Oh my god Opie is actually doing a show basically by himself

6  2015-12-17 by arobben

No Jimmy, no sherrod, no florentine...it's tits and the fat jews


"We got Judy gold comin in a lil bit, uh...Judah friedlander later. We'll get through this."

Actual Opie quote right at the start of the show

Now he's patting himself on the back for doing a great show. Judy Gold mentions that he was worried at the beginning of the show.

If Judy Gold had not been in, this show would have almost been reminiscent of when Big Cat was given "the stick."

Wait until he reads (or has his people read) this subreddit and realizes that Denny (PBUH) submarined him today cause he certainly didn't realize it was happening at the time. It's buh bye PissLord.

Welcome to next october. Minus the jews (atleast until there tv show is canceled in the first season.)

How much longer they got?

Oh marvelous. How can a freeloader such as myself listen in?

and it is terible

Fucking awful

Wow, its like some ware deep down he knows he needs someone else to do the show. This is gonna be painful in a delightful sadomasochistic kind of way.