Opie getting shut down with his attempt at trying to connect with Kurt Russell's story was great.

16  2015-12-15 by BaseballPresident

When Kurt called bullshit on Opie trying to say thousands of women were at the golf course like girls were flocking to the set for Elvis was great.

Also the silence of Jennifer and Kurt when Opie asked if they had to stay chained during breaks was douche chilling.


Ok, now imagine these questions with his shit eating grin and the eyes looking in two directions. I don't even know what that grin is, he just has this blank smile every time I see those "behind the scenes" videos. He looks like an emoticon.

So many douche chills during that interview. I was grinding my teeth everytime Opie opened is mouth. Does this fucking guy even listen to himself? Is he that out of touch with reality? I have so many questions to ask this twat.

He is the worse interviewer. He tries to just get sound bites, or asks questions that make the flow awkward like asking Jennifer what guy hit her. Like she is going to out that person. Then says "did he break your nose?"

And he always asks scientists if they believe in God. Anthony could at least have a conversation with those guys, but Opie has to go into twitter cringe territory.

It's the most cliche, moronic thing to ask a scientist, "SO HOW BOUT DA GAWD THING? U ALL IN WIT GAWD? EVER THINK ABOUT DA WATER THING?"


ME: What is it about salt water that makes it so you can't drink it?


Oh my go remember when Opie was befuddled by water?

"Do you like New York? What do you like about it?"

A fucking eight year old could come up with more interesting questions.


Fuck off.

hey I really liked your comment otherwise. Let's be friends.

Ok. I am sorry.

Never understood what kick gramma nazi's get out of being a... gramma nazi. Enlighten me!

Did he whisper "wooooow" at any point, or respond to some very banal answer with "no kiddin', no kiddin"?

"Jeeeeeeeeeeesuus" "FUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK!!"


Did opie bring up his love for the documenshree about Kurt's dad's indie minor league team in portland? Did opie try to connect with Kurt's semi pro athletics history (I coulda gone semi pro but I never got the height!)

I would like to hear Gavin Mcinnes interview kurt Russell. Because of the story Gavin was telling about the fat guy who died on stage at the Creek and the Cave. Who was a former male pornstar who claimed he had sex with Goldie Hawn in front of Kurt Russell. I guarantee Gavin would ask about that.

Do you remember when/where Gavin said these things? I need to hear this lol

Legion Of Skanks Episode 3. UR WELCUM!

Go fuck off with the Gavin worship

He just mentioned he would like to hear Gavin do an interview. Hardly worship.

Yeah because of how amazing Gavin is and how he would totally challenge him in certain topics and bring up things nobody else would touch because Gavin is so fucking awesome and cool. I'm tired of it, Gavin on his best day isn't half as entertaining as O&A were even in their worst days.

Easy tiger, you might pop a fuse.

He only said Gavin would most likely address an interesting story he heard. Everything else you're leveling at him is unrelated to what he actually said.

What are you, his bodyguard?

these rabid gavin fans are like jason ellis fans from 2007

I don't even like Kurt Russell but he was such an asshole, I loved it. It's rare when a guest just acts like an outright dick and Opie took the full brunt of it.

Also he seemed to laugh at Jimmy's self deprecation so clearly he has a sense of humor.

JJL dealt with the questions about saying nigger really immaturely. Shit question, but the stuff about not wanting bad words in her kid's vernacular was silly.