ME: How does that feel, fucker!?

31  2015-12-16 by Snake_____86


LMAO This is exactly the level of martial arts I would expect from a lifelong mcdojo practitioner. It takes two large guys with 300 combined pounds on this skinny nerd to awkwardly wrestle him to the ground and hold him in some kind of hybrid useless chokehold. Nothing about that takedown shows any understanding of the martial arts aspects of using angles and leverage. Look how much struggle it is to take that guy to the ground.

Absolutely right. There's nothing mechanical about the take down at all, and it looks like he's thinking "if I do this as fast as I can, maybe I'll look like I know what I'm doing."

He just sort of bear hugs him, then falls down with him.

Then he puts him in some weird reverse arm triangle-rear naked hybrid thing, but he's holding his hands.

How the fuck did Po get his gig again?

Wasn't it stupid Mars that got it done? I think Danny mentioned XM had security staff, but Mars just wanted to get his buddy hired.

Yeah he is. Mars thought po was the real deal. Then again po fooled everyone in that studio


Between Steve C and Po I think that would be closer to 500 combined LBS... Though I hear Steve C is weighing a lot less these days.

He went from lap band surgery to neck band surgery.

Yeah, heard he lost about 8 pounds on the shotgun diet

That's terrible, I'm sorry

I laughed.

Low carb, suicide diet.

Sure, but if that little dude had a lot of lint on his shirt, Po could have cleaned it off in record time with his Hands of Flurry.


I would love to hear Tits' smack talk at a higher pitch.

Notice how everyone else was just reacting normally while Ant described what was going on? Then TITS had to scream in the guy's face over and over...working off all that mom-hatred and bullying that he got as a kid.

Tits's reaction was way over the top

Its things like this that really expose the O&A world for what they really were. As a fan back then, they always made it feel like these pests attacks and parties and Stern shit was bigger than it really was. Like they were really upsetting the delicate balance of society with their in your face, take no prisoners tactics. But when you actually see the shit, realize how small their audience was, and look at things through a normal person's eyes instead of through the eyes of someone desperate for something to replace Stern, you realize how lame it all was. Nobody cared. Nobody thought they were edgy and cool. They couldn't even hang onto the free FM gig and got replaced by local nobodies.

Po is a fucking bum. I always thought he was this bad ass and you see this shit and it's embarrassing. That's the most pathetic, entry level shit ever. And he only got the kid down because the kid gave up and didn't fight back, because they were causing a scene. Like that other guy said, you shouldn't be struggling for like 20 seconds to get a skinny kid down on the ground if you are some martial arts master.

that was all opie, and you kind of have to give him credit for how genius that kind of propaganda is. and that he was so successful in keeping it going for so long. that's precisely the kind of tactics a smaller show should take on. as a kid i really liked that they were always the underdog.

just a shame they had no follow through. i think that might be one of two things that opie got right, lame though it is.

Yes. I liked looking at them as underdogs. Like they were the cool new guys in town who were going to take down the evil Stern empire, whom I felt like they exposed as being phony. After they got kicked off FM in my city I was all in my "Fuck those corporate pussies, they don't know what's cool!" mindset. But really, they just failed because nobody was listening. After Stern left, no one gave a shit anymore and even lots of people who did like O&A assumed they died in 2002 and never came back. I have a friend who lived in Long Island and was a huge fan in the WNEW days and he said as much. XM and Sirius weren't the new things that were going to kill radio. They were where shows go to die.

This is the only genuine emotion we will ever see from this narcissistic sociopath.

It's not though. Can't you hear the hollowness of it? His only thought is "Man, I hope the guys think I'm cool for THIS one."

"how does that feel?" Again with tits, it's all about feelings.

Because he's genuinely curious what a feeling is.


Dear sweet god....

Opie truly deserves to get beat up for all the scummy shit he does to people. Hopefully it's in front of his family so he can watch as they pretend to be upset.

Isn't that what Bam did? Oh wait - he beat up Lindsey's pussy in front of the Cuckster.

If you watch at 1:33, Ben sprays something on him. Someone here said it may have been liquid ass. Ben and Opie are both pussies.

Nicely spotted.

I actually read it in the youtube comments and went back to look.

This is the cringiest moment in O&A history. Opie is the worst but Ant and fat Jim are pretty embarrassing too.

Jimmy was fine. I don't think the Stern guy even realised he was on the show.

They both came off like huge pussies in this clip, Opie was worse of course

Ironically the guy that comes off looking the best in this clip is the Stern fan who at least had the balls to confront that group on the air by himself.

Oh yeah and he has some pretty entertaining and insightful things to say.

One of the douchiest moments in O&A history. Almost stopped listening because of it.

Once again, Opie stands by and lets someone else do all the work.

Easy now. He worked for the Mafia.

the mafia loves nicknames, i wonder what they called him.

Gregg "Flounder Tits" Hughes.

Opie looks like he should have a half smoked cigarette behind his ear and a hackie sack in his pocket

Thats the exact way any pussy acts in a video where people are screaming world star. Just taunting someone when they can't get to you is the worst.

Jimmy was fucking hilarious here. "Come on man, you're going through the motions."

Notice how Opie is completely silent while the Stern fan is talking, while Jimmy and Anthony at least take some shots? Opie is so stupid he can't even verbally spar with some moron Stern fan on the street. He's just so fucking stupid.

Opie called him a douche once actually.

Po looks silly. It's not fair that he ain't fat like Seagal.

Those are probably the same glasses he wore in his cheese dick "demonstration" video.

The demo video is so great. Shades, denim jacket etc. Super-functional wear.

My favorite Poment was when they brought up him leaving a receipt for viagra in Ant's truck after borrowing it and he was pretending not to be mad, but you could clearly tell he was seething. Po being a limp dick explains so much.

A receipt for Viagra? Every time I've gotten it...I mean, medication, it doesn't say the name of the meds on it.

He left the bottle iirc

That makes more sense.

Haha, look at Tits gay sandals.

opie only gets big and bad when one of his haterz is being physically restrained. what a nauseating nothing of a man

But dem sandals doh

I do not like the way that blonde man woman is speaking to that poor fella who was brutally attacked by those mean men in suits. I say we band together and complain to SiriusXM post haste!!


If anyone has seen the series Generation Kill... Opie reminds me of Captain America. Acting like a coward in actual combat, then later laughing while abusing a Iraqi pow

He's like the dumb tall captain and captain America combined.

I pray every time I watch that video that it ends with the guy getting up and punching tits in the teeth. every time I have that sliver of hope

New Yorkers seem extremely unlikable.

Imagine getting tackled by a retard and a goon for that. He should have sued.

Opie yelling when the other guy is restrained is just embarrassing.

Notice how everyone else was just reacting normally while Ant described what was going on? Then TITS had to scream in the guy's face over and over...working off all that mom-hatred and bullying that he got as a kid.

Tits's reaction was way over the top

Nicely spotted.

Opie called him a douche once actually.