Burr was great today

0  2015-12-15 by dflorio

But he was on Opie Radio so it sucked right?


If a tree falls in the Opie Radio forest, and no one is listening, does it make a sound?

A breast jiggles


Does it speak to Burrs brilliance or Oqie and Sherrods awfulness that Bill is actually better in a room by himself? Without those two imbeciles actively slowing down any sort of funny momentum he might be getting on.

Burr whaddya cold or sumpthin

WiiillllliaAaAmMM haaAAaAs bRRooooWWnNn hAaaAiiiIIRrR.

aaaAAaAapRElLL fELLs

I'm a TACS subscriber and you guys make him hateable.

Tacs whaddya step on a buncha tacs and your feet hurt or sumpthinn

Atacs? What are you fighting or sumpthin.

Fawkin' home run!

Take us out e rock!

kill yourself

Fuck you.


A breast jiggles