Dothead faggot nobody shits on Anthony

0  2015-12-14 by bizzlbone


Aziz Ansari has really let himself go.

I'm just sitting here waiting for him to announce where he's going to be dropping Rupees later this week

dude delete this thread. i started this video before a game of lol and had no time to close it immediatly. guys like that morph reality as they see fit. he says he will despute all of anthonys arguments. he disputes NONE. he falls into every logical fallacy there is and is so cocky about it its enraging. but there is no reasoning with those people. They will always exist and the best you can do is to ignore them

What do you mean 'THOSE PEOPLE' Huh crackah?

Or harass him in large numbers on social media.

You're right but there is no question that Ant is a racist.

Except nowadays racism means anything from "I don't think Beyonce is hot" up to and including Genocide

Ant should have this guy on TACS

I wish that did not link straight to that nobodies video- giving that ass clown views has made me queazy!

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

More socialist brain dead whining. I fucking hate commies

This shitskin hajji fuck had the balls to respond to my comment about his commie pinko shit. I had to see his subhuman face on my Google alerts

I can't tell who's winning, you and him are both such losers

Thanks sweetie

Why give this fag the attention he craves?

He's wearing his hood like Opie in that video he made trying to be dramatic, saying he was going to give away money or something.

This may be Opie's relative Osama from the philly crew.

nahhht funny