Sam is a much better interviewer than Opie, despite his voice

25  2015-12-16 by Lavalmond


I like Sam and I hope he gets fired and joins the TACS network.

I don't think Ant would hire him tbh

I don't know why you're getting downvoted. It's pretty true. Even if he got hired, I don't think it would be a good deal for him or the subscribers. The guests that Sam likes probably wouldn't come on, and I don't think his show fits the general tone of the network.

I don't hate Sam, though. I wish him the best, and I think he would do well on a large terrestrial radio show.

Nah bro.

The thing Anthony's vulgar underground right-wing men's comedy network needs to really take off is a show about wrestling dolls, chicken tendies, and what's #trending on Vevo, hosted by a Muppet Baby.

skeeter voiced mother fucker that he is.

The guests that Sam likes probably wouldn't come on

Marc Maron got a sitting US President to do his podcast. I'm sure Sam Roberts could get some washed up pro-wrestlers to do his.

Not only is Sam a better interviewer, he has more balls and gets much better guests than Tits&The Worm.

He actually allows his guests to do most of the talking.

I don't like Sams show, not exactly in his demo, but he is a very good interviewer.

It's because Sam actually does the work. He'll see the project and come up with interesting questions. Opie sees <5% of the projects people are promoting and does an atrocious job of hiding it. And if you're not going to see the project, at least be informed about the person and the basics of the project.

Sam is massively more talented than opie

Love the Sammy. He's should cohost with Ant with jimmy on third mic.

Good as the straight man, contributes to making Chip funny, and can do this ship steering horse shit tits is supposedly so "good" at in his sleep.

If that show happened my overall blood pressure would go down significantly.

"Stop touching me Edgar!"

Sam is better at radio than Opie PERIOD

Lou Solverson was great, the best character in Fargo season 2.

It's not saying much. Amon Goeth was a better interviewer than Opie.


Sam blows

An empty chair and a microphone would make a better interviewer than Opie.

holy shit that chemistry is amazing.

Patrick Wilson is a hell of a guest. Totally engaged and he actually has opinions and thoughts beyond his most recent project. His most recent appearance on Bennington was outstanding.

Make no mistake. Sam blows

Not really. Never cared for him. I wish Pat Duffy would have punched him right in the throat.

He actually allows his guests to do most of the talking.