Opie somehow managed to keep Gilbert Gottfried quiet.

57  2015-12-15 by LouieBeanz

Listening to his appearance with Tits and the Shine today, I couldn't believe how subdued and disinterested Gilbert was; at one point early on, Tits even noticed, "Gilbert's just staring at us". I think he must have felt a little embarrassed to be there, as well as feeling absolutely no comedic connection to anyone in the room. Contrasting that with Gilbert's appearance later in the day on Ant's show, it's night and day. It reminds me of when Norm MacDonald would go on Leno and Jay would no-sell Norm's jokes/stories; meanwhile, Letterman knew how to play off of Norm's persona perfectly.

Tl;dr: Opie is a horrible interviewer, and Sherrod Small is hack.


Tits and the Shine

Holy lol, well done, sir.

The Tits and Moon Cricket Show

The Tits and Moon Cricket Show

The Tits and Moon Cricket Show

The Tits and Moon Cricket Show.

The Tits and Moon Cricket Show.

The Tits and Moon Cricket Show.

Like Esther said its just easier to do Ant's show. Its impossible to get a flow going when you are working with hacks. When Gilbert was on last time he had Norton and I think Pete to work with and now you see the future without Jimmy. Can't blame Gilbert, Tits! He proved he was more than capable with talent engaging him, you are just awful Gregg, please give up and die a slow painful death for all the bullshit we had to endure with your worthlessness.

Gilbert said on TACS, it was like leaving Bud Abbot's show and doing Lou Costello's.

Aaaannd.... you'll never see Gilbert on O&J again.

I tend to think that was already decided by Gilbert.


No chemistry or maybe Gilbert is just 'not that close' anymore?

No, he'll just never be invited back and Opie will periodically whine that Gilbert never does the show anymore.

She retard

I think Opie may ignore it like he does with most things when he's backed into a corner. The fact that Gilbert is banned from Howard means that Opie wants him, though Gilbert may just not want to ever go back on Tit's dreck show.

That's fine. Let Tits drain the show of anything good, out of sheer spite.

the show passed Gilbert by. Gilbert has to admit that and just let it go

I'm not old enough to remember those people. What exactly does that line means?

Abbott was the straight man and Costello was the silly one.


But Costello had the tits.

You don't have to be elderly to know who fuckin Abbott and Costello are.


Unlike the rest of us 90-somethings

I met Groucho Marx too.

I love this line but abbot did some great work and it is an insult

Abbot and Costello were a very well rehearsed, professional comedy team. Bud understood his role and never would have left to go be funny on his own.

He never would have whined like a little bitch because he wasn't getting the laughs.

Yeah Abbot actually set up costello, instead of pouting when Costello didn't get that the guy's name is Who.


Costello: But what's his name?


Costello: .....dammit

Have you listened to Gilbert's podcast? Nobody reveres the old-school vaudeville acts more than Gilbert. There's no way it was said as an insult to Bud Abbot.

I heard the line and I think you're probably right, unfortunately.


I take back what I said about Gilbert on his last appearance on OJ. He fucking KILLED on TACS. He works so much better with just Ant than with both Ope and Sherrod.

Also fuck Sherrod why is he STILL 3rd mic? He's a blithering fool. Opie makes banal/generic comment/lie, Sherrod answers with "yeah money/nigga", "that's the way it goes" or some other dumb, meaningless catchphrase, *both fake laugh, Sherrod inhales like he's being choked to death (as he should).

It's pretty great that Opie does all the heavy lifting for our criticism just by existing. We have it too easy.

I stopped reading after Tits and the Shine, there's no way anything you wrote after that could hold up to the title of the new show. Someone get to shopping some logos together pronto.

Maybe if they changed the show acronym to Ts jimmy would be engaged more.

Opie has to be paying Sherrod at this point. I bet you Opie plans to replace Jimmy with Sherrod next October & then the hilarity will ensue!

Haven't heard Gilbert on TACS yet, but he has also been great on Ron and Fez in the past. Who exactly does Opie have chemistry with?

Who exactly does Opie have chemistry with?

Philly crew, Brother Wease, & 90s teenagers.

Brother Wease sucks so much.

I just got irritated hearing the name Brither Wease because I remember anytime anyone used to mention Rochester for any reason, Opie would interrupt them & say ME: "The home of Brother Wease! Anytime you mention Rochester you have to say the home of Brother Wease." Maybe when Wease finally kicks the bucket That will be Opies demise. Opie will turn into Mike Tyson when Cus died & Spiral out of control until he's laying next to Lady Di but in worst shape.

Or every time Jocktober rolled he'd have to stop the fun to beg the other guys to lay off Terry clifford...

There are no more 90s teenagers, so you're right.

So anyone with deep insecurities about how "cool" they look to the people around them

and Sherrod Small is hack.

..for a moment there, I thought it said black.


The first thing Opie did was bring up an ESPN Buffalo Bills documentary he saw, a topic everyone kept changing from but he brought up consistently during the show

Yeah it was awkward and pathetic, Gilbert doesn't like football and Opie has little to no ability to take on other subjects.

Opie seems obsessed with Stern but did practically nothing with the guy that spun fucking radio gold for him for decades, good job!

I am cancelling XM at the end of the month.

Jimmy wasn't there?

He was great, his first appearance.

Did you hear Bill Burr go after Sharrod? Sharrod shit his pants after Burr called him out for saying that Trump was Bill's man. No ability to think on his feet or defend his ramblings.

Wait he said "Gilbert's just staring at us"? Cause Gilbert Gottfried, famous comedian, is known for just sitting there. You get famous by being a boring nothing right? I'm sure it's him. Or MAYBE.....MAYBE you just suck Opie.


I thought it was the Tits and Token Show?

Norm on conan is great too.

Norm on conan is great too.

Norm on conan is great too.

Norm on conan is great too.


It took a bit but he was great on Opieradio yesterday actually. The weird thing was he was having the 'chemistry' with Opie and not the stand up comic in the room.


Gilbert isn't a guy who will carry a show, like Patrice or Burr - he reacts, he doesn't instigate. But if you get him riffing, he won't stop - and that's where he shines. Gregg has no clue what to do with someone like that. I'm kind of disappointed, I was hoping he'd go off on a tear using "We're not close anymore" or something, that's what he does.

He was fine on Opie's Morning Zoo, actually.

I always listen a day behind, so i read this stuff before listening, and 99% of the time it's just nonsense. Opie and Sherrod were talking about Opies shitty mum for like 30 seconds, and Gilbert sat quietly before Opie joked 'Gilberts just staring at us' and they moved on ....

Please help. What does Tits and the Shine mean?

it means you stick your head in the oven and take a nap