Look guys, Opie had nothing to do with Ant firing and for you to blame him is not only just so ridiculous but also extremely strange to me, period.

0  2015-12-15 by [deleted]



I want to suck your tits opie. God you're a bodacious bimbo. I'll get you some wine coolers and fuck your milk factories while I play Def Leppard on the cassette deck

What are some of them deep tracks? We got Pour Some Sugar on Me in the system?

You know the drummer still only has one arm...why can't they figure that out?

You know...now that I think about it...the world would be a perfect place if people could just figure that shit out.

Edit: I meant like ALL the shit ya know...it's like..eh...whatever

You say odd shit to people, dude.

Nothing to do with him firing off racist tweets and making up lies about black people? You're darn skippy.
