ME: When Opie Interviews someone

99  2015-12-15 by jamieblake



What's the deal with water?



"Let's get their opinion, so I can have one too"


"Social skills of a hornet FA LA LA LA LA"

Has Opie ever "interviewed" someone? To my knowledge he just desperately tries to relate to whatever they say, usually with boring stories actual famous people couldn't care less about

Me when I see blacks moving into my neighborhood.

Me when I see blacks.

That too.


Or reading, imagine him trying to read OJ's "If I did it" with Louie in studio.

"So where ya at with the zipper heads?"

Interview? That's how I react anytime he speaks.

What movie is that from?

Gran Torino

Thanks. That disgust, I have to see it in context.

His disgust is prevalent throughout the movie...he's a crotchety old man, and you'll love it!

also he despises asians, which is totally warranted