in a standing position. Its incredibly difficult to do. He calls it "Yellow discipline", and we call him the Piss Lord

"I was on but now I'm gone"

Denny 'The Tinkle Lord' Falcone

Denny really is the fucking greatest, what an old pro.

saying "Tinkle Lord" goes against Denny and with Opie & Sam. You must not say that anymore.

Hold the sugar because you're sweet enough #pisslord

Opie has been trashing Denny any time he says something now. In a really shitty way not in a 'the show' way. He's still hurting.

Denny telling the female radio host she shouldn't announce she's pregnant on air in case she has a miscarriage is one the best Denny moments. Or didn't he get drunk at the Sirius christmas party and make suggestive comments about a chick photo-copying her breasts? Denny RULES!

"Am I the only one with mistletoe on his belt buckle?!?" Denny simply rules

Denny's autism is adorable, Opie's is enraging


Take a shot when the following call in: Lady Trucker, Snnnnnnoway from Michigan, Marion

Chug: Bob Levy

LloOok Duude i diD whAt yoOou saiD And i gOot fcukIng wAsSted

AapReHl feHls

I love Denny. He is the most confident self aware person at that place. Doesn't GAF what people think, still does the boss jock radio he loves to do. Doesn't try to impress people.

Opie and Stangels trying to bully and talk down to Denny is so cringey.

someone needs to upload that segment...

ant is going to play the clip on his show, i'm sure.

Yeah Ant needs a Greggshells Update on each show. opie would finnaly snap, so far he's been like "look me and Ant were fine and now were not, i dunno what to tell ya" he was close to exploding when Ester Ku said she was on Ants show and Jimmy asked if he was going to the Patrice Benefit "No Im not going anywhere fucking near him" then he went back into vague Opie world.

Piss Lord Army Nigga

Piss Floats in my cup!

This piece of shit takes shots at Denny every single day, and Denny lets one go and that's crossing a line?? This right here...this is what we mean by Greggshells.

If anyone is warranted to shit on Opie it's Denny.

Opie was a piece of shit to Denny, like calling him a failure and what not. No jokes half the time, just straight up insulting the man and his career.

Fuck Opie.

ME: You gotta gooooooooo.

Then you gotta gooooo

Wish denny would ask kenny if he got to go shoot guns with anthony and daneil craig

denny has been silenced by the shells

He chomped those shells good.

IF Denny is on social media, I think we should all shower him with praise and let him know what a great job he did today. Its all about rewarding good behaviour IMO

@dennisfalcone on Twitter

Clip me doggie

After Denny DJ'd at Anthony's house... I would bet that HE'S the plant Anthony has on the inside. Tits is just too stupid to realize it


Just threw this on to see the Denny beef.

In the first couple of minutes......does Opie realize at all how unlikable he is? At all? Jesus fucking Christ.

He's all in with the Stones. Bit of a "safe" choice, as if he's some kind of music GURU. Vury down with the Stones. Then he's yapping how he went to bed vury early last night, and his messages and how he would have been involved in the input like anyone in the world gives a fuck except the pussies walking on G-shells knowing that their master absolutely CANNOT do a few hours on his own.

Just talks like a fucking jerk-off. I've been an O&A fan since early 2005. I always realized he was ALWAYS the least funny guy in the room no matter who he broadcasted with, but I liked his energy and how he was an asshole(the destroyer) and it wasn't until fairly recently(2012 or so) that I started to realize how annoying and useless he is......but he's at a new level of shit right now.

Fuck, I wish I never bothered to put this on. So bad. I actually turned off a great Legion of Skanks(with Vos, Iz, and bonnie) mid show to turn this fucking piece of shit on. This fucking guy is so bad, he actually put me in a bad mood.

Edit: Up to Denny in the studio......three CUNTS ganging up on this guy and not one of them funny in the LEAST. This is just shit. Kenny and his douche bag cop nonsense too is unbearable.

Edit 2: Me: People are really talking about the Quentin interview." PEOPLE ARE TALKING??? YEA, TALKING ABOUT WHAT WENT DOWN ON HOWARD. Absolutely no fucking self awareness. Absolutely none.

I am waiting for the payoff and by that I mean his suicide.

Good for Denny. Honestly, I'd rather listen to him and Jimmy do a show than anything with Opie.

Opie hates Denny because he plucked him out of a cubicle, thinking he was some old, washed out bum. As soon as he put him on the air, he realized Denny is actually more entertaining, talented and personable than Opie has ever been.

Who needs that hack shit though, just have a real moment on air, no?

What a wonderful man.

Clip please kind sir.

You think the PissLord is scared of anyone?

well he did say Sorry when the shells cracked.

"The entertainment there was the subtleness of what I was doing" - David 'Opie' Brent

I'm pretty sure Denny was pissed off as he was called in as opie was struggling to fly solo on the radio. And was looking for some hacky radio where he knew he could waste 20 mins just bashing him. Denny just grew some balls and thought fuck you. Kudos to Denny . To be expected Kennys nervous response is to chip in.. whats that and defend his pay master like his lover. Love to know what's really goes on in Kennys mind at the moment.

Also amusing when Denny was getting some love for his music choices from the shipped in talent. Opie suddenly stops bashing him. :-)

Listening to opie is slightly like listening to fezzy . You know he's crap but waiting for the next meltdown or bad radio bit/line. Which I found a bit compulsive car crash listening

Denny went for the jugular as soon as he entered the studio.

Would a Piss Lord be any other way?

That's why he is the piss lord

Wow! Nice to hear, after years of being used as a punch bag by that dunce, Denny finally got brave enough to speak his mind. How do you like that little "taste" Opie?

Fuck! I was listening but missed that. So that's why he said"Get him outta here. I can't do radio with him today?" I really did wonder why he suddenly said that when Denny did nothing. I guess that little jab did it. AND the fact that Opie kept "jokingly" bringing up that the Stangel texted "He'd rather have the show be bad" or something like that. I can't wait til next October.

Denny you've always been our homie.

Holy shit Opie is infuriating. No one is more autistic than him. He literally can't get a sentence out.

Why is Kenny in studio? I'm not listening but I'm sure this is the worst show ever.

His meal ticket needs him.

They are really trying an all Opie & Denny show? They couldn't even get any of the bad comedians to copilot?

No its a Opie and the jews day. Really. It's fucking terrible. The guest is Judy Gold. Yep.

Judy Gold? Judy Fucking Gold? She wrote for Rosie O'Donnell. Opie is trying to be the male fucking View, I swear to god. If he'd even attempted to have her in back on O&A he'd have been laughed out of the room, she's the kind of hack they used to attack.

Jesus fuck, I don't listen to his shit show, and just seeing that name pisses me off.

Remember this about Denny: no one likes being bullied

but was there an audible "SNIFFFF"?

Has Denny ever been on Anthony's show? I feel that would be a fun segment.

He doesn't work blue.

Heard the audio ... Denny fuckin' nailed it. Yes it was funny and people "get uncomfortable at the elephant in the room" because Opie will MAKE it uncomfortable for them! Hopefully Denny knows he hit a homerun. The Stangels and Kenny need to shut up though ... they sound like complete idiot yes-men.



Denny is a saint on erth

Thanks for your service, Denny. Love ya, miss ya.

Everyone should make sure they visit Denny's website and send him a message thanking him for his heroic actions today on the air. It can be found rather easily by Googling his name.

Opie is such a tool. Don't talk about Santa my kids are listening. Judy talks about pot and he says don't worry your kids aren't listening. Seems like he's the one on the spectrum.

He was kind of joking. He also said they'd toned down on the swearing words and then kept saying cunt etc. It wasn't side splitting stuff.

denny, fucking legend

Crud I tuned out and missed Denny. I'll have to wait until SXM gets it on OnDemand once they get their thumb out of their hineys.


Where is the clip kind sir, also not at all a faggot

nvm saw u made a new post with it, thanks

God I wish someone would just say "I'm gonna trash Falcone" when they're screening the calls then proceed to trash opie instead. Why the fuck doesn't that happen ever? This should happen every single day.

The call screeners likely recognize the numbers of the 5-6 actual fans that call into the show.


Opie's really going for the patented Pettengill growl.

I'd ask for a link....but I don't think I can handle another show without Jimmy

That's how girls think and act.

The call screeners likely recognize the numbers of the 5-6 actual fans that call into the show.