I miss Fake Roland Twitter accounts. And also just hating Roland in general.

45  2015-12-16 by arobben

Remember when Fake Roland booked that one guy every day for an entire week? And the guy showed up?



We should start a weekly OnA fan-fiction. Maybe every Sunday?

"YAAYYYEEEE" (Opester copying norton voice)

How did i miss that one?! That was excellent

The CIA operative who gets fooled by a fake Roland twitter and has no idea what operation northwoods was? This guy was a parking attendant near an alleged CIA building at best.

Also we should direct some hate Roland's way, I think we could get a great meltdown reaction if we could just get to him.

I loved how Bobo didn't fall for the fake Roland twitter account, but the CIA guy did

Is this that guy called Brad something?

Roland? Did a man in black flee across the dessert and the morbidly obese talent booker follow? Or sumthin' tsss tssss

Tss tss tss... Rememba the face of ya faddah or sumpthin', cocksuckah.

Or sumthin.....tssss tssss.

Tsss yeah there's udda world's than this one er sumthin tss

Tss...double gunslinger, Chippahson!!!

Or sumthin.....tssss tssss.

Roland made major contributions to the shittening of O&A. Though, to be fair to him, he didn't intend to. He did his job.

Opie, the radio genius that he is, has always been obsessed with 2 things: viral videos and celebrity guests. The problem is that neither fits O&A. Shit D-list guests made some of the best guests. Celebrity guests make for awful fucking O&A radio. Other shows, fine, whatever, but no one on the OAJ crew knows how to interview an A list celebrity and make it sound interesting.

So fat fuck Roland was really good at booking celebrities and opie in his infinite wisdom demanded more and more celebrities and every single fucking time they had an A-list on instead of a D-list it was shit radio. Plus, Roland sucks on air. I get it, he's uncomfortable and goofy. Fine, but it's not good radio.

Roland was good at TRL and giving carson daily blowjobs, but he was fucking toxic for O&A.

I liked Roland before he got let go. When he came he was complete douche.

He went full-Aspergers.

19 or sumthin......I went n sporlield it

Can we have a concentrated week fo Roland hate? Something fresh for a while and then go back to highlighting reason why Tits should be fired during the holidays when he can't come in and defend himself and management get jittery.

A few weeks ago Roland deleted literally every tweet ever, cleared his entire timeline. Fuck him

I've always hated Roland.

.....But it's like beating up on the retarded.

What I hate about Roland is that he's apparently gainfully employed, yet coasts in virtually every way.

That said, it's not like he's getting rich or getting laid. I guess I'm only envious of the fact he gets paid to do something that seems like it would be relatively easy and fun.