Guys we need to stop the Opie hate, dude is legit talented

0  2015-12-16 by [deleted]

Listen guys, Opie might not be to everyones taste but he knows how to run a radio show, he steers the ship which leads to more funny material over the day.

He has contributed many great moments to the show, with patrice, with Rogan, he is genuinely talentedts and really knows how to pull guests into the show and get them ts reveal personal stories ets.

Now itss now to say I agree with everytsing he ever does but he has always given 100% to the show and has tsied hard to keep things fresh when theyw ere starting to become repetsative.

Lets cut him some clack and try to cut him some slack Tsssss like lamar made my ma's anus slack with his black garden hose tss.


You suck at being Chip.

This really did suck ass.

Yeah he was like a vacuum, running ova a bag of Chips!!

A bag of CHIPS!!

In the third paragraph I thought he was slowly becoming Voss, which could have worked if he edited the last paragraph to be nothing but plugs.

Who doesn't besides Jim


Please get AIDS and shit blood until your eyes hurt.

Why would I get army issue deodorant spray? I can just borrow some of lamars old spice.

Dis guys fawkin good

From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Apruhll fallzzzz!

I hope you get raped.