Did Kenny bring this up, you know, when Quentin was in studio today?

44  2015-12-16 by stevenknight


And ruin the chance for Jimmy to get a picture with him? Not likely.

How can people like Ant and Kenny not see that they are the exact same as the black lives matter protesters? They've picked their side and they won't change their opinion no matter what facts are presented.

Ya. A tangent, if I may.

O&A were so funny I overlooked what I hated about them; It was mostly Opie tbh. But you know what? They bitched about everyone until they appeared on their show. Then when whoever it was came in all 3 of em sucked on the celebrity teet. I always ignored it but I knew, that deep down, these mother fuckers were pussies.

Don't get me wrong, I still love 2 thirds of them, but Jesus we all knew that their glass ceiling was the celebrity and whether they were A/B/C/whatever.

Jimmy has to have his photos, it's his validation for his choices in life.

One of my favorite moments ever was when Colin called in and smashed their self-serious celebrity interviewing technique. Opie and Anthony both admitted he was right, but Jimmy got pretty upset about it. I imagine he felt his talk show credentials/photo opportunities were being threatened.

"These idiots are nice to anyone that comes in here and treats them like a real radio show" - CQ, paraphrased


No idea. I only heard it live at the time.

Blacks get killed by cops more often because they commit crimes more often. Blacks are more likely to encounter bad police officers.

This really is as far as the discussion needs to go.

"the corner is the poor mans lounge"

This is the end of it. You can make points about racism or systemic whatever the fuck, but a white violent criminal is more likely to get killed by a cop than his black counterpart. Just so happens blacks commit murders at 4 times the expected rate, so they have more incidents by population, but not by crime rate.

Is that deray?

I wish that faggot was hit by a stray bullet.

It'll happen eventually

They're both hung up on instinctive moral judgments: they arise from not from outward facts or dispassionate calculations but from our capacity to 'sympathise' with feelings of our acquaintances, real or imagined, and from inward sentiments of approval and disapproval; but the mind 'likes to bestow upon objects the same emotions, which it observes in itself (Hume)', and it beguiles us by endowing our moral impulses with a bogus aura of objectivity.

Oh my God please jump down the steps head first.

except ant is right like 99% of the time on these cases hes like fucking rainman at calling these high profile shootings/cases he actually looks at the evidence and understands what "beyond reasonable doubt is" so far the black lives matter folks have shown that they have facts on their side of these cases

He's right that the police will not get indicted by a grand jury, yeah. But he's usually wrong about the circumstances once video evidence is presented. Just because he got the Michael Brown one right doesn't mean shit. He is pro-cop every time and he just happened to be right that time.

He was right about Zimmerman and he was right about the cigarette selling dude ant literally called 100% of these cases pro cop bias or not he is batting 1000 on this.

remember when everyone thought the cops coached all of the 10+ witnesses in the lynwood CA shooting until security footage proved the bag of shit had a gun

I wish we could have seen Ant debating Tarantino. Ant would have been destroyed.

Kenny is too much of a pussy to have said shit

Except Kenny is a racist murderer. So fuck him in his face.

You say racist as if it's a bad thing.

It was the murderer thing I was implying is bad.

Well racism is far worse than murder.


He should get a medal for that. Maybe he'll murder Ant next

I wish Kenny and Keith would kill each other.

You just said something was "typical nigger behavior" and then call someone else out as racist? Hypocrite and an idiot, nice.

This post is typical nigger behavior. You haven't posted here once, but that naughty naughty nigger word was said so here comes the butthurt faggot protector of feelings.

I hope your whole family dies of sickle cell anemia. Fuck off, retard.

No more like some faggot likes saying nigger but also thinks he has any room to call other people racist.


It's not your fault he touched you. You don't have to be angry anymore. I'm always here I'd you want to talk. He can't hurt you ever again.

I call this nigger mad he responds with not me u lol. There ya go, using that ape brain of yours, "young homie".

You don't have to be so angry. No one blames you. He was your dad. He had no right to do that to you. Just because you enjoyed it doesn't mean it was okay. You've got to let it go. Let the healing start.

U mad, nigger.

First, I'm not mad, I just feel bad for you because you were raped as a child. Second, I'm white. Third, for someone who seems to hate niggers, "u" sure sound like one.

U mad, nigger.

Poor little fella, learning disabilities are such a shame.

Lemme guess "u mad, nigger". Go to bed, buddy, it's getting late.

U mad, nigger.

You know, i was just gonna downvote you and move on with my life, but then i thought 'you know, i wonder what other subreddits this prissy faggot goes to' when i saw your post history i gotta say, i like it.

Yeah, sadly this guy might actually fit in here if concedes he just got caught up in a proxy troll war.

I just get bored at work a lot. I'm all for being an asshole, I just think calling someone a nigger is a lazy way of doing it. I'm more old fashioned, I like to put the work in.

I'm allowed to call niggers niggers. I'm a member of the NAACP.

Kenny only attack callers picking on Opie.

You mean GH.

Well that's what Kenny calls him but nobody else does.

Well he should start calling him by his proper name; Tits!


The guy plays a retard character on a radio show. Why would anyone ever listen to him?

Because it's not a character.

Yeah, boycott one of the best movies of the year that's already gonna make hundreds of millions of dollars because it was made by a nigger lover. Facebook racists are stupid.

Quentin probably wouldn't have went on if he knew they employed the world's worst IAD.

"Looks like the officer was right again, D.A."

Lol donate to the police. The town I live in the cops are the highest paid in the country and they don't do shit

Or you could, I don't know, just enjoy the fucking movie.


They brought it up and Quetin explained his side of shit pretty well, with Jimmy playing devils advocate.

His explanation was good. Media just took him as saying fuck all the cops

What a douchebag. Kenny too.

Is the movie just about killing cops?


Money for the memorials instead of money for the one who calls them murderers? So are they cops ghosts killing the black guys or what? I'm confused.

He's not paid to share his thoughts unless told to.

Tarantino would have ripped his anus apart.

It's not Kenny's responsibility to take on a guest of the show. He's an employee, and he's got a family and mouths to feed - would you risk your job just to make a political point? No, the one who should have said something was the Worm, seeing how he's always been a major pig-pecka sucker. But we know the Worm's integrity is and always will be subordinate to his faggoty picture-taking, paycheck, etc.

Why would Kenny bring this up? He doesn't have a speaking role. Dumb question.