Was Opie ever called out about his "working class childhood"?

18  2015-12-15 by axeheadroad


I like how he contradicted himself in the same story yesterday about his childhood.

Went from claiming he grew up dirt poor in one sentence, to saying we had a big nice house and a huge yard with woods by it.

This was during his I set the woods on fire story.

Don't forget his claim that he "grew up ghetto", also from the same broadcast. Then proceeded to tell his bully story that began with, "So we were coming from swimming lessons one day..."

We were so poor we had to catch a peak of the drive in screen at a stop light on the way home from our beach house, because we couldn't afford tickets.

We were so poor we had to take our lunch in the empty cement bags left over from the outdoor fireplace and partially enclosed sitting area the contracters built in the backyard.

We wuz so poor dat Lamar used to always come ovah and fix da floor boards because my muddah couldn't afford a carpenter.

he used to eat pepperidge farm bread. whether you like it or not, it's expensive (relatively speaking) bread.

Yeah, I remember hearing that claim and thinking - "Wait, isn't Pepperidge farm the bread that they don't keep on the bread aisle, you have to go over to the deli section of the supermarket to find it?" He can't even lie right.

I think someone called him on it once when he was describing what a treat Wonder bread was at some other kids house because all he had was Pepperidge Farm. They said isn't Wonder bread a lot cheaper than Pepperidge Farm?

He claimed his mom would buy expired Pepperidge Farm somehow

The way he describes it just sounds like his family were thrifty rich people and he decided to really extend how far that really went. What a horse's patoot.

He has no stories of his dad hitting him for stealing change money when he's starving. Or of being left outside a casino or a dealer's house like a Chris Stanley.



It is also half the size as regular bread and breaks apart when you try to spread anything on it.

I'm not saying it's good, but it's certainly not for poor people.

I'm a potato bread fan, myself.

I liked it. My grandma used to buy it. I always thought of it as old people bread as opposed to poor people bread.

And if you keep folding, it keeps breaking.

Oh you don't even need to fold it to end up with a handful of crumbs.

He also told a story about how he had to scrape up change and couldn't do anything then proceeded to tell about how he enjoyed sailing

He's very rich now, and also he's stupid. He has no concept of what being poor actually is. He grew up middle class to upper middle class. But since he didn't have all the luxuries of rich people, he thinks that means he was poor.

He's everything to everyone.

Opie has no fucking clue what working class poverty is.

His parents bought him a car in high school, "but not, like, a new car!" That implies that either Opie was the favorite, or the Hughes family bought cars for all seven of their kids.

My family isn't poor, but they didn't buy cars for their two kids, let alone seven like Opie's rich-ass family. He has no concept of the financial realities of the average joe.

he caddied for a summer then went to college and did radio ever since. Howard had more of a working class childhood than him.

Howard had waaaaaaaayyyy more of a "working class" upbringing. Roosevelt,LI is pretty fucking rough.


Except for the fact his family moved from there to upper middle class rockville centre when he was 15, but he always conveniently leaves that little detail out. Hoo hoo

howard invented the working class hoo hoo


Howard went to an all black school

Opie called a black guy the N-Word, but meant nigga. That's a believable story.

Ant actually brought it up in greggshells pt 2, that the town he grew up in on Long Island is upper middle class and implying that opie was too. He did attend private basketball camp. I've floated the idea before that it was probably very exaggerated or the difference between having parents that were careful with money vs parents with no money. Caddying isn't a real job, it would seem like most of them went to college, and he's never had any real poverty stories. Anyone remember what Old Man Hughes did besides get broadsided pulling out of the drive way?

His dead dad was a serial entrepreneur

Who was he? Cap'n crunch or sumpthin? tsss

Haha, yeah but did anyone call him out to his face?

Patrice did once, but I lost the clip. All I remember is that it involved Gregg talking about how he used to get peaches that came in a white can that said "PEACHES" on it.

Here it is


Claims he was extremely poor growing up to try and fit in. Patrice and Ant try to call him on his horseshit but the greggshells start cracking. Meanwhile, if you check his high-school yearbook he list skiing and yachting as some of his likes.

Opie even grunts out of frustration at 14:39. He just had to prove that he could relate to a black guy and a working class guinea.

Did he buy his groceries from They Live?

Of all the generic products to bitch about getting, and he goes with fruit, go with cereal at the least.


Anyone remember what Old Man Hughes did besides get broadsided pulling out of the drive way?

wow that made me laugh

He was a brassiere salesman.

The distinction that Opie is either too dumb to recognize or just lies about is that his parents may have been cheap, but they weren’t poor.

There’s a difference between being cheap and being poor.

Didn't he say once that on Christmas they'd have so many presents they couldn't get in the room? That don't sound cheap to me. Opie's just a spoiled brat.

I really just meant if we give him the benefit of the doubt that not everything he said about his childhood is a complete fabrication ie store brand foods, his father's makeshift repairs, etc.

Those kind of things could point to his family being cheap but still having enough money to own a big house in a nice neighborhood.

I think the word you're looking for is frugal. Ain't nothing wrong with buying store brand food.

When I was a poor kid growing up in the ghetto my parents couldn't even afford to buy their bread from a FAWKIN' bistro, like normal people do. Also we took our lunch to school in cement bags -- that's what the poors do, right?

Especially when you've got 9 fucking mouths to feed. 9 meals consisting of store-brand food is still expensive.

All you need to know is that Opie is a miserable multimillionaire, COMPLETELY oblivious to the charmed life he has had for nearly all of his adult life. That's a textbook sign of a "spoiled" person. He's never had it rough, and therefore has no idea of what it's like to live in -- or near -- poverty.

His "hard times" barometer is absolute shit. Otherwise, you'd think he'd be at least A LITTLE thankful for his blessed life and wouldn't be such a whiny and miserable cunt.

not at all, except when ant did gregshells 2, i always suspected he was full of shit. A lot of entertainers, comics especially, ALWAYS exaggerate their pain and childhood... maybe they wanna seem deep n brooding but i always sense when theyre lying.

I suspect his old man lost lots of money on the electric shock therapy on his mom...and Opie.

Didn't he say his house was on a major highway in Long Island? His dad got hit pulling out of their driveway or something.

What highway I'm curious of the area.

If he's from Centerport, the most major highway in the area is state route 25A.

That's a nice area. Couple country clubs, marinas, beaches, big houses with larger sized lots.

Must have been rough.

As someone who grew up with money I can understand why he feels like he needs to say this shit and why it is so stupid when he does. I can guarantee that when he was a caddy he knew almost every one of the kids he caddied for outside of the club and was on friendly terms with them all except for the one or two kids that were massive cunts. Guess what Opie? None of the other member kids liked those two cunts either. Also, I don't know about his club but at mine only members are allowed to hire caddies so if a foursome of members kids wanted to golf they couldn't have a caddy even if they wanted one. Nearly every other club I have been to has a similar rule in place. So unless every kid he came across was a dick to him in front of their parents that story is hogshit. And if it did happen and he repeatedly agreed to caddy for them it is his own fault for being a punked out bitch. He can say no I don't want to take this loop and someone else would take his place. It is far more likely that he was shit on by other caddies. The caddy yard can get pretty fucked up.

Don't forget his claim that he "grew up ghetto", also from the same broadcast. Then proceeded to tell his bully story that began with, "So we were coming from swimming lessons one day..."

I think someone called him on it once when he was describing what a treat Wonder bread was at some other kids house because all he had was Pepperidge Farm. They said isn't Wonder bread a lot cheaper than Pepperidge Farm?

He claimed his mom would buy expired Pepperidge Farm somehow

He's everything to everyone.

He's very rich now, and also he's stupid. He has no concept of what being poor actually is. He grew up middle class to upper middle class. But since he didn't have all the luxuries of rich people, he thinks that means he was poor.