Is anyone actually offended by this? Fuck my life.

25  2015-12-17 by fyisah


"Disappointed you'd tweet this. Don't appropriate disabled lives." - A Retard Cunt.

neurodivergent femme-writer-mom-she/her Not today, Darth.

Her description of herself

People like this are single handedly stopping me from visiting Seattle

I wish they'd appropriate a suicide life. IF ya know what I mean.

And then kill herself!

This. This is what happens when you placate and placate and coddle and coddle and provide A SAFE SPACE.

It never ends. The "line" just moves further and further into the nursery. So many people just want to be infants now.

Good intentions have created a new generation of shitheads who need language to be childproofed.

People take it as an insult now, not if you insult them, that's RAPE, but if you fucking don't validate them with every 3rd or 4th word out of your mouth.

This is the real reason Trump is doing so well. Because people are tired of goofy retards getting offended by Oreo boxes.


My first reaction was a desire to puke up that cunt's nose

It's a double entendre. He was making a joke about the two poles of earth, comparing it to bipolar condition. That's why

the tweet attracted a bunch more ableist (and sometimes ableist + misogynist) jokes from Dr. Tyson's followers.

neurodivergent femme-writer-mom-she/her Not today, Darth.


At least these kind of losers think it's misogynist to reproduce, if this goblin even has a uterus in the first place

The fuck? I'm bipolar myself and I find this funny.

Wait till tomorrow and you'll be outraged.

bi-polar is just a fancy way of calling someone a cunt.

I am bipolar and a cunt



...until you burst into tears for no reason.


Maybe the terrorists are right

Lol, if Isis started highlighting shit like this and was like "See?" they'd get more followers


You be nice to Neil DeGrasse Chipperson, you monster.

tsss yeah we got a fawkin badass ova here or sumptin

As someone with an uncle whose coworker can be moody at times, I find this particularly offensive.

Thawts n' prayas


It's the nature of the medium. You're offended that other people are offended, it's all the same dumb thing. It's like someone made rollerblades with square wheels and when you see a person fall down you yell "hey asshole, learn how to skate!" No, twitter is absolute dogshit, stop acting like it exists for any other reason besides this.

I believe it was the poet James Norton that said "Take your fucking medication and shutup"

Fuck him, but fuck all offended PC faggots one trillion percent more.

If your Bi-Coastal your offending a lot of people.


You know being bipolar I don't think its offensive at all, he's just trying to make clever tweets about science that attracts more peop...WHAT THE FUCK!!!THIS ASSHOLE THINKS BEING BIPOLAR IS FUNNY? FUCK HIM!!!!

practical yuma

that don't make no sense!

To answer your question. No, no one is offended by this. Stand down, soldier.

What a boring fucking cunt! Hope she gets killed.

Check her Twitter feed for rage laughs.

I hope her cunt rots.


2015-12-17 02:59 UTC

.@autist_avenger the tweet attracted a bunch more ableist (and sometimes ableist + misogynist) jokes from Dr. Tyson's followers.

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OP, don't pretend that's not you tweeting back and fourth with these people, and how dare you use Chip's image to have a serious conversation.

The Internet is filled with any possible opinion anyone can have. So you'll always find people offended by anything because there are a lot of fucking opinions out there. So instead of acting shocked & whining Everytime something like this happens we all just have to stop giving a fuck & ignore it all. Except that there is someone who will get offended at anything & move on

The people complaining have like 100k tweets and 300 followers. Descriptions along the lines of "woman, activist, mother". Activism being sitting on your fat ass all day tweeting about what offends you. They're the very definition of mentally ill. People need to put these complaining tweets into context and realize there may be 50,000 people offended but they mostly consist of very lonely people who lust for this kind of thing because they can only get attention through other people's misplaced empathy.

TLDR stop enabling lonely, crazy people's opinions.


2015-12-16 21:24:31 UTC

Recent evidence indicates that Earth is indeed bi-polar, as we’ve always suspected.

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wow people retards get offended over the simplest of god damn things.

time to offend everyone.

fuck niggers, fuck chinks, fuck retards, fuck sandniggers, fuck nasa, fuck creationists, fuck athiests, fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck your father, fuck the decrepit hole you were born from, fuck god, fuck the big bang, fuck star wars, fuck stoners, fuck straight edge people, fuck addicts, fuck non addicts, fuck smart people, fuck dumb people, fuck fat people, fuck skinny people, fuck politics, fuck independents, fuck people who dont care, fuck people who dont care enough, fuck people who are depressed, fuck the army, fuck the navy, fuck the marines, fuck faggots, fuck porn stars, fuck the jews, fuck hitler, fuck guns, fuck knives, fuck movies, fuck radio hosts, fuck tv, fuck escapism, fuck reality, fuck terroists, fuck anti war groups, fuck condoms, fuck abortions, fuck pregnant women, fuck every single country on this earth, fuck space, fuck cars, fuck this sub, fuck anyone who comprehends anything.

and still no one will fuck me ;_;

Good one.

Hey buddy it'll be okay.

Scratch one up for the most bigoted subreddits list!

Fuck you

Hey mister you spelled terrorists wrong

Im offended by this but only because Neil Degrasshole Tyson is a fucking fraud NASA puppet who spouts the most delusional and non-factual garbage propaganda I've ever heard.

It's your time to shine.

Examples of his "propaganda" please?

It's a retarded troll account, don't enable.

Retarded Troll Account? Are you Opie? Did your tits type that message? #Fucktard

Did you just use a hashtag? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. You can never make fun of anybody ever again.

I cant? Somehow I dont think that's true Opie Jr. but nice try mahhhhhhhhnnnnnn!

HAHAHAHA you actually keep responding. Amazing.

The fact you responded that quickly is creepy.

Because I just so happened to be on Reddit at the time you responded? Nice logic kiddo. Come back and try again soon!

Oh really youre on Reddit? Thanks for the update, I thought we were on MySpace.........

Nice deflection. Keep up the good work!

Deflection? Perhaps you should look up what the word means you stupid fuck. Anyways this will be our last interaction, Im too busy trying to determine if I care about Ant being in jail or not.

Hahaha you're so far behind you actually think you're ahead. I love it. Ok, take care kiddo.


Fuck him.

Yes. Because he's an annoying cunt.


I dont see it either, He's basically bizzaro michiu kaku

He may be a bit of a windbag but the only reason Liberals flock to him is because he's a smart black man. He's kind of the unicorn they've been searching for.

You're the unicorn they've been searching for, stupid.

What about the people who hate him for being the most dangerous thing in America: a nigger with a library card?


He's a douche!

Sounds like your kind of guy.

Lick my taint.

Good one.

When it comes to PC bullshit, you should support anyone, even space jesus.

Sounds like your kind of guy.

practical yuma