Hilarious Uncle Paul line met with uncomfortable silence @ 11:16

12  2015-12-16 by KennethFresno


Oh god, all you here is that stupid fucking sniff. You know that this really bugged the shit out of Opie after what he told Jim during the fight, hoping Jimmy would get rid of Uncle Paul. Hopefully Jimmy did this as a "Fuck You" but probably just Jimmy's habit to slip into Paul or Chip sometimes. You can hear Vos stammering and rushing to jump in meaning Tits made a little frowny face. What a fucking worthless cunt.

Anyone that listens to that, out of context, would laugh. It was a funny one-liner.

Does Opie just go into total shutdown mode when he hears Uncle Paul? It wasn't even a pedophilia joke.


Jimmy needs to do uncle Paul in Gilberts voice

God damn jimmy is quick. That line deserved a much bigger reaction.

So basically, putting Norton on the pay no mind list? Opie has no desire to succeed. He just wants to be able to passively aggressively complain about why he failed.

Rich and Jimmy changed the fuck out of that subject quick smart.

And then right afterward

"GO AHEAD TOMMMAYY. LOVE the Tommy from Brooklyn"

His habit of prefacing things with "the" is downright annoying. Ugh. He does it far too often, and I think it stems from just not having an opinion on anything. He talks in generalities and this verbal crutch lets him throw it out there so other people can fill in the blanks.... -insert opinion here-

Credit where it is due here, Opie actually set up the joke just prior at 11:03.

Fair. Though he should take a hit for being a coward and not just spitting out the joke instead of implying it.

ME: That's not the new show

Wouldn't even actually say his joke though. What a bitch. Don't want to be too "edgy".

Opie's got kids now, guys. He won't acknowledge the pedo character literally everyone associated with the show enjoys. The Psycho's retard wife doesn't like the character. Ol' Bean-bag torso doesn't even have the balls to articulate to his wife that it's not real and the fans and comic friends of the show love it. Opie quickly blurted out a sniff-groan right after it was said.

Whats even worse is that if you rewind it a bit for further context, Opie is about to call Vos a Kike-er but then says that he couldn't commit to it, followed by HUGE LAUGHS, and then Jimmy says [as Uncle Paul] "I'm a tyke-er, you're a kike-er" to Vos, which made me laugh out loud, but is met with nothing. It's like someone farted at a funeral. Complete, awkward silence in the room.

You can actually feel the discomfort in that room.